
Let the "Red Boat Spirit" shine forever

author:China Economic Net

Source: Economic Daily

Let the "Red Boat Spirit" shine forever

On June 27, on the eve of "July 1st", the party members and the masses came to the island in the middle of the lake in the Nanhu Scenic Area of Jiaxing to pay homage to the red boat, understand the original mission, and carry forward the "red boat spirit".

Let the "Red Boat Spirit" shine forever

On June 27, Yuan Jing, a docent of the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall, explained the "Red Boat Spirit" to the audience.

Let the "Red Boat Spirit" shine forever

On June 26, in the assembly workshop of Jiaxing Jiaxi Beila Compressor Co., Ltd., employees were busy on the production line. The company produces and sells more than 45 million compressors annually, and its comprehensive competitiveness ranks among the top in the global industry.

Let the "Red Boat Spirit" shine forever

On June 27, at the Zhengyuan Party and Mass Service Center of Tanghui Street, Jiaxing Economic and Technological Development Zone, party members of the enterprise learned the knowledge of party history and revisited the glorious history of the party.

Let the "Red Boat Spirit" shine forever

On June 26, in Funan Community, Changshui Street, Jiaxing Economic and Technological Development Zone, volunteers provided door-to-door service for the elderly. Under the guidance of the "Red Boat Spirit", the community actively creates a new future community with the integrated development of "rule of law + autonomy + rule of ethics + intelligent governance".

Let the "Red Boat Spirit" shine forever

On June 27, at the Boatsmith Skills Museum in Linglong Bay Scenic Area, Shengfeng Village, Youchegang Town, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing City, Zhang Laisheng, a 72-year-old intangible inheritor of shipbuilding skills, was making a red boat model.

Let the "Red Boat Spirit" shine forever

On June 26, tourists experienced the beautiful countryside at the "Yuli Wendao" campsite in Changqin Village, Yuxin Town, Nanhu District, Jiaxing City. By building a common wealth matrix of "government + enterprise + village collective + farmer", Hemei Village promotes the increase of village collective economic income and drives farmers to get rich.

"The site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai and the red boat of Jiaxing Nanhu Lake are the places where our party's dream set sail. From here, our party was born, marched from here, and marched from here to the ruling of the whole country. This is the root of our party. On October 31, 2017, on the occasion of the victory of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping led the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to make a special trip to visit the site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai and the red boat on Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing, and profoundly pointed out that we should vigorously carry forward the "red boat spirit" in combination with the characteristics of the times, so that the "red boat spirit" will always shine.

The little red boat carried thousands of pounds, sowed the fire of the Chinese revolution, and opened the cross-century voyage of the Communist Party of China. In June 2005, Xi Jinping published an article summarizing the "Red Boat Spirit": "The pioneering spirit of breaking new ground and daring to be the first, the spirit of firm ideals and indomitable struggle, and the dedication spirit of building the party for the public and being loyal to the people." ”

The earnest teachings are still in the ears, and Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province has always kept in mind the entrustment and constantly drawn strength from the "Red Boat Spirit". Today, Jiaxing adheres to party building to promote rural revitalization, continues to deepen the "Ten Million Project", makes every effort to promote high-quality development, and builds a model city for common prosperity.

At present, the whole area of Jiaxing has been included in the national common prosperity practice observation site, 5 works have been selected as the best practice of common prosperity in Zhejiang Province, the income of rural residents has maintained the first place in the province for 20 consecutive years, the zero-employment family has achieved dynamic clearance, and the level of pension insurance for urban and rural residents ranks first in the province. Jiaxing continues to accelerate the construction of Hemei villages, and has built 7 Hemei rural demonstration areas, 24 provincial-level future villages, and No. 101 red tourist bus has been selected as a national rural tourism boutique route.

Jiaxing is the place where the red boat set sail, and it is also the pioneer of urban and rural development. In the future, Jiaxing will continue to build a harmonious and beautiful countryside in the whole region, promote the organic combination of new urbanization and comprehensive rural revitalization, accelerate the construction of beautiful town clusters, promote the demonstration construction of characteristic towns, highlight the beautiful scenery of the whole region, promote the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism, and promote the transformation of beautiful villages into beautiful economies. (Text/Economic Daily reporter Li Jingtu/Economic Daily reporter Gao Xinggui)