
July Horoscope|Ace Horoscope July 2024 Zodiac Signs Monthly Horoscope

author:Angel Horoscope

July Horoscope|Ace Horoscope July 2024 Zodiac Signs Monthly Horoscope

July Horoscope|Ace Horoscope July 2024 Zodiac Signs Monthly Horoscope


The first half of July focuses on our emotional and family situation, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy it in a playful way. As the month progresses, Leo, supported by Mars in fast-moving Gemini, truly forms a season of sparks. However, with Mercury, Venus, and the Sun all going head-on with Pluto this month, there could be some real battle of wills.


Horoscope for July 2024

Aries March 21 to April 20

The New Moon on the 5th urges you to keep all the parts of your life working well related to emotional security, home, family, and parenting. If you can do it, there will be a more joyful time waiting for you this month, first with Mercury, then Venus and the Sun, both of which will enter your sister fire sign, Leo. With your ruler Mars bringing more energy, the final week will leave you feeling truly confident that plans will move forward positively. On top of that, as July comes to an end, your stamina and motivation will be boosted to the extreme.

Taurus April 21 to May 21

In July, someone may tell you something that touches your nerves, and you may wonder if they are deliberately pinprick you. While it's not impossible, the Cancer Moon phase on the 5th is at a complex angle to the node axis, and perhaps the person is actually receiving the energy you emit, even if not consciously. With Mars in your sign and Pluto at the cusp of your 10th house before the 20th, you may have the urge to fight back fiercely. Don't do that! What they say may help you unlock deeper insights into yourself.

Gemini May 22 to June 21

Money is important, it's important! We all know this, and the second Full Moon in a row on July 21 will activate the balance of your life and it's a great opportunity to really bring things into balance. But as Mars enters your sign for the past ten days, you will also feel refreshed and more confident. You have great communication skills, and as the month progresses, this will really be emphasized, and you will find yourself with the urge to go out and travel. In fact, any activity that is both challenging and stimulating can be your lightning rod and bring out the best in you.

Cancer June 22-July 23

Cancer has a great opportunity with the New Moon on the 5th in your sign to celebrate the splendor of your ruler. That's right, it's the moon. But this is influenced by the intersection axis, and there may be something pulling you in when it comes to setting your goals for this month or even for the year ahead, almost mysteriously moving towards new prospects, and you have to feel really right, especially around cosmopolitan ambitions. You may also be in conflict with someone this month because of financial issues because their views are very different from yours. If so, stick to your beliefs.

Leo July 24 to August 23

Mercury enters your sign on the 2nd, Venus on the 12th, and the Sun on the 22nd. This really will light up the season of Leo in a spectacular way. But to truly feel the power, it's important to make sure that any remaining issues are completely cleared. With the 21st being the second Capricorn Full Moon in a row, you have one last chance to do so, but be aware that there may be people watching your progress with some envy. If so, you have to make up your mind to show your charisma. Your leadership traits have also been highlighted over the past ten days, and this is the perfect time for you to start a new life.

Ursa August 24 - September 23

On the one hand, friendships and social interactions look positive. But as this month drags on, it's really a case of quality over quantity. As much as you may be courted, be careful about your time, as you'll likely need some time in July to take a step back and take a deeper look at things. Also, starting on the 20th, your career expectations and goals will be in focus, and as your ruler Mercury returns home on the 26th, anything that no longer serves your larger purpose can begin to give way.

Libra September 24 to October 23

Shoot to the well-known star, Libra! Believing that you have all the talents, talents, and abilities that will make you soar all the way, the New Moon will help you showcase all your talents. But it's not just that that moves you forward this month, so is your networking, ability to build important relationships, and collaborations. During the final phase of July, when Mars forms an amazing angle to Pluto and the Sun, you rarely feel so much support and appreciation. Happily, you'll feel more adventurous and in the mood to try.

Scorpio October 24 to November 22

There's an air of change in the air, but you're a sign that resists getting out of the patterns and routines that have always served you well. So, what to do? Sure, you can stick with it, but especially in any part of your life that has become stale and ingrained, some new approach might be just what you need. In fact, if you feel like you're ready to take on more responsibility, your prospects may be great during this time, but if you're a family or a family lover, you need to step out of your comfort zone.

Sagittarius November 23 to December 21

Think about what's going on in your world. Some major shifts are underway, and when this happens, we naturally tend to stick to what we are familiar with and feel safe in. However, for you, especially after the challenges of the last year, it can be difficult for you to resist the temptation of something new and exciting. If you have a vacation on your schedule, the timing couldn't be better. But if not, your curiosity will also be awakened, and you can absorb a lot of new information. In love, late July may get exciting, but stale relationships may take a back seat.

Capricorn December 22 to January 20

It can be a big month for relationships, but it doesn't just mean a romantic connection. You may find yourself negotiating and finding points of mutual benefit. Again, you may draw stricter boundaries, but it could mean some tension if someone resists your views. You have two Full Moons this year, and the second Full Moon on the 21st could be a turning point, if you're really not happy. Conversely, if any connection goes well, it may go deeper. Classes or travel plans that start on the 26th will prove lucky.

Aquarius January 21 to February 19

Pluto is a very important influence in your sign at the best of times, but this July he will have an even greater influence as he faces Mercury, Venus, and the Sun in turn. The corollary is that the shift he has been stirring up in you since January of this year (and for 11 weeks last year) will make you approach relationships differently than you used to. A deeper understanding of why people react the way they do this will be a theme. Again, all of this will help you to know more about what you really need, and from the 20th, you will have the ability to actually get it.

Pisces February 20 to March 20

At the beginning of July, Saturn and Neptune appear in your sign at the same time, creating exciting connections with participants from other celestial bodies, which inspires you. Your creativity may be influenced by practicality, but equally, as the month progresses, the opportunity to put together often very important details will also be key. If you've been waiting to complete a home remodeling or dive into a DIY project, you'll be quite motivated in the final week. But with Mercury turning into Virgo on the 26th, a conversation can also prove to be inspiring and important.


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