
On July 15th, if conditions permit, it is recommended to eat more than 3 kinds of Fuyang vegetables, and smoothly pass the Futian

author:Talk about food moments

After entering July, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, but the work has to continue, life has to continue, and it is already tired enough at ordinary times, at this time, coupled with the influence of the weather, it will make people feel more tired, and even fatigue, so at this time, you must not be sloppy in your diet, especially if men are working hard, you must eat a little good. As the saying goes, "there is no disease in summer", the body is weak, and you must know how to replenish yang qi.

On July 15th, if conditions permit, it is recommended to eat more than 3 kinds of Fuyang vegetables, and smoothly pass the Futian

Dog days are the hottest stage of the year, before entering the dog days, we must take care of our bodies, so that we can be more energetic, so that after the ambush, we will not have a summer slump, our legs and feet will be more energetic, and if we are energetic, we will have the spirit to do everything.

On July 15th, if conditions permit, it is recommended to eat more than 3 kinds of Fuyang vegetables, and smoothly pass the Futian

There is an old saying in our local area called "do not make up for the front, suffer in the middle", in addition, the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing" also says: "Spring and summer to raise yang, autumn and winter to raise yin". On July 15th, if conditions permit, it is recommended to eat more than 3 kinds of Fuyang vegetables, and smoothly pass the Futian.

1. Pigeon soup

Pigeon is a good yang food, pigeon meat is rich in protein, calcium, iron, a variety of vitamins, so in the summer when it is relatively weak, you might as well come to a pigeon, whether it is stewed, or made to roast pigeon, the taste is quite good.

On July 15th, if conditions permit, it is recommended to eat more than 3 kinds of Fuyang vegetables, and smoothly pass the Futian

1. Choose fresh pigeons, the price is relatively low, and its meat is relatively firm, and the stewed soup is extremely delicious.

2. The pigeon we can chop it, or we can choose to put the whole one into the casserole, followed by a little ginger, if there is angelica at home, you can also have some angelica, but generally use some ginger slices.

On July 15th, if conditions permit, it is recommended to eat more than 3 kinds of Fuyang vegetables, and smoothly pass the Futian

3. Pour an appropriate amount of water into the casserole, then start to stew, when it is soft, add a little salt, season it, and you can eat.

2. Braised duck

Duck is also a kind of food suitable for eating in summer, its taste is quite good, and the umami is relatively sufficient, when we make it, we must pay attention to choosing the old duck to do, so that the taste will reach a best.

On July 15th, if conditions permit, it is recommended to eat more than 3 kinds of Fuyang vegetables, and smoothly pass the Futian

1. Choose an old hemp duck, clean it, chop it into small pieces, and then blanch it, after blanching, wash it and set aside, and some ginger slices and cinnamon, star anise, bay leaves and green peppercorns, as well as grass fruits.

2. Put the duck into the oil pan and stir-fry, stir-fry it until fragrant, add the prepared seasoning, add a little salt, soy sauce and white wine and stir-fry until fragrant, then put in boiling water and pour it into the pressure cooker.

3. Generally press for about 18 minutes, at this time, the duck meat is already cooked, then start another pot, put in vegetable oil to heat, put in garlic, if you like to eat chili, you can have some chili peppers at this time, and then pour in the pressed duck and cook it.

4. Cook over high heat, start seasoning, add chicken powder, then collect the juice, after it is fully cooked, we can have some coriander, so that you can eat.

3. Garlic oysters

Oysters, known as a man's gas station, its nutritional value, naturally do not need too much introduction, rich protein, as well as smooth and tender taste, eat in the mouth, full of umami, the key is that cooking is relatively simple.

On July 15th, if conditions permit, it is recommended to eat more than 3 kinds of Fuyang vegetables, and smoothly pass the Futian

1. Clean the oysters, we can choose larger oysters, so that they will be more enjoyable to eat, and we should be careful not to get hurt when we deal with them.

On July 15th, if conditions permit, it is recommended to eat more than 3 kinds of Fuyang vegetables, and smoothly pass the Futian

2. Prepare a little more garlic, peel and crush it, beat it into minced garlic, and then put it in the pot to fry.

3. After stir-frying, if you like to eat chili, you can add a little millet spicy when mixing, if you don't eat spicy, just put in the prepared minced garlic.

On July 15th, if conditions permit, it is recommended to eat more than 3 kinds of Fuyang vegetables, and smoothly pass the Futian

4. After the water boils, put it in the pot, start steaming, and when it is fully cooked, take it out, so that a dish of garlic oysters is complete.

Before July 15th, we have to take care of our body and replenish the body's yang energy, so we can choose to eat more of these three, especially for men, if the body feels weak, we should eat more, so as to enhance our physique, but also let us smoothly survive the heavens.