
Next Week's Horoscope Whispers of the Stars and Moon July 1 - July 7, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

author:Angel Horoscope

Next Week's Horoscope Whispers of the Stars and Moon July 1 - July 7, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

Next Week's Horoscope Whispers of the Stars and Moon July 1 - July 7, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

Weekly horoscope for July 1 to 7

This week's New Moon occurs in Cancer, where clan ties are strong, so it's a great time to start a family project, move, organize a family reunion, or welcome a newborn. If you're going to travel, it's likely to be somewhere you've been before, where you'll feel at home.

White Sheep March 21 - April 20

Do you feel like a tired, lackluster ram with a schedule full of activities? Avoid workplace and social events this week. The Sun, New Moon, and Venus are all in your home zone. So rest and relaxation (in Aries) is exactly what the doctor commands. You may be asked to do some volunteer work or contribute to humanitarian projects. As the great Princess Diana said, "Everyone has the potential to give back to society".

Goldenrod (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus can easily get caught up in boring old routines. This week's New Moon encourages fresh ideas, exciting connections, and lively exchanges. With Mars and Uranus still in your sign (plus Mars in conjunction with Saturn), it's time to break some rules and irritate some. In a planned, responsible way. So, your mantra is what the great Princess Diana said: "I don't follow the rules...... I come from the heart, not the head."

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

The New Moon illuminates your current bank balance and also the money mistakes you have made in the past. If your finances are in shambles, it's time to sort them out. Venus will also visit your $ zone, which will add to your extravagant and gullible side. Be careful not to indulge in a "comfort shopping" binge that you won't regret afterwards. Slow down and be thoughtful. Remember...... The waiting Gemini will finally get the good stuff!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The sensitive constellation Cancer is ruled by the silvery and changeable Moon. Therefore, this week's New Moon in Cancer will stir up your emotions and make you can't help but be affected. Add to that Mercury and Pluto to exacerbate professional partnerships or financial insecurity. But being overly emotional and vexatious won't help. Instead, as you learn to love yourself, praise your strengths, and chase your dreams, pay attention to the magical promise of the new moon's brilliance.

Fox (July 23 - August 22)

Pluto opposes Mercury (in your sign) this week, so your bossy, demanding, divaly side is likely to take over. If you are obsessed with the little things, then by the end of the week you will feel tired and emotional. It's time to de-stress, and the New Moon will illuminate your mental/solitary zone for you to meditate, meditate, regurgitate, and relax. You might just have fun! Also, keep an eye on developments, as well as symbolic messages from night dreams.

Ursa (August 23 - September 22)

The New Moon activates your hopes and aspirations zone, and it's time to elaborate (and write down) your goals and dreams for the future. Then you can put it into action. But don't let your lover or work partner manipulate you on Wednesday because they try to convince you to do something that goes against your better judgment. Have the strength and common sense to stand your ground and say "no". With a firm smile. Fridays and Saturdays are good for disciplined, productive work.

Libra September 24 - October 23

The well-mannered Libra is the peacemaker of the zodiac. You're definitely going to need your diplomatic skills this week. Pluto opposes Mercury, so relationships with children or friends can be particularly frustrating. The best way to deal with this situation is to be patient and understanding. The New Moon activates your business zone, so don't be shy. Speak up and improve your talents! If you put it off again and again, then the opportunity may pass you by.

Celestial constellation (October 23 - November 21)

Neptune and Saturn trine boost Scorpio's creativity and productivity. But Wednesday's irascible Mercury/Pluto opposition highlights your propensity for jealousy, possessiveness, domineering, or domineering behavior. Especially at home. Therefore, you do your best to loosen your strong grip on your loved one, otherwise your dramatic remarks and harsh demands will only drive them away. The New Moon highlights travel and/or educational programs.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarians are easily distracted by the hustle and bustle of daily life, filled with noisy notifications and chattering gossip. This week, the Sun, New Moon, and Venus will light up your intuition and secret zone (in the perceptive sign of Cancer). Therefore, aim to spend some quality time on yourself. Slow down, meditate, meditate, and listen to the quiet voice within. Your motto comes from the great Princess Diana: "I do things intuitively. It's my best advisor."

Masa (December 22 - January 19)

This week (Mercury opposition Pluto), you may encounter obstacles. Or you may be embroiled in a power struggle with relatives, friends, or colleagues, especially when it comes to money and/or trust issues. Don't be nervous and tangled! Sometimes, obstacles can make you slow down and see the road ahead more clearly. The Mars-Saturn conjunction will help you adjust your compass and adjust your plans. A proactive, sensible approach will pay you its benefits.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

The new moon activates your work and wellbeing area. So, this week is a good time to start work, start a business, start a new diet, or restart your workout program. Venus is also in your daily life zone, and it's time to coordinate, compromise, and cooperate with the main characters in your daily life. On Wednesday, Pluto (in your sign) opposes Mercury, and expect some strong thoughts and powerful conversations. Be pragmatic on the financial side.

Femina (February 19 - March 20)

Tuesday's Mercury/Neptune trine is perfect for visionary thinking, creative pursuits, and spiritual insight. Neptune snaked slowly through your sign, and you intuitively know what's right for you. Although in the eyes of others you may be confused. Don't let your co-workers (or peers) push you or persuade you to do things you don't believe in. Saturn (in your sign) encourages you to be sensible and down-to-earth.


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