
One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

author:Ping An Han Yin

Why join the party?

This is when filling out the party membership form

Questions that every party member must answer

It's a plain topic

But it has a heavy weight

1 in 99.185 million

What is the answer?

Hear what they have to say......

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

For peace

Whether it's life or death

It's still rain or rain

Party members and auxiliary police will always charge ahead

People come first

Not absent when the masses need it

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –
One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

Party members and police

come out boldly

Never hesitated


A man committed suicide

Zhang Hao, a special police officer of the Chaoyang Branch, jumped into the air

Hug the man's calf

His knee slammed down on the steps

And in his knees

In fact, 3 steel nails have already been injected

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –


An 86-year-old man with Alzheimer's disease

Climb up to the balcony on the third floor of your home

The situation is very critical

58-year-old veteran policeman Cheng Guigen, who has been in the police for nearly 30 years

In the absence of any protection

Bare hands from the window outside the guardrail

Climbed up to the three-story air-conditioned outdoor platform

He protected the old man with one hand

Lift the old man's leg with one hand

Successfully send the old man into the house from the window

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

"I'm a police officer

He is also an old party member

In the event of such an emergency

It's instinct to charge ahead! ”

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –


A boy and his parents went missing

He actually crossed the traffic and climbed the guardrail of the main road of the West Second Ring Road

After the traffic management bureau police Ji Zhen found out

Flying through the traffic and immediately running towards the boy

Hold the child who is climbing the guardrail

Protect your chest

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

Regardless of personal safety

Their figures

It is a member of the Communist Party

For the revolution

24 years old

Between life and death

He chose to charge ahead

In the rain of bullets and bullets in the Liberation War, he died nine times and died

He has been awarded three first-class merits and one second-class merit

Recorded as "special meritorious" by the Northwest Field Army

Twice won the honorary title of "Battle Hero".

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

At the age of 31, he retired and changed jobs

He said "party cadres."

Go wherever you need it."

They resolutely obeyed the organizational arrangement

Go to the remote Enshi to work in Feng County

The harder it is, the more enthusiastic he is about his work

Lead everyone to find water sources and build power stations

It has helped the people to improve their lives

More than 60 years of deep merit and fame

Stick to the original intention and never change your true colors all your life

He is the recipient of the Order of the Republic

Zhang Fuqing, a 74-year veteran of the party

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

A lot of people asked him

Why be a commando?

Zhang Fuqing smiled lightly

"I took an oath when I joined the party

For the party, for the people, I can sacrifice everything"

An understatement

But it has thrilling power

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

There is no self in my heart, and I will pay this life

This is the combat hero Zhang Fuqing

The answer sheet handed over to the party and the people at work

For the sake of the Motherland no longer oppressed

"As long as the motherland needs me, of course I am willing"

Peng Shilu

He was the first chief designer of the continental nuclear submarine

He is also the son of the martyr Peng Pai

He was orphaned when he was 4 years old

Twice captured by the enemy and put in prison

and they were all rescued again

Later, 15-year-old Peng Shilu

came to Yan'an

He joined the Communist Party of China in 1945

Reminiscing about his childhood

Peng Shilu said affectionately

"A rough childhood

It has tempered my character of not being afraid of difficulties and dangers

I am eternally grateful to the people."

"I can't disgrace my dad

You can't be a revolutionary

But I can be an expert

I'm going to be in the field of nuclear power

Make a name for yourself."

And he did spend his whole life

He kept his promise

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

"The central government has decided to select a group of international students

Changed his career to major in atomic energy and nuclear power

Are you willing to change careers? ”

"As long as the motherland needs it, of course I am willing"

At that time, the new China of "one poor and two white".

No drawings, no authoritative experts, no external assistance

No one has ever seen it

What does a real nuclear submarine look like

Want to build nuclear submarines

It's harder than climbing to the sky

Peng Shilu and the team

Leaning on a few remakes from newspapers

Blurry photo of a foreign nuclear submarine

And one bought back from an American store

Kids nuclear submarine model toy

Tough research began

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

The first builder of a nuclear submarine at work. Data map

Through "self-teaching and self-learning"

These "laymen"

Silently stood up

The frontier of scientific research on nuclear power

It took only 5 years to become the mainland's first nuclear submarine

Create a "heart"

Peng Lao wrote in his autobiography

"As alive

Be able to love the motherland and be loyal to the motherland

Dedication to the prosperity and strength of the motherland

That's enough."

"Choosing to follow the party has a noble belief in my life"

March 1956

In succession to the party organization

After submitting 19 applications for joining the party

Wu Mengchao was approved to join the Chinese Communist Party

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

Wu Mengchao (second from left)

When choosing a field of specialization

Wu Mengchao cares about the needs of the country

He has been deeply involved in hepatobiliary surgery for decades

Determined to do this, it has not changed

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

Wu Mengchao during surgery

For decades

He founded the Department of Liver Surgery

Key theories and technical systems

It has opened up a new field of basic and clinical research in liver cancer

He once said so

"I've made vows twice in my life

I swore an oath to be a doctor

I have taken an oath to join the Communist Party of China

If you take an oath, you will keep this promise

After taking an oath, we will share the party's worries and solve difficulties."


"What I have really done for the country and what I have done for the people, I feel that this is my mission"

He was born in Meitan County, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province

The red earth breeds the noble spirit

Faith families make strong warriors

His father, Du Jun, named him "Fuguo"

The idea is rustic

"I didn't contribute much to the country

I hope that the children's generation will contribute more to the country."

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

December 2010

Du Fu Guo


Du Fuguo volunteered to join the mine-sweeping brigade

He wrote in his application

"I wondered what kind of life I would have

is truly meaningful and valuable

The only criterion for measuring is:

Really did something for the country

What has been done for the people

I feel like that's my calling."

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

Du Fuguo (left) clears an anti-tank mine


When performing a dangerous mine-sweeping mission

He said to his comrades

"You stand back, let me come"

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

The leaders of the army visited Du Fuguo

There was a sudden explosion during the investigation

Between the lightning and the fire

He subconsciously fell to the side of his comrades

Protect your comrades with flesh and blood

And he lost both hands and eyes

Du Fuguo said when recalling the injury

"At that time, there was no room for any hesitation or thinking

I was subconscious."

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

Brave the minefield for the interests of the people

Shed blood for border tranquility

He left peace to his comrades

Sacrifice everything for the party and the people at any time

Written with courage

"Four haves" the glory of revolutionary soldiers in the new era

Write the mission of the Communist Party members!

"She has contributed to the cause of the party, and I am proud of her"

Her tiny body

There is always infinite energy

But on that rainy night with lightning and thunder

How flustered she must have been

The endless wind and rain didn't just take her away

It blows on the hearts of all

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

This is a work photo of Huang Wenxiu before his death (file photo)

It was said

Although she's gone

But it is always the most beautiful sunrise in Baise

She is

"Daughter of the Mountain"

Huang Wenxiu


She graduated from Beijing Normal University with a master's degree

Resolutely give up on better options

Returned to his hometown of Baise to support construction

It became Leye County, Baise, Guangxi

The first secretary of Baini Village, Xinhua Town

At first, the villagers were hopeless about her

Faced with suspicion and rejection

She trekked through mountains and rivers and went door to door

Help sweep the yard

Help pick sugar oranges, harvest corn, and plant camellia

While doing farm work

While discussing poverty alleviation strategies

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

Huang Wenxiu visited the villagers' homes and took the initiative to help the villagers break corn (file photo).

In Huang Wenxiu's diary in the village

There is a hand-drawn map of the distribution of poor households in Baini Village

After each visit

She drew a map like this

Mark the name and location of each household

"It's hard every day, but I'm happy"

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

This is Huang Wenxiu's poverty alleviation diary (taken on June 20, 2019). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Haitao

Huang Wenxiu led the masses to engage in planting

Develop e-commerce of agricultural products

Hard work pays off

Less than a year

There are 103 poor households in the village

418 people from 88 households have been lifted out of poverty

Incidence of poverty

from 22.88% to 2.71%

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

On the evening of June 16, 2019

A sudden flash flood

Let her life be fixed forever on the road of poverty alleviation

She used her life to stick to her original intention and mission

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

February 25, 2021

At the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference

Huang Wenxiu's father, Huang Zhongjie

put on a big red flower for his beloved daughter

Wet eyes

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

"When my daughter returned to her hometown, she devoted herself to work

It was the party that cultivated her

She contributed to the cause of the party

I'm so proud of her."

"Because I'm a member of the party"

Remember the uncle on the prairie?

After providing help on the grassland, he refused to be paid

revealing their own party constitution

Ethnic minority uncle "Abdul Gapal Mande"

The uncle said: Don't want money, I'm a party member!

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

Do you still remember the wildfire that broke out in Banan, Chongqing?

Volunteers squeezed forward desperately

Volunteers chanted

"I'm a party member! I'll go first! ”

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

So, what exactly is the purpose of joining the party?

"For the sake of peace"

"For the Revolution"

"For the sake of the Motherland from oppression"

"Look at what you asked

Isn't it for the people?"


Do you have the answer?

One in 99.185 million, why did you join the party? Listen to their answers –

Source: Capital Internet Police