
Kill three birds with one stone! China's aircraft carrier battle group suddenly approached Luzon Island, taking the United States and the Philippines by surprise

author:Wisdom Focus Circle

Not long ago, China and the Philippines clashed in the waters near Ren'ai Jiao in the South China Sea, and as a result, the Philippines failed to fulfill its wish and lost face in front of the international community.

In fact, the Chinese coast guard's subsequent actions appeared to target the Philippines, but in fact embarrassed the United States.

Kill three birds with one stone! China's aircraft carrier battle group suddenly approached Luzon Island, taking the United States and the Philippines by surprise

The CCG's firm stance and forceful actions have shown the international community China's determination and strength on the South China Sea issue.

However, in the face of the strong naval and air power support of the China Coast Guard, the United States did not dare to intervene lightly when its allies encountered difficulties, which further highlighted China's strategic position and influence in the South China Sea region.

Although more than 10 days have passed since the June 17 maritime conflict between China and the Philippines, the Philippine side has kept a low profile and has not taken any further action.

However, China's assertiveness on the South China Sea suggests that it is unlikely to stop warning the Philippines and its backers.

China's action is not only a warning to the Philippines, but also a clear signal to all countries in the South China Sea that seek to challenge China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

At this time, it is particularly important to demonstrate the deterrence of a strong navy, which is one of China's important means to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

According to the Global Times, the European Sentinel commercial remote sensing satellite observed the formation of the Chinese Navy aircraft carrier "Shandong" leaving port and heading for the waters near the Philippines.

This action has undoubtedly aroused widespread concern in the international community.

On 25 June, the "Shandong" ship departed from a certain naval port in the Southern Theater and arrived about 200 nautical miles west of Luzon Island about two days later.

The choice of this location puts the entire Luzon region, including the Manila metropolitan area, within its striking range.

This is undoubtedly a strong deterrent to the Philippines and its supporters.

It is expected that the "Shandong" will carry out combat patrols in the South China Sea and the western Pacific Ocean in the near future, and this will also be its third long-distance combat patrol this year.

Summer is also a time for Chinese aircraft carriers to conduct training in the ocean, and this operation of the "Shandong" ship is undoubtedly part of its training program.

The PLA Navy's "Shandong" aircraft carrier battle group went to the coastal waters of the Philippines with obvious deterrent intentions.

At the same time, the move could also be an opportunity to demonstrate to the Philippines the strength of its 60,000-ton displacement, further emphasizing China's strategic position and influence in the South China Sea.

Agence France-Presse reported that China's rare dispatch of an aircraft carrier directly to the Philippine coast is likely to be a warning to the Philippines not to attempt to occupy territory that does not belong to it and to avoid trespassing into Ren'ai Jiao again.

This action is undoubtedly a strong deterrent to the Philippines and a clear warning to all countries in the South China Sea that seek to challenge China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Kill three birds with one stone! China's aircraft carrier battle group suddenly approached Luzon Island, taking the United States and the Philippines by surprise

Ren'ai Jiao and other islands and reefs in China's Nansha have been China's inherent territory since ancient times, and no country should be allowed to invade and occupy them.

The Manila authorities, who have just experienced setbacks, should be well aware of this. China also took this opportunity to remind the Manila authorities not to take any chances when it comes to the South China Sea, otherwise they will face serious consequences.

In fact, this is not the first time China has deployed strategic equipment in the South China Sea in recent times.

During the previous maritime conflict between China and the Philippines, the Chinese Navy has deployed more than a dozen large ships, including one Type 075 amphibious assault ship, one Type 071 dock landing ship and three Type 055 guided missile destroyers, in relevant waters of the South China Sea.

The deployment is intended to deter potential interference by U.S. and Philippine forces and provide support to the coast guard on the front lines of law enforcement.

The deployment of these ships not only strengthens China's strategic position in the South China Sea, but also provides a strong guarantee for safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Therefore, when the coast guard deals with provocative ships and personnel from the Philippine side, US Navy warships and aircraft maintain a long distance to avoid getting involved in this unwinnable maritime conflict.

This further highlights China's strategic superiority and strength in the South China Sea.

After the June 17 clashes, two Chinese warships, including a Type 055 large guided missile destroyer, sailed close to the Philippine coast.

This action is undoubtedly a strong deterrent and warning to the Philippines.

The Chinese warship warned the Philippines with concrete actions that it is better not to dwell on the South China Sea issue to the end, otherwise it will reap the consequences.

In the face of China's harsh countermeasures, the Philippine government has recently become cautious.

The country's dignitaries have repeatedly called for bilateral dialogue with the Chinese side to prevent further escalation of the situation and avoid another maritime conflict between the two sides. This change is undoubtedly one of the important results of China's operation.

Although the Philippines, which has been pushed to the forefront, has become cautious, the United States behind the scenes is clearly not reconciled.

Rather than being ashamed of abandoning their allies, they continued to support the Philippines afterwards.

The U.S. has once again instilled in the Marcos administration the ecstasy that "the U.S. commitment to protecting the Philippines is rock-solid" in an attempt to encourage the country to continue to provoke China over the issue of sovereignty in the South China Sea.

However, such behavior is undoubtedly further aggravating tensions in the South China Sea and posing a serious threat to regional peace and stability.

Kill three birds with one stone! China's aircraft carrier battle group suddenly approached Luzon Island, taking the United States and the Philippines by surprise

In addition to the aircraft carrier "Shandong" battle group, the PLA Navy also has a strike group of Type 055 large missile destroyers patrolling the waters near Huangyan Island.

This deployment further strengthens China's strategic position and influence in the South China Sea.

The PLA's strongest naval forces in the southern theater are concentrated in the South China Sea, which is undoubtedly a clear warning to any country that seeks to challenge China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

For China, it would be enough to warn the Philippines that it would be enough to use only a few 054A missile frigates.

However, the use of the aircraft carrier "Liaoning" to deter the Philippines is undoubtedly a knife to kill chickens, and it is not cost-effective.

Therefore, China's aircraft carrier battle group is obviously not only aimed at the Philippines, but also the US-Philippine alliance.

In other words, only the United States is qualified to allow China to use aircraft carriers to hammer.

This action is undoubtedly a strong response and deterrent to the influence of the United States in the South China Sea.

At present, the U.S. Navy is massing forces in the central and western Pacific Ocean and is holding the "Rim of the Pacific 2024" joint military exercise.

The exercise involved 40 surface ships, 3 submarines, army units from 14 countries, more than 150 aircraft, and 25,000 officers and soldiers from 29 countries.

Led by the USS Carl Vinson, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that has just arrived from the US mainland, it will also dispatch F-35 stealth fighters, P-8A maritime patrol planes, and V-22 transport planes.

In this military exercise, the target ship is the 40,000-ton retired amphibious assault ship "Tarawa", which is also the largest tonnage ship sunk by the US Navy in the past 20 years in a live-fire exercise.

This military exercise is undoubtedly an important move for the United States to demonstrate its military strength and influence in the Asia-Pacific region.

However, in the face of US provocations and interference in the South China Sea, the Chinese Navy has not shown weakness.

China's previous amphibious assault ships and 10,000-ton drive in the South China Sea did not take the Philippine Navy into account, and their main target was the U.S. Navy.

Kill three birds with one stone! China's aircraft carrier battle group suddenly approached Luzon Island, taking the United States and the Philippines by surprise

However, the two aircraft carrier strike groups previously deployed by the US Navy in the South China Sea have "disappointed" the Chinese Navy.

As soon as they saw a clash between China and China in the waters near Ren'ai Jiao, they immediately fled the South China Sea, depriving China's maritime forces deployed in the South China Sea of the opportunity to train their troops in actual combat.

This behavior undoubtedly further highlights China's strategic advantages and strength in the South China Sea, and also seriously challenges the influence of the US Navy in the Asia-Pacific region.

China deployed the Shandong aircraft carrier formation to the coastal waters of the Philippines, and the main object of deterrence was the US troops stationed in the Philippines.

It is not difficult for the Chinese navy to deal with the Philippines, but this does not guarantee long-term peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Therefore, China needs to take more forceful measures to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

The use of aircraft carriers to "set limits" on the United States in the South China Sea is one of the important purposes of China's operation.

Through the deployment and actions of the aircraft carrier, China sends a clear signal to the United States that any attempt to challenge China's sovereignty and territorial integrity will be dealt with severely.

At the same time, the deployment of aircraft carriers has further enhanced China's strategic position and influence in the South China Sea, providing a strong guarantee for safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In addition, China's campaign has achieved two other important goals.

Kill three birds with one stone! China's aircraft carrier battle group suddenly approached Luzon Island, taking the United States and the Philippines by surprise

On the one hand, through the deployment and actions of aircraft carriers, China conducted normal ocean-going combat patrols, demonstrating the strength and combat readiness of its navy.

On the other hand, the deployment of the aircraft carrier has also constituted a strong deterrent and warning to the Philippines, so that it will not easily challenge China's sovereignty and territorial integrity in the South China Sea.

To sum up, China's launch of the aircraft carrier battle group to the waters off the coast of the Philippines is a strategic move that kills multiple birds with one stone.

Through the deployment and operation of the aircraft carrier, China has sent a clear signal to the international community that any attempt to challenge China's sovereignty and territorial integrity will be severely cracked down.

At the same time, the deployment of aircraft carriers has further enhanced China's strategic position and influence in the South China Sea, providing a strong guarantee for safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

This also proves once again China's firm determination and strength in maintaining regional peace and stability.

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