
No wonder the US aircraft carrier ran so fast, and the Houthis actually showed a big killer weapon, which made the United States lose face

author:Aspen Observation Room

On June 26, Yemen's Houthi spokesman Al Sarea revealed on social media that the Houthis had used hypersonic missiles for the first time two days earlier, attacking Israeli ships in the Arabian Sea, and released video footage of the missile launch. It is said that the hypersonic missile used in the attack on the Israeli ship was the "Hatim-2" missile, which was independently developed by the Israeli ship, which has advanced performance and a high hit rate, and is capable of striking at a long distance.

No wonder the US aircraft carrier ran so fast, and the Houthis actually showed a big killer weapon, which made the United States lose face

Wait, Houthis, self-developed, hypersonic missiles? Isn't this a slap in the face of the United States! A few years ago, the slipper army, which did not even have uniform uniforms, has now successfully "developed" hypersonic missiles.

In the past, we liked to say that "if you are not afraid of hooligans with kitchen knives, you are afraid that hooligans have culture", but today, the United States, which is far away from the ocean, deeply understands that "if you are not afraid of hooligans with kitchen knives, you are afraid that your skills are higher than yours." ”

Hussey wore slippers and actually made a hypersonic anti-ship missile in the desert, which is no less than Shoigu's hand-rubbing plywood to feed Russia's million-strong army, and I suggest that this year's Nobel Prize in physics or chemistry should have a place for Houssein.

Play to play, make trouble, everyone knows it. Hussey is now a star player in the arc of resistance, temporarily taking the C position, this missile understands everything, technology wants to overtake in corners, it can't be casual, and it can't be achieved overnight. So some people doubt the authenticity of the Houthis' hypersonic missiles, after all, if the hypersonic missiles can't even be intercepted by the American aircraft carriers, they are the blueprints dug up from the desert?

Therefore, it is reasonable for the Houthis to claim that they have developed a high-end missile before the United States even wants to build this high-end weapon, but it is full of twists and turns in the development process.

No wonder the US aircraft carrier ran so fast, and the Houthis actually showed a big killer weapon, which made the United States lose face

Russian Dagger hypersonic missile

But it cannot be ruled out that there are masters behind the Houthis. I must have given the goods from the eldest brother behind it, and put up a card, saying to the outside world that it was made by my brother and our group of brothers wearing slippers, and it has nothing to do with my eldest brother.

Let's take a look at it first, Russia has hypersonic missiles, which have matured into a system and are still being used on the battlefield in Ukraine, and the Dagger and Zircon are very good. Russia has it, and Iran has it very magically, let's just believe him, it is Iranian scientists who are angry and strive to be strong in an extremely difficult environment at home, break through the Western blockade, and think about the success of research and development by themselves. Then Iran has it, and the little brother Housé is not far behind, and there is also hypersonic speed, isn't it very logical?

Who's embarrassed? Naturally, it is the United States, which is known as the beacon of human science and technology, my hypersonic missile has only been successfully tested, and it has not yet been put into service. Something is wrong, something is very wrong. It is said that the U.S. military also has monitoring data on the missiles launched by the Houthis, and the terminal speed has also reached Mach 7, although it is not very high, but it is completely enough to hit your aircraft carrier to break through the Aegis defense line. No wonder the US aircraft carrier is running so fast, and if it doesn't run, the slipper army may have a big ticket.

This time, the Houthis seem to have slapped Israel's ass, but in fact it is a slap in the face of the empire, when the empire entangled the multinational fleet to carry out the "Guardian of Prosperity" operation with great fanfare, vowing to ensure the navigation of the Red Sea, but the Houthis fired missiles continuously for more than half a year, and the Israeli ship was not over, and now even the Eisenhower aircraft carrier has returned to the United States for repair. It's really majestic, panicked.

No wonder the US aircraft carrier ran so fast, and the Houthis actually showed a big killer weapon, which made the United States lose face

Leaving aside the Houthi attack on an Israeli ship, let's talk about the implications behind it.

What has the United States been rich on for a long time? Trafficking in war! How to sell it? Carry out color revolutions, stir up unrest, support anti-government forces, and I will take advantage of the chaos to reap. The other is to bully the weak and directly unite with the lackeys to end up. Recently, I have also become obsessed with proxy wars, such as relying on Ukraine and attrition of Russia. In short, we use the dollar to hegemonic economic sanctions against big countries, and the United States does not lose money when small countries use force, and we always have an advantage. Now the situation is different, and some people, not to mention anyone here, learn from the American way and sell weapons and technology to upgrade the strength of the anti-American organization, so as to escalate the war against the United States.

In the past, beating up this rabble would cost at most some dollars and spend some money, but now it is difficult to return a piece of meat and break a leg, which has shaken the global strategy of the United States. Several sworn enemies of the United States, North Korea, Iran, the strength of weapons seems to have come up in an instant within a few years, which corresponds to the idiom, the wicked still need the wicked to grind, arm the countries and peoples of the world who resist hegemony, armed to the teeth, Biden naturally can't sit still, occasionally sparse or trivial, the beacon of mankind, the world's police have lost their geostrategic position, that is the big trouble. Do you really want to go back to North America and make a comeback of obscene healing? So what about these little brothers? It seems that the multipolarization of the world has become an irreversible trend.

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