
The gap between children who "talk back" and "don't talk back" is obvious after 20 years, and parents don't care

author:Carrot mom parenting said

There is a child who likes to talk back, and his parents feel very tired, you say one sentence, he has ten sentences waiting there, let him do one thing, he pushes back and finds all kinds of reasons, as if he is deliberately challenging your authority.

Talking back is probably the most boring behavior of parents in the process of children's growth, as if they want to squeeze out the spirit of their parents, which is an endless grinding war.

The gap between children who "talk back" and "don't talk back" is obvious after 20 years, and parents don't care

The gap between children who "talk back" and "don't talk back" is obvious after 20 years, and parents don't care:

1. Children who talk back show that their parents' education is enlightened

If the child dares to talk back, it must be the education of his parents who gave him courage, if he usually speaks up, and the parents force it down with a tougher attitude, either beating him or scolding the individual for being incomplete, the child may not dare to talk back next time.

But is it really good not to dare to talk back? There is a saying called "the most cruel education is to make children afraid of you", parents become the first person to bully their children, and children will be afraid of others outside, dare not resist, and suffer from themselves.

The gap between children who "talk back" and "don't talk back" is obvious after 20 years, and parents don't care

2. Children who talk back are good at negotiation and dare to defend their own interests

Children who dare to talk back are often articulate, have strong language skills, are good at grasping their parents' loopholes, skillfully fight back, bargain with their parents, and do everything possible to fight for their own interests and requirements.

Children who dare to argue with their parents are more confident, lively, innovative, socially competent, and often surrounded by a large number of friends.

The gap between children who "talk back" and "don't talk back" is obvious after 20 years, and parents don't care

3. Children who talk back are often more assertive

Children talk back and often have their own ideas, but they are different from their parents; Children who love to talk back have clear logical thinking, have their own opinions and ideas, and persuade their parents with reason.

In the back-and-forth arguments, perhaps parents will think that what their children say is right, adopt an open-minded attitude, and do what their children say. Perhaps, after some debate, the child's position is untenable, and he is convinced by the parents' advice, and it is more positive to do so.

The gap between children who "talk back" and "don't talk back" is obvious after 20 years, and parents don't care

How do parents deal with their children's backlash?

1. Remind children of their attitude and way of speaking

Parents remind their children: "Be quieter and speak clearly." ”

This shows an attitude, you can state your position, but pay attention to the way you speak, the tone of proportion, if there is any problem, parents and children can discuss and communicate, and listen to whoever says it right.

The gap between children who "talk back" and "don't talk back" is obvious after 20 years, and parents don't care

2. Don't be drawn by impatience

When children talk back, parents are often very impatient, and they can't stop the car when they are anxious, which turns into a family war. Parents learn to jump out of their irritation, be calm and set an example for their children.

If you are anxious, the child is also anxious; If you are calm and calm, your child will become calm, and your communication with your child is a discussion, not a quarrel.

The gap between children who "talk back" and "don't talk back" is obvious after 20 years, and parents don't care

3. Allowing children to talk back is not letting children go

Allowing children to talk back is to allow children to have their own thoughts and encourage them to express themselves. As for principled issues, there is a bottom line, say it a hundred times, and those who should disagree also disagree, let children know to abide by the rules.

Children who know the rules, know how to be polite, and are measured can win the trust and respect of others in school and society, dare to entrust heavy responsibilities, and are more likely to succeed.

The gap between children who "talk back" and "don't talk back" is obvious after 20 years, and parents don't care

Write at the end

Allowing children to talk back is a kind of respect, but parents should be more principled, so that children dare to fully express their ideas, and can be polite and courteous, neither humble nor arrogant, abide by the rules, and understand the general situation.

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