
230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

author:17173 Game Network

Hello everyone, this is Warcraft Weekly.

[Warcraft Weekly] is mainly composed of three parts: "Warcraft Events", "Warcraft Competitive Product Dynamics" and "Warcraft Game Update". Let's take a look at the recent Warcraft news that is not unhappy!

【Warcraft Event】

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of people returning to the national costume exploded

On June 27th, the "World of Warcraft" national server officially returned, and many players rushed to register for the new WLK server at 6 o'clock, ready to alleviate a wave of their addiction. For a while, the new Gianna and Death Hunter were crowded, and the number of people in line soared to 9999+.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

The operation of squeezing to the new server, and even the login on June 27 was queuing, which shows the high enthusiasm of everyone.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

Afterwards, the official "World of Warcraft" also came forward to unlock the locked state of the other four old servers, which reluctantly accepted the enthusiasm of players.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

But after all, only 2 new servers have been opened this time, and there are many people who want to play Warcraft, so many players with a head iron still decide to line up for the new server.

Finally, according to the data compiled by the plug-in, the new server Giana directly squeezed in 230,000 people, and it is no wonder that everyone has to queue for several hours every time they get on the number, and the number of unlocked servers has also surged to about 200,000, and the total population of the national service nostalgic service has also soared from more than 2 million people before the closure to 5 million.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

However, due to the fact that the rhythm of nostalgic clothing is much slower than that of formal clothing, how many people with the extra 2 million new numbers can persist until P2 Ulduar opens the service, there is still a question mark here.

The official sells equipment? The studio mentality collapsed

Shortly after the opening of the WLK nostalgic service, NetEase also gave a compensation plan for the suspension of the service, and one of them attracted everyone's attention for the "super direct uplift" that increased the volume without increasing the price. Because this gift pack not only allows the character to go straight to level 80 and get all of Northrend's reputation, but also can be exchanged for a set of 213 equipment, a full 22-bar backpack, and 60,000 gold coins can be used to make up for other items.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

Before the opening of the national service, the price of the handmade full-level plus 210 full-body outfits given by the studio was as high as 1688 yuan.

In other words, this super helicopter package directly made studio leveling a joke, and hit a wave of studios who wanted to fish in troubled waters.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

Therefore, many studios have posted pictures of "heavy losses", and the old version lost dozens of orders overnight, and the losses were tens of thousands.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

In addition, players who are far away in the foreign server are also very envious after learning that the national server has this super direct ascension.

They all feel that the strength of this wave of national service compensation is indeed a bit large, and some of the 213 equipment that is difficult to come out, and some professions that are difficult to practice alone like priests can directly graduate from the P1 stage through this gift package, which is not too cool.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

It's just that some calmer foreign players and veteran players of the national server are also worried that the official sale of gold coins and equipment will be difficult to stop once it starts.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

Ghost Tiger Passion Refund! Blessed are the old players

After the return of the WLK nostalgic service this time, the national server has also synchronized the collection exchange function of the foreign server, which means that as long as one of the mounts under the same account is unlocked, all characters can be used.

This raises the question, what if someone buys multiple Ghost Tigers before the shutdown and unlocks them all on different characters?

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

In this regard, NetEase's response was also very decisive, and directly opened the refund channel, and the ghost tigers purchased by players can be returned according to the number of battlenets.

Of course, the most enviable thing is that the players who have subdued the Qiantun Gold Coin and the Tun Ghost Tiger have made a lot of money.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

【Warcraft Competitive Product News】

It's all about nostalgia! The "Dragon Nest" nostalgic server will be launched on July 2nd

It is reported that the "Dragon Nest" nostalgic service national server will open the pioneer test on July 2, and the purpose of this test is "the original version, reproducing the classics." The original intention of the action, the battle is rekindled. Fairness is not krypton, and the growth is silky. G friends reunite, happy wilderness".

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

The producer also promised players that when making the nostalgic costume, the core purpose of the insistence is to bring you an original original "Dragon Nest", players can basically experience the content and gameplay experience of the early version in the nostalgic costume, but on the basis of nostalgia, they will adjust and optimize it at the development and operation level based on the current environment and everyone's needs.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

Built before, "Dragon Nest" also made a lot of fanfare about nostalgia-based memory clothes, but it turned out to be disliked by players because of too many magic changes, so everyone can also lower some expectations for this real nostalgic costume.

Not under the onslaught of Warcraft! The server of "Sword Network 3" is still full

After the return of "World of Warcraft", many domestic MMO online games have suffered the impact of player loss, but what is surprising is that the number of players in "Sword Network 3" has not decreased, but has increased.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

The official issued an announcement directly on the first day of the return of Warcraft, saying that due to the large number of people, the major regional servers are full, and the number of bearers has reached the historical extreme, and will compensate for the 7-day monthly card and the lost beautiful one of the knights in the whole region.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

It can only be said that the mobile terminal of the old MMO online game is really the trend of the times, and the temptation of lying on the sofa to play group books is really too attractive to older players.

The "Guild Wars 2" manor system is open to create a warm little home

Guild Wars 2's next DLC expansion, Wilds of Jense, launches on August 23 and brings the most requested piece of gameplay – the Manor System. Manor is a new player house system that gives you a piece of land to your own, decorated and customized to your liking.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

You'll gain ownership of a private estate as the DLC expands as part of your early interactions with the new lowland Kedan clans, the bear-people who like to live in wooden houses. It's a dungeon space – you don't need a lottery to get a large piece of land, and there's no property fees or expiration dates. Once unlocked, it's yours – a land where you can play freely.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

The Manor will be a showcase for the skins and cosmetics collected in the game so far. When the player stays in the manor, the character will receive the Full Rest buff, which will include additional rewards for World War and PvP

At the same time, the estate also has a special stable for mounts to display the various skins you collect.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

【Warcraft Game Update】

The Festival of Fire is online! The national costume lasts for a month

After the return of the WLK nostalgic suit, NetEase immediately started the event of the Festival of Fire, players can get the Burning Flower by completing the task, and dancing on the ribbon pillar next to the campfire in the festival camp can also get an additional 10% experience point bonus, and defeating the Frost Lord Echhorn will also have a chance to drop the best items.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

According to the player's actual measurement, the Frost Lord Echhorn has begun to drop 225 equipment, including 225 magic staff [Echhorn's Frost Scythe] and 225 capes of each series, each of which is very good.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

In addition, unlike the outer server, the National Costume Fire Festival will last for a month, that is, from June 28th to July 28th, as long as your face is not very dark, you can basically get a 255 staff (hopefully).

Exploration Season P4 launches on July 12th! There is a high probability that the national service will not be able to catch up

On June 28, Blizzard officially announced that Phase 4 of the Exploration Season will launch globally on July 12 at 4 a.m. Beijing time. Players will be able to level 60, discover new class runes, face Ragnaros in the Molten Heart Team Dungeon, and more.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

There are two main areas of update in the P4 phase, one is the all-class balance, many classes will usher in changes, such as designated runes will become basic skills, and new runes will be available for use; The other is the unique world event "Blackstone Explosion", where players can travel to Blackstone Mountain to experience a large-scale world battle every two hours.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

Of course, there will be new changes to the copy and the group book, but we won't know the specific information until the group book is launched on July 26.

In addition, considering that the official server and the national server will not be opened until August 1st, there is no possibility of the new thing of the exploration server being launched in the queue, so there is a high probability that the national server will not have the opportunity to update the exploration server P4 synchronously.

230,000 people crammed into a server? The number of returning people in the national costume has exploded, and the Ghost Tiger refund is coming!

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