
Two thousand graduates of the China Criminal Police Academy went to the mountains and seas

On the morning of June 29, at the 2024 graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony of the China Criminal Police College, nearly 2,000 graduates sang together to express their attachment to their alma mater with the most affectionate expression. The graduation ceremony of the police academy is a departure ceremony, after completing their studies, they are about to shoulder the mission to go to the front line of public security, today's teachers, students, and classmates will also become comrades-in-arms tomorrow.

Two thousand graduates of the China Criminal Police Academy went to the mountains and seas
Two thousand graduates of the China Criminal Police Academy went to the mountains and seas

On the morning of the same day, the 2024 graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony of the China Criminal Police Academy kicked off with the solemn national anthem. "Stand! To the right - turn! The graduates dressed in degree uniforms showed the style of the police academy everywhere, heroically accepted the tassels from the school leaders, and solemnly received their degree certificates and graduation certificates.

"It's another year of graduation season, this is the harvest season of the Criminal Police Academy, and it is also the season of farewell," Wang Ji, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and dean of the China Criminal Police College, said in his speech, over the past few years, the students have received systematic professional knowledge learning, experienced strict police skills training, participated in rich public security practice activities, and worked hard to interpret the sincerity and infinite love for the public security cause with wisdom and sweat, diligence and perseverance. "I hope that you will take faith as the banner and unswervingly write loyalty; I hope that you will take the people as the foundation and bravely shoulder the heavy burden to protect peace; I hope that you will take honesty as the bottom line, self-reflection and self-discipline, and act steadily and far-reaching. On the occasion of parting, he expressed his ardent expectations to all the graduates, and wished all the graduates of the class of 2024 a bright future, a prosperous journey, and a safe life!

Two thousand graduates of the China Criminal Police Academy went to the mountains and seas

"China in the Lights", "Police Yard, Ahead", "Mother in the Candlelight", "Rest Assured to Fly", ...... The chorus of songs is either majestic or warm, and the singing is full of loyalty and responsibility, pouring out affection and affection, and conveying sincere blessings. With tears in their eyes, the graduates remembered this moment in the depths of their hearts. The original song "I Am a People's Policeman" by teachers of the China Criminal Police Academy sang the hearts and courage of thousands of police academy people; The graduates' song "Meet Again in Twenty Years" was not only dedicated to the alumni representatives who came to the graduation ceremony, but also sang to their future selves.

Two thousand graduates of the China Criminal Police Academy went to the mountains and seas
Two thousand graduates of the China Criminal Police Academy went to the mountains and seas
Two thousand graduates of the China Criminal Police Academy went to the mountains and seas

"In the past four years in the police academy, we have harvested growth, completed our studies, and witnessed the new development of the school," Weng Hanjun, a graduate of the China Criminal Police Academy, told reporters, proud that he could grow from an immature and ignorant youth to a glorious people's policeman. "There are so many unforgettable experiences and moments in the four years of study," he said, and the most impressive thing is the unique shooting class of the students of the Police Academy, and every training session with loaded guns and ammunition feels particularly "burning". As a female student, graduate Yang Tian was also deeply impressed by the shooting class, "In addition, there are some police courses, although the training is relatively hard, but since you have chosen the Criminal Police Academy, you should not talk about conditions, complete tasks, and overcome difficulties, this is the appearance and demeanor of the police academy." She said that the knowledgeable teachers and sincere and friendly classmates of the Police College have been the most valuable assets in her four-year study career.

Two thousand graduates of the China Criminal Police Academy went to the mountains and seas
Two thousand graduates of the China Criminal Police Academy went to the mountains and seas
Two thousand graduates of the China Criminal Police Academy went to the mountains and seas

After the ceremony, the graduates said goodbye and boarded the bus leaving the school. Before parting, Dawa Tashi from Tibet dedicated the hata representing good wishes to his roommates who had been together for four years. They came from six different provinces and regions, and since then they have also traveled to the east and west. "We are about to go to different regions and posts, and we have made an appointment to have the opportunity to meet in Tibet in the future." A classmate told reporters.

Two thousand graduates of the China Criminal Police Academy went to the mountains and seas

On that day, the campus of the Police Academy was surrounded by a strong graduation atmosphere, and the bus carrying the graduates started slowly on the campus, and the teachers and students pulled up banners on both sides of the road and waved goodbye in the middle of the road, sending the most sincere blessings to them carrying the glorious mission in the most youthful and most police college way.

Source: Fingertip Client

Editor: Jin Yiming

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