
Health Science | Can't eat! Can't eat! These "jiers" are very → poisonous

author:Beautiful and far-reaching
{"info":{"title":{"content":"健康科普 | 吃不得!吃不得!这些“jier”毒得很→","en":"Health Science | Can't eat! Can't eat! These \"jiers\" are very → poisonous"},"description":{"content":"气温升高,雨季来临云南野生菌大量上市又到了再次学习野生菌食用安全小知识的时候了在此温馨提醒野生菌子千千万看好种类再下饭这...","en":"The temperature is rising, the rainy season is coming, a large number of wild mushrooms in Yunnan are on the market, and it is time to learn the knowledge of wild mushroom food safety again."}},"items":[]}