
They all want to pick a favorite daughter-in-law, why was the county lord of Pingning scolded miserably, but Mrs. Wu was praised angrily

author:Muziyu chases dramas

People go through various choices throughout their lives, sometimes you choose actively, and sometimes you choose the object.

Even when I usually go to the street to buy vegetables, I want to pick a fresh and fresh one, not to mention the prospective mother-in-law who chooses her daughter-in-law.

Then you must choose someone who you are satisfied with, who your son likes, and who can bring benefits to the family.

In "Do You Know", there are many prospective mothers-in-law picking daughters-in-law.

Wang Ruofu was directly deprived of the right to choose a daughter-in-law because of her poor vision and selfishness, of course, because she had no right to speak in the Sheng family.

The lord of Pingning, who has always been high, has the right to decide the choice of her daughter-in-law, and when she chooses her daughter-in-law, she is also based on her appearance.

They all want to pick a favorite daughter-in-law, why was the county lord of Pingning scolded miserably, but Mrs. Wu was praised angrily

And in order to cure her unconscious son, Mrs. Wang, who was eager to "cheat" Minglan to be her daughter-in-law, was praised by everyone?


As early as when Qi Heng first showed that he liked the girl of the Sheng family before his parents, his father Qi Guogong opened the curtain curiously, wanted to take a look, and muttered in his mouth: "I don't know which girl of the Sheng family Heng'er has a crush on, whether she is beautiful or not, go back and ask if you have any people." ”

But the county lord of Pingning opened his mouth sarcastically: "Does she have any titles in her family!" ”

In her opinion, the girl's temperament and appearance are secondary, and the Shangqi Mansion is the first to match the conditions of the family.

But she was also born in a lord's family, but Mrs. Wu was full of joy after seeing the girl of the Sheng family.

Just imagine, if the three girls of the Sheng family fell out of the front hall in front of the county lord of Pingning due to eavesdropping, then the county lord of Pingning would not only look down on them from the bottom of his heart, but also the Sheng family would be despised.

They all want to pick a favorite daughter-in-law, why was the county lord of Pingning scolded miserably, but Mrs. Wu was praised angrily

But Mrs. Wu smiled when she got to the carriage, and gave the girls a round game: "The girl of the Sheng family just missed the cowardice", and at the same time she was complacent that her son could win the daughter of the Sheng family to look at each other secretly.

When Liang Han said that there was a girl standing next to her, her demeanor was decent, but she seemed to be a concubine, and Mrs. Wu didn't care about it.

"What's wrong with the concubine? Looking down on concubines is something that tasteless people will do, and after a woman gets married, it will be a different world. ”

At that time, Mrs. Wu hadn't taken a fancy to Minglan yet, but she was just shopping around and casting a wide net, so her evaluation of women at this time was the most objective and true idea.

She didn't feel that the Sheng family was low because she fell in love with Minglan and Minglan was a concubine, it didn't matter, but she didn't have excessive requirements for her family and identity, the most important thing was to value her character and temperament.

We have loved listening to "The Story of Cinderella" since we were children, not because the ending of this story is beautiful, but because this story tells us that a daughter, even if she is ordinary, has the right and possibility to live a happy and prosperous life, and can be respected enough.

They all want to pick a favorite daughter-in-law, why was the county lord of Pingning scolded miserably, but Mrs. Wu was praised angrily

In real life, Guo Jingjing is praised and envied by everyone and has a happy marriage.

The Huo family is a well-known big family in Hong Kong, a wealthy man, but Guo Jingjing is just the daughter of a flat-headed family.

It stands to reason that Huo Qigang, for the sake of family interests, should choose a woman who is the right person to marry, and use the in-law relationship to consolidate the Huo family's business empire.

But he chose Guo Jingjing, and when the two were in love, after they got married, the initiative was always in Guo Jingjing's hands.

The Huo family did not look down on her because she was a commoner, and gave her enough respect after marriage.

In this world, there are not so many real princesses, we are all inconspicuous Cinderellas, but we all hope to meet our own happiness.

Therefore, the practice of beating a bunch of people to death with a stick from the birth of the county lord of Pingning not only hurt people, but also caused public anger.

They all want to pick a favorite daughter-in-law, why was the county lord of Pingning scolded miserably, but Mrs. Wu was praised angrily


Compared with the noble appearance of the county lord of Pingning who speaks with a shelf and chews words, Mrs. Wu can be said to be a rough person with a mouth full of and pee.

But she has a little advantage, that is, everything is on the surface.

I'm good to you, I really moved you, I don't look down on you, and I'll tell you directly.

The first time Minglan showed her face in front of Mrs. Wu to win her favor, she played polo in order to win a hairpin for Yanran.

Mrs. Wu admired her ball skills and liked her temperament, so she had the idea of wanting her to be her daughter-in-law.

Later, she invited Minglan to participate in various gatherings and parties many times, and each time she sent a lot of gifts, her kindness to Minglan was so good that everyone could see it.

At the Gu family's banquet, she saw that Minglan was bullied by Sang and scolded Huai, and after muttering that they didn't know the goods, she left the table angrily and went to the garden to find Minglan to comfort her.

They all want to pick a favorite daughter-in-law, why was the county lord of Pingning scolded miserably, but Mrs. Wu was praised angrily

The relationship between the female dependents is to better deal with her husband's career, but she let the princess's high branch not stammer, and she did not hesitate to offend people to comfort the concubine of a small official's family.

It can be seen that she likes Minglan and doesn't care about the rumors in the outside world.

On the contrary, she didn't like Mo Lan, and when she met for the first time, she said that Mo Lan was enchanting and pretentious, and in the future polo club, even if the three sisters of the Sheng family participated together, they all sat around her, and she only talked to Minglan and Rulan.

He has never taken Mo Lan's words, let alone taken the initiative to talk to her.

But the lord of Pingning likes to play yin.

She obviously looked down on the daughters of the Sheng family, but praised them for their good looks and knowledge, and said that if anyone could marry the daughter of the Sheng family, it would be a great blessing.

praised Rulan in front of Wang Ruofu for having the demeanor of a daughter-in-law, which made Wang Ruofu's mother and daughter both physically and mentally rippling.

She obviously didn't want Qi Heng to marry Minglan, but she didn't refuse her son in person, and said that she would take him to send congratulatory gifts to the Sheng family.

They all want to pick a favorite daughter-in-law, why was the county lord of Pingning scolded miserably, but Mrs. Wu was praised angrily

Qi Heng thought that his mother agreed, but he never thought that in front of the Sheng family, Qi Heng would let Qi Heng treat Minglan as his own sister.

In the face of the Sheng family's refusal and Qi Heng's dissuasion, she didn't give a chance at all, and took out a string of Nanzhu and said that it was a meeting gift for her sisters.

Her stick not only interrupted Qi Heng's thoughts, but also served as a warning to the Sheng family: she would never agree to the Sheng family's daughter marrying into the Qi family of the Guogong Mansion.

It doesn't matter if you don't like it, or if you don't agree, just make it clear to your son, you have to pretend to agree, and then go to the Sheng family's Yin family, which will embarrass the Sheng family's girl even more.

Compared with Mrs. Wu's very direct style of doing things to people, whether good or bad, the actions of the county lord of Pingning are not only angry but also disgusting, can't she be a little more open!

They all want to pick a favorite daughter-in-law, why was the county lord of Pingning scolded miserably, but Mrs. Wu was praised angrily


Everyone will do things more or less with a little selfishness, which is not wrong at all, the county lord of Pingning and Mrs. Wu choose their daughters-in-law with their own selfishness.

But whether it is a person or a worker, there should be a criterion and a thread in your heart.

You have the right to choose, but you can't arbitrarily devalue others; You have the right to like and dislike, and please keep it in plain sight.