
Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

author:Seiten Goshi

Text/Editor丨Qingtian Imperial History

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think


"Hey, buddy, I've recently found a good way to make money, are you going?"

In the face of such words, many gamblers did not resist the temptation to make a fortune, and were fooled by their "friends" to cross the border and go abroad to gamble. However, what they didn't expect was that not only did they not do it to "get rich overnight", but even their lives were almost confessed there.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

This is Boten Casino from Myanmar. Boten Casino is also known as the "Golden City", and gamblers who have never been there regard it as a place of leisure, but after visiting, they call it "Devil's Town".

And the history of such a sinful casino dates back to 2005.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

In 2005, the mainland government forcibly closed the Maizayang Casino on the border with Myanmar after a rigorous plan and investigation, but this thunderous operation attracted another gang of criminal groups.

It didn't take long for a Boten casino on the border between China and Laos to quietly rise and grow.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think


Sister Xia is a Beijinger who has met many gamblers because of her addiction to gambling. And he has been arrested by the public security organs for gambling many times, but he still has not relented, and the money he has worked hard to accumulate in his hands is often lost after gambling two times because he can't help it.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

On this day, a friend of Sister Xia, named Li Dan, told Sister Xia: "I know that there is a place that is very safe, will not be discovered by the police, and it is very easy to make money, and foreigners here are stupid and have a lot of money." If you go, I'll contract you a round-trip ticket. ”

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

Sister Xia was moved when she heard it, but reason made her instinctively wonder if there was anything greasy in it, and after asking Li Dan, she didn't expect Li Dan to say to Sister Xia directly angrily: "How many years of friendship we have, I won't deceive you." If you notice something is wrong, you should come here for a tour. ”

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

Sister Xia then dispelled her suspicions and happily got on the plane to Yunnan. After that, Sister Xia followed the smuggled "snake head" to Boding City. During this period, Sister Xia felt that something was wrong, but she thought that she was here to gamble, which was an illegal act. So he obeyed the arrangement of the snakehead and obediently followed them into the casino.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

After entering the casino, Sister Xia saw many Chinese. But this casino is splendid, Sister Xia is very gambling, and she really wins money after playing a few times. After that, the more I played, the more I let go, and I couldn't extricate myself from it.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

Soon, under a madness, Sister Xia lost all her assets in the casino. Unexpectedly, the casino staff took the initiative to find Sister Xia and said that she could apply for a quota and did not need any collateral. After that, just pay back the money when you win.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

At this time, Sister Xia, who had already lost money to the point of collapse of her mentality, immediately chose to take out a loan when she heard about this incident, and threw all the borrowed money on the gambling table. What Sister Xia didn't expect again was that she was able to win a few times, but now she ran out of loans quickly.

Sister Xia saw that something was wrong, so she wanted to slip away. But the thugs in the casino had their eyes on her early, and seeing that she wanted to escape, they directly took Sister Xia into a closed room to wait for processing.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

At first, the casino staff kindly asked Sister Xia to call her family and prepare money to remit money, and then release Sister Xia.

After Sister Xia called her family, the family thought that this was another way for Sister Xia to cheat money and gamble. So no money was sent. After that, the casino staff put Sister Xia in a "forced single room", which was full of gamblers who had no money to remit money.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

They are brutally beaten by collectors. Women who are good-looking will be stripped naked, men will be beaten and shocked, corporal punishment, intimidation, violent beatings and other ways will make you call and urge your family to pay back the money as soon as possible.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

Sister Xia was frightened after being sent to a "forced single room", and hurriedly called her family to ask for money to save herself. Sister Xia's family also felt that something was wrong after they found out that Sister Xia was missing. Only then did I realize that Sister Xia had indeed had an accident. sold the house, borrowed money from everywhere, and scraped together enough 1 million to rescue Sister Xia.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think


Those who were not redeemed by their families were miserable. A hostage from Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, told the media about such an incident.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

After he was deceived by his agent into going to an overseas casino, he saw with his own eyes that someone could not pay off his gambling debts after signing them, and was beaten to death by the casino. Then, after losing 3 million yuan because of gambling, he borrowed a huge amount of gambling debts, was taken hostage by the casino, restricted his personal freedom, and was beaten by the casino personnel in turn.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

The most cruel thing is that because his relatives in China can't make up the money, he is often asked to eat chili peppers by thugs in casinos. Like we usually eat chili peppers to use for flavoring, but they let them eat chili peppers is completely torture.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

Stuff a whole bag of chili peppers into your mouth and eat them all one bite at a time. The rest of the bits will provoke a frenzied beating by the thugs. However, eating the chili pepper will be even more uncomfortable, and the whole body will be as if it is ignited in the body, and the whole body will tremble with spicy heat.

There is also the use of toilet paper to burn the soles of his feet, this kind of slow torture, uncomfortable made him have suicidal thoughts for a while. For three months in the casino suffered inhuman torture.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

And casino thugs are very experienced, and they will often spectate people whose defenses are about to collapse, so that they want to kill themselves but can't.

In addition, casino thugs will use all means to torture hostages. This includes, but is not limited to: standing and kneeling, watering with cold water when it is cold, beating, burning the body with cigarette butts, cutting the arm with a knife and bleeding, etc.

And it's all about making you force your family to pay for it.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

There is also a type of illegal behavior called "code washing". It has a very similar meaning to our idiom "for the tiger".

The so-called "code washing" refers to the fact that the casino hires special personnel who are responsible for pulling people to gamble. These "code washers" often come from all over China, and they are well versed in the psychology of gamblers and are adept at luring others with rhetoric.

There are even gamblers who trick their friends and family from their homes to gamble in casinos because they can't afford to pay their gambling debts and are afraid of being beaten, and then fall into the same fate as him.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think


In 2011, the Chinese police and the Myanmar police cooperated to conduct a joint investigation into Boten Golden City, which destroyed the gambling den that had harmed countless Chinese.

On December 26, 2011, the Laos Golden City case was heard in Jinghong, Yunnan Province, with a total of 74 people being tried.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

In the current Boding City, the old casino has been bulldozed and replaced by a newly repaired special economic zone. Newly renovated high-rise buildings and buildings of all kinds have become mainstream.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

The special economic zones in Laos have attracted many Chinese to invest here. Boten is located at the throat of Yunnan and Southeast Asia, which is very suitable for the development of the transportation and logistics industry. China's Belt and Road Initiative will launch the rapid development of Boding's industry.

Many logistics companies have entered Boten, and in the land of Boten, the blocked halls have disappeared, replaced by pieces of logistics parks.

It is believed that Boten will become an important hub between China and Southeast Asian countries in the future.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think


Gambling is a game that may seem full of temptations, but it is actually an abyss full of pitfalls. In recent years, there have been many tragedies caused by gambling, especially the tragedy that occurred at the Boten casino in Laos, which is a wake-up call. I wrote this article to remind everyone to stay away from gambling and cherish life.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

People who are involved in gambling often have their bodies and minds in a tense and anxious gambling environment for a long time because of gambling, resulting in great stress.

Moreover, gamblers' families often lose all their savings and even go into debt due to gambling. As a result, families are in financial trouble, couples turn against each other, and children live in fear and shadow.

Toilet paper burns the hearts of the feet, millet is spicy as rice, and the real border gambling is far more terrible than you think

Advise everyone not to gamble. Gambling does more harm than good. For the sake of stability and harmony among individuals, families and society, please stay away from gambling. Cherish life, refuse to gamble, and let's build a better future together.

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