
What is the twenty-seventh day of May tomorrow? Reminder: 1 don't go, 2 don't touch, 3 to eat, safe into June

author:Talk about food moments

May is nearing the end, in fact, we can also understand that the "poisonous month" is nearing the end, according to the folk saying, the fifth month of the lunar calendar is called the "poisonous month". In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Wang Chong's "On Heng and Yan Poison" recorded: "Fu poison, the heat of the sun, the fire of the sun, all things in the world, those born with the sun's gas, are poisonous." This is also an important reason why people regard May as the Poison Month.

What is the twenty-seventh day of May tomorrow? Reminder: 1 don't go, 2 don't touch, 3 to eat, safe into June

From our current point of view, May has more rain, and the humidity is relatively large, the rainfall is more concentrated, and poisonous snakes and poisonous insects are also easy to infest, in such an environment, it is indeed a poisonous month, so tomorrow's May 27 is one of the days of the poisonous month, what does it say?

What is the twenty-seventh day of May tomorrow? Reminder: 1 don't go, 2 don't touch, 3 to eat, safe into June

Tomorrow May 廿七啥日子?

Before understanding this day, we know that the month it is in is the poison month, that is, the fifth month of the lunar calendar, and in the poison month, there are some special days, which are called "poison days", such as the Dragon Boat Festival, which is called "poison moon poison day", then May twenty-seven, is also the "poison moon poison day".

What is the twenty-seventh day of May tomorrow? Reminder: 1 don't go, 2 don't touch, 3 to eat, safe into June

According to folk records: in the "Poison Month", it is divided into "Nine Poison Days", and the times are the fifth, sixth, seventh, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, and twenty-seventh days of the fifth lunar month. The fifth day of the fifth month of May is the first day of poison, and the twenty-seventh day is the end of the day of poison.

Chinese have always emphasized that there is a beginning and an end, so on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, and the twenty-seventh day of May of the lunar calendar, among these two days, there is a lot of attention, and these other days are also called "heaven and earth and nine poison days".

What is the twenty-seventh day of May tomorrow? Reminder: 1 don't go, 2 don't touch, 3 to eat, safe into June

In the Ganzhi calendar, the twenty-seventh day of May is also the day of the first month of the first year of Gengwu, and the Tiangan Ding represents the yin fire, symbolizing the soft fire, the small fire, the starlight, the lamp, etc., and generally represents hope, smoothness and perfection in the prediction; The earth branch Mao, the five elements of the feminine wood, represents the weak grass, trees and vines. Umu represents all objects with the nature of wood, symbolizing vitality, vitality, and hope. Mao is also the meaning of Mao, which refers to all things Mao (rising) out of the ground.

Gengwu month Ding Mao day, just the wood to see the noon fire, the noon phase breaks, both are gods, the power is great, each other is not convinced, the wood will destroy the noon fire, the noon fire also destroys the wood. Umuwang will extinguish the noon fire, and will extinguish the noon fire; The noon fire will destroy the Umu and destroy the Umu. Therefore, this day is also a day of yin and yang.

What is the twenty-seventh day of May tomorrow? Reminder: 1 don't go, 2 don't touch, 3 to eat, safe into June

Tomorrow, the twenty-seventh day of May, is the day when heaven and earth are handed over, and it is also the day of poison moon and poison, and it is also the day of Ding Mao. Reminder: 1 don't go, 2 don't touch, 3 to eat, safe into June.

1 Absent: Outdoor exposure

On the twenty-seventh day of May, you must pay attention not to go outside to expose to the sun, especially at noon, if there is a sun, you must learn to dodge, because at this time when the poisonous gas is the strongest, and it is also the strongest time when the noon fire is strongest, it will suppress the wood, hinder its growth, and even directly destroy the wood.

Umu represents hope and vitality, and at this time, the loss of hope and vitality is obviously something that people find difficult to accept.

2. Don't touch: Greasy food

Greasy food can easily lead to fire, and it will make people particularly uncomfortable, not easy to digest, the internal fire itself is relatively vigorous, and the wood is suppressed and cannot grow, that is, the liver qi can not be evacuated, then people are easy to be irritable, and eating such food will undoubtedly lead to the aggravation of bad things.

What is the twenty-seventh day of May tomorrow? Reminder: 1 don't go, 2 don't touch, 3 to eat, safe into June

3 Must: Ginger

Poisonous moon and poison day, for the protection of yang energy is extremely important, and at this time, the most worth eating is ginger, there is an old saying, eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, do not work for doctors to prescribe medicine, eat some ginger in summer, but also to better protect our yang, so that people can be more comfortable.

What is the twenty-seventh day of May tomorrow? Reminder: 1 don't go, 2 don't touch, 3 to eat, safe into June

Tomorrow, May 27 is the best day of the Nine Poison Day, in such a day, yin and yang contend, we should pay attention to eating a little ginger in our diet, in addition to avoid eating greasy food, but also pay attention to, in life, do not be exposed to the sun outside, so as not to have heat stroke, reasonable diet and scientific exercise, let us enter June peacefully.

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