
Shut it down, Huawei! Everywhere is Hongmeng Zhixing, AVATR joined ADS3.0, and has the strength not to be afraid of the dark

author:Fish feed technology

"Stop it, Huawei!" Hongmeng Zhixing can be seen everywhere on the street, one thing is in front of you, every time Huawei makes a car, there is a possibility that other luxury cars will be reduced by a few others, this "inequality" is too terrible,

Everyone turned from ridicule to horror! Because after the experience, there will be a cascading effect!

Shut it down, Huawei! Everywhere is Hongmeng Zhixing, AVATR joined ADS3.0, and has the strength not to be afraid of the dark

And Huawei thoroughly grasps the traffic password,Don't wait until after the release to make a stunning debut,Compared with the past secret mode,Spoilers from the beginning,Every time you reveal a little,Every time you surprise everyone,Hongmeng Zhixing has become every time you add one, everyone is looking forward to one,Now Xiangjie S9 has successfully won the most anticipated model of 500,000 luxury cars in advance,

This also makes the high-priced models of new power manufacturers virtually become passive, including the owners who tend to B B A high-priced models, and it is inevitable that there will be great curiosity, how to leverage the status of a domestic car at the Maybach level.

In the past, I thought it was a joke, but now I am curious, mainly because there has been no major innovation in oil cars for a long time, and car owners who have the ability to choose have been driving for a long time and are looking forward to a fresh experience.

Shut it down, Huawei! Everywhere is Hongmeng Zhixing, AVATR joined ADS3.0, and has the strength not to be afraid of the dark

No wonder some bloggers persuade Huawei to "keep a low profile", but it has the strength and is not afraid of the dark, and Huawei has always been so "unsociable".

Shut it down, Huawei! Everywhere is Hongmeng Zhixing, AVATR joined ADS3.0, and has the strength not to be afraid of the dark

Enjoy the worldS9Appear in batches,You can see that it is basically black,It seems that the orders are mainly for business use,It is not even excluded that there are a large number of questions about the worldM9Users will choose"Hongmeng package",If you have drivenM9You can't turn back,Then if you want to drive a car other than M9, it must beS9!

Shut it down, Huawei! Everywhere is Hongmeng Zhixing, AVATR joined ADS3.0, and has the strength not to be afraid of the dark

Moreover, in the updated models of ADS3.0, AVATR in Hi mode has also been added, so the layout in the early stage is the popularization of the next stronger intelligent driving upgrade!

Shut it down, Huawei! Everywhere is Hongmeng Zhixing, AVATR joined ADS3.0, and has the strength not to be afraid of the dark

Nowadays, the overtaking of domestic automobiles, strength, quality, and innovation are all in front of us, not two or three sentences that can be perfunctory, not like in the past, domestic engines are "sent" so vulnerable to ridicule.

Shut it down, Huawei! Everywhere is Hongmeng Zhixing, AVATR joined ADS3.0, and has the strength not to be afraid of the dark

Now everyone is no longer obsessed with the belief that "foreign technology is the truth" in the past, in the digital age, the flow of information is very fast, what lightweight, scientific energy absorption all beautified lies can not be covered, especially the rear-end question M9 This thing completely shows that domestic electric vehicles are building a hard and gorgeous level!

Shut it down, Huawei! Everywhere is Hongmeng Zhixing, AVATR joined ADS3.0, and has the strength not to be afraid of the dark

When there is a contrast between hardness, why not choose a harder one.

When driving has a better experience, why not choose the better one.

Shut it down, Huawei! Everywhere is Hongmeng Zhixing, AVATR joined ADS3.0, and has the strength not to be afraid of the dark