
People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

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Extreme Things:

Only by taking three meals a day seriously can you live up to the four seasons of your life.

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

There was once a person who worked tirelessly to climb the mountain and finally meet the Zen master.

The Zen master asked, "What is your problem?" Let's talk about it. ”

The man said, "Master, what is cultivation? ”

The Zen master narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly replied, "Hungry come to eat, sleepy to sleep."

The man's brows were still frowning, and his eyes revealed confusion: "Don't ordinary people eat and sleep too?" How can this be considered a practice? ”

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

Picture: Ding Ding Xiao Sheng ©

The Zen master turned around, looked at the clouds rising in the distance, sighed and replied-

"Ordinary people always think about everything when they eat, they don't eat well, and they think all kinds of things when they sleep, and they don't sleep well."

In fact, the simplest things are the hardest to do well.

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

Figure: Network ©

In life, as long as you observe carefully, you will find -

People who pick and choose to eat a meal are often not happy, and those who rush a perfunctory meal often lose their health.

Life is cultivation, not to do those extremely difficult and profound things to be considered successful, know how to eat seriously, sleep well, you have already realized the avenue.

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult
People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

How one treats food will be how one treats life.

Those who eat seriously in life are often people who love life.

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult
People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

Figure 1 and 2 | ©

Lin Yutang, who was born in southern Fujian, has walked hand in hand with his wife Liao Cuifeng for 50 years, and he has a deep love for flounder.

A life of love, eight or nine do not leave food. The two are devoted to each other in life, and Lin Yutang will also watch his wife cook in the kitchen, occasionally asking two or three.

Steamed sturgeon, boiled noodles with preserved fish, braised noodles in Xiamen, stewed chicken, stewed eel...... Liao Cuifeng is not afraid of trouble, even in a foreign country, she also skillfully makes soup to restore the taste of her hometown. When I eat alone, I don't settle for anything, and I often delve into delicious food with my sisters and enjoy it. When I eat with my family, I am very particular about the dishes I make.

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

Figure: Network ©

Many years later, her daughter still thought about a cabbage boiled fat duck, laughing that this dish made her stomach "happy enough to sing".

In the article, she recalled that her mother always spread the cabbage on the bottom of the pot, put the duck on it, add ginger to enhance the flavor, and then cover the cabbage. After simmering for a few hours, the cabbage has softened, spread some cabbage, drizzle with freshly boiled duck fat, and continue to simmer. Until the duck is flicked with chopsticks, the flesh and bones can be separated. At this time, the fragrant duck fat and sweet cabbage complement each other, and it melts in the mouth.

In the process of slow cooking of duck meat, the mother did not rush to the fire, but just took care of the pot gently and properly. After tasting it for my father, who was watching from the kitchen, I got the advice to stew it for a longer time, and I was not anxious.

What is quick will inevitably decay quickly. And the deep stew and slow cooking, eventually there is a fragrance in the room.

The family sat down and tasted it carefully, and it took a lot of time to eat a meal, but the delicious food was worth the wait, after all, there was a concern for the family and a love for life.

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

Picture: Little buddies ©

Gourmand Cai Lan once wrote——

"A good life starts with a good meal."

Finely cut the ingredients on the board, watching the pot tumble and tumble with warmth, when the sweet and sour are in the aroma between square inches, in fact, we have poured a lot of love invisibly.

Those who eat seriously cherish their love in their hearts. They know that only by taking three meals a day seriously can they live up to the four seasons of their lives.

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

Whenever I encounter difficulties in life, I always think of a passage that Lin Qingxuan once wrote-

"No one can get 100 points in real life, 100 points for work, 100 points for love, 100 points for marriage, 100 points for relationships, 100 points for health......"

"There is no perfect life, it is the true reality of life, and what life will never change is that it changes every day"

In the ever-changing life, we all need to find a fulcrum to let the wandering hearts rest.

At this point, we must learn from the gourmand Su Dongpo.

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

Picture: Ding Ding Xiao Sheng ©

When Kuhaha was demoted to Huangzhou, he was so poor that he couldn't afford other food, so he could only eat pork, which was the most "noble person refused to eat" at that time.

And it is also very ceremonial, the pot should be washed clean in advance, and then put water, set firewood, control the fire, simmer slowly, the weight of life is pressed, but he finds his calmness in the food, and smiles -

"Don't rush him when he is familiar with himself, and he is beautiful when he is ready"

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult
People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

Figure: Network ©

was degraded again, the family lived in a dilapidated house, the cold wind was howling outside the window, and there was only a pot of thin porridge to live.

He picked up the pen and wrote "Bean Porridge" again-

"The ground pile is as bright as jade, and the sand bottle boiled beans are as soft as crisp"

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

For him, no matter how heavy the wind and snow are, it is enough to dissipate when it encounters warm cooking smoke.

Eating every bowl of rice in front of you seriously is very comfortable.

After all, there is nothing that cannot be passed, only the mood that cannot be passed.

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult
People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

Photo: Documentary "Su Dongpo". ©

People who eat seriously always live a relaxed life.

They never levitate on the real life and pursue the false, but through food, they mingle with the real and vivid life.

As long as you learn to find a stable core in the changes, no matter how impetuous your heart is, you can calm down and enjoy every moment of food.

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

Picture: Ding Ding Xiao Sheng ©

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

In a variety show, the host asked Wang Zengqi's son Wang Lang with great interest-

"What is the most memorable thing my father said [to you] when you were a child?"

I saw that Wang Lang's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he recalled something very happy. He smiled and replied, "It's quite vulgar to say."

Then his voice went up, imitating his father's appearance and said—

"It's time to eat!"

In an instant, the host and the audience were happy. The old man wearing an apron, serving home-cooked food, and smiling and calling his children to eat seemed to appear in front of him.

A plain and warm feeling, through time and space, gently soothes people's hearts.

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

Picture | ©

The kitchen and dining table are the warmest places in a home.

Wang Zengqi, who loves to eat and knows how to eat the most, is even more proficient in this principle. He hid his love for life in every meal he made seriously, and through this meal, he reunited the family and connected them closely.

The family sat together, the lights were amiable, and no one of them at that time buried their heads in their mobile phones, just seriously put down their chopsticks and accompanied each other. In this way, even if the years are like clouds. The temples have climbed up to the white-haired Wang Lang, and he can still recall the happiness at that time.

Behind the phrase "eat", it is the tolerance and affection between family members.

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

Figure: Network ©

People who know how to eat seriously are the most worthy of deep friendship.

They live warmly, stretched, and humane. They know how to respect the difficulties of cooking, and they also enjoy the fun of cooking.

In this era when the distance between people and people is gradually distant, it is their existence that reawakens people's love for life, and also retains the indelible affection between family members.

People who eat seriously are actually the most difficult

Picture: Ding Ding Xiao Sheng ©

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