
9.2+6.8! didn't wade into the troubled waters of the Clippers, nor did they stir up the Lakers' messy porridge, congratulations to the Spurs for bringing reinforcements

author:Fish Cliff talks about basketball
{"info":{"title":{"content":"9.2+6.8!没蹚快船这浑水,也没搅湖人这锅乱粥,恭喜马刺引强援","en":"9.2+6.8! didn't wade into the troubled waters of the Clippers, nor did they stir up the Lakers' messy porridge, congratulations to the Spurs for bringing reinforcements"},"description":{"content":"北京时间7月1日,勇士官方消息,球队裁掉了克里斯-保罗,保罗就此成为了完全自由球员。保罗下赛季的薪水本是3000万,但因...","en":"On July 1, Beijing time, the Warriors officially reported that the team cut Chris Paul, and Paul became a complete free agent. Paul's salary next season was supposed to be 30 million, but because..."}},"items":[]}