
Discipline Recommendation | Municipal Key Disciplines: Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing and Preparation Center

author:Qingdao Haici Medical Group

Municipal key disciplines

Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing and Preparation Center

The Chinese Medicine Processing and Preparation Center of the Chinese Herbal Medicine Pharmacy of Qingdao Haici Medical Group is a national tertiary laboratory of traditional Chinese medicine preparations, a standing member unit of the Chinese Medicine Processing Professional Committee of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and has been approved as a key discipline in Qingdao for three consecutive times, the Chinese Medicine Professional Committee of the Shandong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Chinese Medicine Processing Professional Committee, the Chinese Medicine Preparation Professional Committee, the Plaster Professional Committee, the Vice Chairman Unit of the Chinese Medicine Experimental Pharmacology Professional Committee, and the Chairman Unit of the Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical Affairs Professional Committee of the Qingdao Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The construction unit of Shandong Province Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing Technology Inheritance Base, and the affiliated unit of Qingdao Traditional Chinese Medicine Quality Control Center.

Talent team

Discipline Recommendation | Municipal Key Disciplines: Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing and Preparation Center

There are 55 pharmacy professionals in the department. There are 2 master's supervisors, 1 national inheritor of traditional Chinese medicine characteristic technology, 1 provincial teacher, and 2 municipal teachers;

7 have master's degree and 46 have bachelor's degree;

There are 2 senior technical titles, 6 deputy senior technical titles, and 26 intermediate technical titles, which have laid a good talent foundation for the development of the department.

There are 4 standing committees, members and youth members of national societies, 5 vice chairmen, standing committee members and members of provincial societies, and 2 chairmen, vice chairmen and more than 10 members of municipal societies.

Department services

Discipline Recommendation | Municipal Key Disciplines: Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing and Preparation Center

Traditional Chinese medicine processing: Relying on the construction project of the traditional Chinese medicine processing technology inheritance base in Shandong Province, we will deeply explore the characteristic processing technology of famous and old Chinese medicine practitioners and family inheritance in the island city, collect processing equipment, sort out the processing ideas of famous doctors and experts, and determine the research direction of marine drug processing.

Traditional Chinese medicine preparations: 3,000 square meters of preparation room expanded and reconstructed, and 14 dosage forms of self-made preparations in the hospital were produced; Organize and summarize the laboratory research of the clinical department's agreed prescriptions for preparation filing, declaration and research and development.

Identification of traditional Chinese medicine: Under the leadership of the veteran pharmacist with more than 50 years of experience in the identification of decoction pieces and the acceptance team of national traditional Chinese medicine characteristic inheritance talents, the identification ability of traditional Chinese medicine professional and technical personnel in the department has been significantly improved.

TCM Pharmaceutical Administration: Relying on the Qingdao TCM Pharmaceutical Affairs Professional Committee and the TCM Quality Control Center, the TCM pharmaceutical management of the tertiary first-class TCM hospital will be extended to medical institutions at all levels in Qingdao to improve the professional management ability and level.

Department subspecialty

Discipline Recommendation | Municipal Key Disciplines: Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing and Preparation Center

The purpose of the department is to ensure the supply of drugs, ensure the quality of drugs, let patients use assured drugs, and provide patients with high-quality, efficient and satisfactory pharmaceutical services.

The department has set up outpatient Chinese herbal medicine room, ward Chinese herbal medicine room, decoction center, Chinese herbal medicine bank, ointment center (including concentrated decoction and individualized drug processing), broken wall Chinese medicine decoction piece pharmacy, formula granule pharmacy (two) and other departments. Provide a full range of pharmacy services to meet the diverse drug needs of patients.

The department has set up a medication consultation window: any questions about Chinese medicine decoction pieces can be consulted at the window, and the pharmacist will give answers;

Set up a special window for SF Express: Chinese herbal decoction pieces, decoction substitutes, ointments, water pills, thick decoctions, etc. can choose the "one-click order, express delivery to home" service;

Open the WeChat public account of "Haici Chinese Herbal Medicine": science popularization, express delivery services, medication consultation, etc., to ensure the safety and effectiveness of patients' medication, so that hospital pharmacy can better serve health.

Open a 24-hour service hotline: answer patients' questions in a timely manner.

Scientific research and teaching

presided over or undertaken more than 10 provincial, ministerial and municipal scientific research projects;

He has published more than 10 SCI articles, more than 10 Chinese core journals, 4 monographs and 2 patents;

He has won six third prizes of Science and Technology Award of Shandong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

He is responsible for the classroom teaching and internship teaching of undergraduates of Qingdao University School of Medicine and Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as the clinical teaching of doctors and master's students in traditional Chinese medicine.

Achievements and honors

The department was awarded the "Qingdao Youth Civilization" and "Worker Pioneer";

In 2018, he won the first and second prizes of the 6th Qingdao "Health Cup" Traditional Chinese Medicine Skills Competition;

Won the "Bian Que Cup" Shandong Province Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge and Skills Competition Traditional Chinese Medicine Group Excellence Award;

Won the first prize of the 2023 "On the Sword - Pharmaceutical Service Classic Case Selection - Qingdao Division Competition";

Many people were awarded Qingdao "Youth Post Expert" and "38 Red Flag Bearer";

1 person was awarded the Shandong Provincial Gold Medal Medicinal Diet Guidance Award;

It has been rated as an advanced collective of the hospital for many times.

A team of experts

Discipline Recommendation | Municipal Key Disciplines: Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing and Preparation Center

Bai Xiaoying

Chief Pharmacist

Director of the Pharmacy Department of the Group. Chief pharmacist, concurrently a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese Medicine Processing Branch of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a member of the Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical Engineering Branch of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the vice chairman of the Chinese Medicine Branch of the Shandong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the vice chairman of the Experimental Pharmacology Branch of the Shandong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine; He is the vice chairman of the Chinese Medicine Preparation Professional Committee of the Shandong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the vice chairman of the Chinese Medicine Processing Branch of the Shandong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the standing member of the Medical Institution Preparation Professional Committee of the Shandong Association of Integrative Traditional and Western Medicine. He has presided over three provincial and municipal scientific research projects, participated in six provincial and municipal projects and science and technology projects to benefit the people, won four third prizes of Shandong Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Award, published more than ten papers, and edited and participated in the compilation of six monographs.

Discipline Recommendation | Municipal Key Disciplines: Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing and Preparation Center

Zhang Yunli

Chief Pharmacist

Deputy Director of the Chinese Herbal Medicine Pharmacy of the Pharmacy Department of the Group, Chief Pharmacist, Master Tutor and Part-time Associate Professor of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Traditional Chinese Medicine Characteristic Technology Inheritance Talent, Qingdao Medical and Health Excellent Discipline Leader (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Member of the Prescription Dosage and Efficacy Branch of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Member of the Chinese Medicine Processing Branch, Vice Chairman of the Plaster Formula Professional Committee of the Shandong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Standing Member of the Chinese Medicine Preparation Professional Committee of the Shandong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Standing Member of the Professional Committee of Experimental Pharmacology of Chinese Medicine, Member of the Chinese Medicine Branch, Secretary-General of Qingdao Medicinal Diet Research Association, Vice Chairman of Pharmacy Professional Committee of Qingdao Pharmaceutical Association.

Discipline Recommendation | Municipal Key Disciplines: Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing and Preparation Center

Liu Liting

Deputy Chief Pharmacist

Deputy Chief Pharmacist of the Chinese Herbal Medicine Pharmacy of the Pharmacy Department of the Group, Secretary of Qingdao Traditional Chinese Medicine Quality Control Center, Secretary of the Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical Committee of Qingdao Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He is also a youth member of the Chinese Medicinal Chemistry Branch of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a member of the Plaster Formula Professional Committee of the Shandong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a director of the Qingdao Medicinal Diet Society, and an external lecturer of Qingdao Health School in Shandong Province. He has won the honors of Qingdao Youth Post Expert, Qingdao Worker Pioneer, Qingdao 38 Red Flag Bearer, and Hospital Advanced Worker. Participated in the Qingdao "Health Cup" Vocational Skills Competition and won the first prize. Participated in various popular science lectures, won the second prize of "Health Science Popularization in China", and Qingdao Radio and Television Excellent Free Clinic Expert. He presided over 1 provincial-level project and participated in 1 municipal-level project. He has published 3 papers and 2 books.

Discipline Recommendation | Municipal Key Disciplines: Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing and Preparation Center

Yu Shuang

Deputy Chief Pharmacist

Deputy Chief Pharmacist of the Chinese Herbal Medicine Pharmacy of the Pharmacy Department of the Group, Master of Medicine, and concurrently a youth member of the Experimental Pharmacology Branch of Chinese Medicine of the China Association of Chinese Medicine, his main research direction is Chinese medicine pharmacology and pharmacology. Responsible for the preparation inspection, as the first person in charge, undertake two scientific research projects, complete a final appraisal, participate in five subject research, and publish more than ten papers.

Discipline Recommendation | Municipal Key Disciplines: Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing and Preparation Center

Chen Jing

Deputy Chief Pharmacist

Deputy Chief Pharmacist of the Chinese Herbal Medicine Pharmacy of the Pharmacy Department of the Group, Master of Pharmacy, Outstanding Young Medical Talent of Qingdao Medical and Health Traditional Chinese Medicine, Successor of the Fifth Grade of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shandong Province, Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicine Committee of Qingdao Pharmaceutical Association, Member of the Chinese Medicine Preparation Professional Committee of Shandong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Member of the Chinese Medicine Processing Professional Committee of Shandong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Specialty: Chinese medicine pharmacology, medicinal properties, processing, preparation and other professional fields of traditional Chinese medicine. He is familiar with the composition and efficacy of Chinese herbal medicines, and is good at identification, processing, preparation, quality control and other aspects of Chinese herbal medicines. He is good at reasonably applying it to clinical treatment according to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, and providing patients with safe and effective traditional Chinese medicine preparations.