
A group of "fools" carried out a one-ton heavy drainage pump in 8 hours

author:Xianning News Network

Reporter of this newspaper Pang Yun leaves

Pocket Xianning reports

On June 28, in Dalupu Village, Dupu Town, Jiayu County, in order to protect the safety of the village bay, the villagers took the risk of flooding the farmland in the fish pond and took the initiative to turn off the drainage pump.

In order to keep the drainage pump in the pump room, party members and cadres took the initiative to take the lead, and nearly 20 elderly people in the village spent nearly 8 hours to lift the drainage pump weighing nearly one ton from the muddy and narrow path to safety.

Most of the young and middle-aged people in the village are stationed on the front line of flood control and cannot rush back to help. This group of old people is very proud: we are old, but our determination to defend our homeland has never grown old.

Collective meeting: stop the pump and save the embankment

"The difference in water levels between the two sides is too great, I'm afraid it's dangerous!" At about 5 o'clock in the afternoon of June 28, Chen Hongbing, secretary of the village party branch, found that something was wrong when he patrolled the Shanghai Lake point in Dalupu Village, Dupu Town, Jiayu County.

A group of "fools" carried out a one-ton heavy drainage pump in 8 hours

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the water level of Xiliang Lake is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, so it must be dealt with in time. Chen Hongbing immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the flood control and drought relief headquarters of Dupu Town: "Is the town headquarters?" We are here in Dalupu Village, and the water level difference between the water level of Xiliang Lake and the water level of the inner wall of Shanghai Lake is 3-4 meters high......"

Soon, water conservancy technicians sent by Dupu Town arrived at the scene. After careful investigation, the technicians came up with a solution: turn off the drainage pump, stop pumping water outward, let the water level of the inner wall rise, and reduce the water level difference with Xiliang Lake.

The technician's suggestion made Chen Hongbing think - this pump station has been built for more than ten years, and it is mainly used to maintain the water level of the inner wall and protect the safety of the nearby 1,500 acres of fish ponds and farmland. The sudden shutdown of the drainage pump and the flooding of fish ponds and farmland were a huge loss for the villagers.

"In that case, then we agree to turn off the drain pump and protect the safety of the village!" "My house is near the inner wall, and if the inner wall is safe, my house will be safe, and I also agree to turn off the drainage pump!" Chen Hongbing quickly summoned a meeting of the villagers at home. When he analyzed the current flood control situation to the villagers, everyone raised their hands in agreement, and some villagers even proposed that since the drainage pump should be turned off, it would be necessary to find a way to lift it out, otherwise it would be damaged by the blister, and it would cost money to buy a new one, which was not cost-effective.

Cadres and groups are united: work together to lift the pump

Most of the young and middle-aged people in the village are stationed on the front line of flood control, and they have no time to go back to the village to help. The pump house is on low ground, and at the exit is a narrow muddy steep slope path, which makes it impossible to organize the hauling of machinery and equipment. At this time, a group of respectable old men in the village stepped forward.

At 7 o'clock in the morning of June 29, the rain was pouring down, and more than 10 villagers came to the pump room on time, including 80-year-old Shou Jiguang, a villager from Group 2, Zhang Shaojin, a 71-year-old villager from Group 3, and Huang Yunshu, a villager from Group 4, who was 65 years old......

A group of "fools" carried out a one-ton heavy drainage pump in 8 hours

Looking at the old guys standing in a row, some wearing raincoats, some wearing rain boots, and some wearing liberation shoes, Wang Liubing, a village cadre, gasped. He was thinking in his heart, the average age of this group of old guys, how to say that they are all sixty or seventy years old, what if something goes wrong, what can he do?

"Director Wang, most of the young people in the village are working outside, and those who are at home are also on the front line of flood control. Although we are old, we do farm work all year round, and our physical strength is not worse than theirs, you can rest assured! "Well, everyone must put safety first!" According to the plan discussed before, everyone disassembled the drainage pump into three parts and lifted it in batches to a place more than 2 meters higher than the pump room.

With 14 steps and a steep slope of nearly 70 degrees, it is usually only a few feet away, but the muddy trail is very slippery on rainy days, so it is not so simple. Everyone riveted their efforts and lifted the first two smaller parts smoothly, and the last motor weighing more than 1,000 pounds became a "roadblock".

It was close to 12 noon, and I couldn't lift it after trying several times, and some people fell and slipped during this time. Wang Liubing was worried that everyone's health would not be able to bear it, and he was ready to call it a day and go home.

"No, we can't give up halfway, let's go back to have lunch, replenish our strength, call more people in the afternoon, I don't believe that we can't lift this 'iron pimple'!" The old people seem to be on the same bar with the electric motor, and they will not give up if they do not lift it away. In the face of everyone's resoluteness, Wang Liubing had no choice but to agree.

At more than 1 o'clock in the afternoon, nearly 20 elderly people came one after another. Everyone works together in the division of labor, lifting and supporting. Wang Liubing, a village cadre, was a member of the Communist Party, and at the critical moment, he charged ahead. Zhang Jiping, the leader of the 3 group, suffered a lower leg fracture some time ago and has not yet healed, he is responsible for organizing materials and directing on the spot.

"One, two, three", "one, two, three"...... With bursts of powerful cheering sounds, braving the pouring rain, everyone thought in one place and worked hard in one place. Some of them were almost on their knees and moved a little, some were on the ground with sticks to provide strength support, and some were two or three together...... There are 14 steps, and each step up requires a lot of effort. After more than 2 hours, they finally lifted the motor to safety.

"Director Wang, I'll just say that we can do it, no worse than young people!" Seeing that everyone was drenched, covered with mud, sweat and rain, Wang Liubing was full of emotion: "The three parts of the drainage pump add up, there is nearly a ton of weight, this group of old guys, get serious, it's really not blowing!" ”

Hot comments from netizens: A group of the cutest people


Video source: netizen "Xiliang Lake"

On June 30, a video of the old people in Dalupu Village carrying pumps quickly spread on the Internet. As of 10 o'clock last night, there have been 4,982 likes and 886 comments.

According to the netizen "Xilianghu" who posted the video, at around 3 pm on June 29, she happened to pass by and saw a group of white-haired elderly people carrying drainage pumps in the rain. The pump was very heavy, and it took a lot of effort for the old people to lift it, and she was very moved, so she filmed at the scene for more than an hour.

Netizen "Xilianghu" said that although these old people are not as vigorous as young people, and their steps are no longer light, but their strength is extremely strong, they disregard their own safety, and write their deep love for this land with their actions, and their efforts make more people firmly believe that no matter how big the wind and rain, as long as they are united, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

Netizen "Literary Hobby" said, shoulder-to-shoulder, feet on the mud, a group of the most lovely people, in their own way to protect their homeland. Teary-eyed, kudos to them! Netizen "Come to Lao Tie" praised that during the flood season, the value of a drainage pump is not how much it is worth, but that it can protect the hometown at a critical moment! Netizen "Little Motorcycle" said that they love this land deeply! Salute to the older generation!

On June 30, after the rain, the sky was clear, and on the embankment of East Lake, Dupu Town, Jiayu County, there were people on duty for flood control everywhere. On the embankment, the flags of "Dalupu Village Party Member Commando" and "Dalupu Village Militia Commando" fluttered in the wind.

At the point of Shanghai Lake, next to the pump house, the drainage pump that was lifted out was carefully covered by the villagers with snakeskin bags. The old men Zhang Shaojin, Huang Yunshu, and Zhang Qingyi, who participated in the pump lifting the first day, were not at ease, so they made an appointment to come here to have a look.

"This drainage pump has silently guarded us for more than ten years, and we are reluctant to give it up." Old man Zhang Shaojin said.

"Fortunately, the pump was stopped in time, and now the water level difference between the two sides has narrowed, and the village bay is safe for the time being." Wang Liubing said that at present, the party members and cadres of the whole village are engaged in flood control, and I believe that with such a group of lovely people, they will be able to protect the safety of their homes with the momentum of copper walls and iron walls.

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Wenjing

Editor: Xiang Dongning

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