
Face! Li Liqun's latest response is that he will not come to the mainland to film again, and he has repeatedly emphasized his position!

author:Dosha said something

Taiwanese veteran actor Li Liqun recently announced his retirement from the mainland entertainment industry, saying that he would permanently settle in Taiwan.

Recently, 92-year-old Li Liqun repeatedly emphasized on social media that he would not return to the mainland to film, saying that "sticking to Taiwan" is just because the house cannot be sold.

Face! Li Liqun's latest response is that he will not come to the mainland to film again, and he has repeatedly emphasized his position!

Li Liqun's attachment to Taiwan's homeland is obvious, and he said in the video that although the mainland is of great significance to him, Taiwan is his eternal home. He also revealed that he sold his house in Shanghai during the epidemic and now lives a simple life in Taiwan. Li Liqun's contribution to the mainland cannot be ignored, but he hopes to spend his old age in his hometown.

Face! Li Liqun's latest response is that he will not come to the mainland to film again, and he has repeatedly emphasized his position!

Early life

The 60s of the last century: Li Liqun made a small achievement in Taiwan's local TV series.

Mid-70s: Moved to Hong Kong, but his career stalled, and finally went north to the mainland to work hard.

Mainland development

Over the years, Li Liqun has developed in the mainland, playing various roles, from migrant workers to bosses, from positive roles to supporting roles, and has accumulated a wide range of drama and popularity.

Before the pandemic: I bought a luxury house in Shanghai, but it was poorly decorated, so that I could live comfortably in the mainland.

Face! Li Liqun's latest response is that he will not come to the mainland to film again, and he has repeatedly emphasized his position!

Return to Taiwan

During the epidemic: Li Liqun sold his house in Shanghai and decided to return to Taiwan to settle down.

After returning to Taiwan: He announced his retirement from the mainland entertainment industry on social media, saying that he would "stick to Taiwan" and explain that it was only because the house could not be sold.

Face! Li Liqun's latest response is that he will not come to the mainland to film again, and he has repeatedly emphasized his position!

Recent developments

Within half a year: Li Liqun shared his life in Taiwan on social media, living a simple and stable life, mainly feeding cats, doing housework, and drinking with old friends.

Recent video: He said that the mainland is very good to him, but Taiwan is his home, and he will not go to the mainland for long-term development, at most it is just a formality.

Face! Li Liqun's latest response is that he will not come to the mainland to film again, and he has repeatedly emphasized his position!

Cause controversy

A few years ago: Li Liqun was abused by netizens for his remarks of "stubbornly defending Taiwan", and it was later clarified that he was taken out of context by reporters.

Recently: once again emphasized that he would not return to the mainland to film, which aroused heated discussions among netizens, some people understood his feelings, and some accused him of being a "traitor".

Face! Li Liqun's latest response is that he will not come to the mainland to film again, and he has repeatedly emphasized his position!

Details of the incident

Li Liqun, a veteran Taiwanese actor, developed in Taiwan and Hong Kong in his early years, and later achieved great success in the mainland, playing many roles, accumulating a wide range of drama and popularity.

During the pandemic, he sold his house in Shanghai and decided to return to Taiwan to settle down.

On social media, he announced his retirement from the mainland entertainment industry, saying that he would "stick to Taiwan" and explain that it was only because the house could not be sold.

After returning to Taiwan, he lived a simple life, mainly feeding cats, doing housework, and having drinks with old friends.

Although the mainland treats him well, he said that Taiwan is his home and he will not go to the mainland for long-term development.

Face! Li Liqun's latest response is that he will not come to the mainland to film again, and he has repeatedly emphasized his position!
Face! Li Liqun's latest response is that he will not come to the mainland to film again, and he has repeatedly emphasized his position!

Li Liqun's return to life

After Li Liqun returned to Taiwan, life became simple and peaceful. His video content shows that his home in Taiwan is simple, but he is at ease, enjoying feeding the cats, doing chores and having drinks with old friends. He was content with this peaceful life, believing that a small house, a bed, and a quilt were enough, and no longer pursued a luxurious life.

Face! Li Liqun's latest response is that he will not come to the mainland to film again, and he has repeatedly emphasized his position!

Li Liqun's voice and explanation

On social media, Li Liqun repeatedly explained his remarks of "sticking to Taiwan", saying that it was only because the house he bought could not be sold, and it had no other political implications. He emphasized that he was over 90 years old and could not go to the mainland to film anymore because his physical condition did not allow it. He has a deep affection for Taiwan, his family and friends are here, and this is his roots.

Face! Li Liqun's latest response is that he will not come to the mainland to film again, and he has repeatedly emphasized his position!

Netizens' reactions and discussions

Li Liqun's remarks once again sparked a heated discussion among netizens. Some people understand his mood and think that it is understandable for an elderly man to choose to return to his hometown and spend his old age in peace; There were also those who expressed dissatisfaction with his decision and even called him a "traitor". However, more netizens recognized his contributions to the mainland, believing that he had made important contributions to the mainland's film and television industry and should be respected.

Face! Li Liqun's latest response is that he will not come to the mainland to film again, and he has repeatedly emphasized his position!

Li Liqun's feelings and future plans

Although he decided not to return to the mainland for long-term development, Li Liqun is still full of emotion about his friends in the mainland and his past experiences. He said that after the epidemic is completely over, he still wants to go to the mainland to see his old friends and relive the journey of art in the past. Li Liqun lamented that without the support of these old friends, he would not have been able to achieve such great achievements in the mainland.

Face! Li Liqun's latest response is that he will not come to the mainland to film again, and he has repeatedly emphasized his position!


Li Liqun, as a veteran Taiwanese actor who is widely popular in the mainland, has finally achieved great success in the mainland after years of hard work and hard work.

However, as he grew older, he chose to return to his hometown and enjoy a simple and stable life.

Although his decision has sparked heated discussions among netizens, his deep affection for the mainland and Taiwan cannot be ignored. Li Liqun hopes to spend his old age in Taiwan, which I think is worthy of respect! What do you think?

Face! Li Liqun's latest response is that he will not come to the mainland to film again, and he has repeatedly emphasized his position!

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