
"Three Chiefs" joint investigation + "night court" successfully resolved divorce dispute cases

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"Three Chiefs" joint investigation + "night court" successfully resolved divorce dispute cases

Handling cases is governance, and it is also a good medicine for doing a good job in publicizing the rule of law. Recently, Mujiao Town successfully resolved a divorce dispute case through the joint mediation of the "night court" and "three chiefs", which lasted more than 5 hours.

"Three Chiefs" joint investigation + "night court" successfully resolved divorce dispute cases

In the afternoon, it was close to the end of work, and the resentful Li (woman) handed over a divorce complaint to the wooden pole court of the Daguan County People's Court, and told that her husband Luo often vented his emotions after alcohol paralysis, which made the whole family unpeaceful.

The judge undertaking the court immediately pushed the clues of the dispute to the Mugang Town Comprehensive Management Center, and launched the "three chiefs" joint investigation mechanism of "court leader + police station director + village committee director" for the case. and got in touch with Luo by phone. During the conversation, Luo was emotional, "I don't know why Li wants to divorce me, I don't agree to divorce, if I divorce, my life will be meaningless, and it will hurt my three children." After listening to Luo's statement, the presiding judge patiently communicated and calmed his excited emotions.

Combined with the situation of the parties, this is a family dispute case that cannot be left overnight. Before 8 o'clock in the evening of the same day, the judge, the police, and the village director came to Luo's home and opened a "night court" on the spot to carry out mediation work for both parties. During the mediation, face-to-face communication with both parties was conducted through round-the-table discussions, and their voices were fully listened to.

"When I'm not arguing, I feel very happy......," Luo said with a smile during the mediation. With the opening of the conversation box between the husband and wife, Li told about the happiness in the past, as well as the poor communication of trivial matters in daily life in recent years, and the fact that Luo likes to drink and vent his emotions with the strength of alcohol, and both parties expressed their dissatisfaction with each other.

In response to the problems found, the "three chiefs" give solutions from the perspective of reason and law, and gradually help both parties to untie the knot. At 1 o'clock in the morning, with the help of the mediator, the parties decided to give each other another chance to return to marriage and family, and a family conflict and marriage dispute case accumulated from daily life was resolved.

Editor丨Hu Shengyu, Editor|Li Zihong

"Three Chiefs" joint investigation + "night court" successfully resolved divorce dispute cases
"Three Chiefs" joint investigation + "night court" successfully resolved divorce dispute cases
"Three Chiefs" joint investigation + "night court" successfully resolved divorce dispute cases

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