
Teaser | First Health: Deciphering the Code of Rheumatism and Immune Disease Treatment

author:Qingdao Haici Medical Group

pain, stiffness, swelling,

Rheumatism and immune diseases are quietly coming,

Hidden in the human body, there is an unknown battle

Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, tophi......

The types of diseases are different, complex and changeable,

Acupuncture, acupuncture, shockwaves,

Paying equal attention to Chinese and Western, precision medicine, witnessing the tenacity of life,

A new path to health for rheumatism patients.

"First Health", Haici Medical


Deciphering the code for rheumatism treatment

Qingdao TV Station (QTV-2)

It airs at 10:00 on June 30

It will be rebroadcast at 10:00 on Thursday, July 4

Stay tuned

Teaser | First Health: Deciphering the Code of Rheumatism and Immune Disease Treatment
Teaser | First Health: Deciphering the Code of Rheumatism and Immune Disease Treatment
Teaser | First Health: Deciphering the Code of Rheumatism and Immune Disease Treatment

The Department of Rheumatology of Haici Medical West Branch (Qingdao Fifth People's Hospital) is a key specialty of traditional Chinese medicine in Shandong Province, a diagnosis and treatment center of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in Qingdao, a characteristic specialty in Qingdao, a cooperative unit of rheumatology of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a diagnosis and treatment center for rheumatology and rheumatism and bone diseases in Qingdao, a characteristic specialty of rheumatism in Qingdao with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, an advanced department of traditional Chinese medicine in Qingdao, an excellent department of national characteristic nursing of traditional Chinese medicine, and a demonstration ward of high-quality nursing in Qingdao. Adhere to the development direction of focusing on traditional Chinese medicine and combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine, using traditional Chinese medicine to improve curative effect, reduce the toxic side effects of Western medicine, treat concomitant and comorbid diseases, stabilize the condition, and prevent disease recurrence.

There are gout clinics and acupuncture clinics.

There are 30 open beds in the department.

There are 22 medical staff, including 8 physicians and 16 nurses.

There are 2 chief physicians, 3 deputy chief physicians and 3 attending physicians.

1 National Outstanding TCM Clinical Talent and Shandong Famous TCM Expert.

There are 2 outstanding physicians in Shandong Province.

Li Aimin, director of the Department of Rheumatology of Haici Medical West Campus (Qingdao Fifth People's Hospital), said that if a patient comes to the center for joint pain, the patient does not know whether his condition belongs to the category of rheumatism and the field that the doctor is good at, so he can choose the right doctor. After the visit, the diagnosis and treatment center quickly analyzes what kind of rheumatism-related diseases the joint pain belongs to according to the patient's condition, helps the patient to adapt to the appropriate doctor, and accurately formulates the treatment plan for the patient's joint pain.

Characteristic diagnosis and treatment techniques of traditional Chinese medicine in the department:

The diagnosis and treatment center attaches great importance to the combination of rheumatism and traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation, and common rheumatological diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Sjogren's syndrome and other diseases. For the acute attack of gout, methods such as stabbing and bloodletting, and external application of traditional Chinese medicine are used to quickly relieve redness, swelling, heat and pain; For gout stones caused by chronic gout and refractory gout, water tendon acupuncture treatment is carried out to remove tophi and improve joint function. In the prevention and treatment of rheumatism, it is proposed to focus on both the acute attack period and the asymptomatic remission period, based on the theory of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and provide patients with personalized integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment plans based on the combination of internal and external treatment.

Acupuncture therapy is a new type of therapy developed on the basis of traditional acupuncture, which is a minimally invasive closed release technique between surgical and non-surgical methods by entering the human body in the form of "needle" and exerting the release effect of "knife" in the body. Acupuncture has the advantages of relative simplicity, alleviation of clinical symptoms, safety and no side effects.

Teaser | First Health: Deciphering the Code of Rheumatism and Immune Disease Treatment

A team of experts

Teaser | First Health: Deciphering the Code of Rheumatism and Immune Disease Treatment

Zhu Weiping

Vice President of Haici Medical Group, Academic Leader of the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Chief Physician, Supervisor of Doctoral and Master's Students, National Outstanding Clinical Talent of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Famous Expert of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shandong Province, Outstanding Physician of Shandong Province, Member of the Fifth Standing Committee of the Rheumatology Branch of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Vice Chairman of the Nutrition Professional Committee of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine in China, Chairman of the Rheumatology Professional Committee of Qingdao Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Vice Chairman of the Rheumatology Professional Committee of Shandong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Specialty: Gout, Sjögren's syndrome, fibromyalgia syndrome, immune liver disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, Behcet's disease, psoriasis, lupus, dermatomyositis, ankylosing spondylitis, scleroderma, vitiligo, osteoarthritis, etc., middle-aged and elderly health and male diseases.

Consultation Hours:

Friday Morning (West Campus, Rheumatology Specialist Clinic)

Tuesday morning, Sunday morning (3rd floor, Building A, Main Campus)

Thursday Morning (International TCM Clinic)

Teaser | First Health: Deciphering the Code of Rheumatism and Immune Disease Treatment

Li Aimin

He is also the vice chairman of the Rheumatology Professional Committee of Shandong Provincial Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the vice chairman of the Rheumatology Professional Committee of Qingdao Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the vice chairman of the Rheumatology Professional Committee of Qingdao Medical Association, and the vice chairman of the Rheumatology Professional Committee of Qingdao Medical Association.

Specialty: Combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthropathy, gout, ankylosing spondylitis, heel pain, shoulder pain, Sjögren's syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, postpartum rheumatism, neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain and other rheumatic diseases, acupuncture treatment of various refractory arthritis and incurable internal diseases.

Consultation Hours:

Monday morning, Wednesday morning, Thursday all day (West Campus)

Teaser | First Health: Deciphering the Code of Rheumatism and Immune Disease Treatment

Xu Ning

Deputy Director of the Department of Rheumatology and Deputy Chief Physician of Haici Medical West Campus, graduated from Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a master's degree in Internal Medicine. He is also a member of the Rheumatology Professional Committee of Shandong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a member of the Rheumatology Professional Committee of Qingdao Municipal Committee of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, and a member of the Rheumatology Professional Committee of Qingdao Medical Association. He has edited and co-edited 2 monographs and published more than 10 papers.

Specialty: Traditional Chinese and Western medicine knot treatment rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, ankylosing spondylitis, Sjögren's syndrome, cervical and lumbar spine diseases and other rheumatic immune system diseases.

Consultation Hours:

Friday All Day (West Campus)

Teaser | First Health: Deciphering the Code of Rheumatism and Immune Disease Treatment

Source: QTV Health