
Israel is in danger of national demise, and China may become a lifesaver!

author:Leadership Think Tank

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a protracted regional strife, now seems to be pushing Israel into an unprecedented predicament.

The military's public disobedience to the complete elimination of Hamas is an impossible task and a harbinger of a rift between the military and Netanyahu that will be difficult to repair. The march of hundreds of thousands of people in the country is a vote of no confidence in the current government. Under the pressure of a shortage of troops, Israel had to consider conscripting ultra-Orthodox Jews into the army, which not only exacerbated the divisions in the country, but also exposed the embarrassment of being overstretched. Israel's internal contradictions are gradually emerging.

And the sudden change in the situation in the Middle East caught Israel off guard. The explosive news that the Houthis claimed to have used hypersonic missiles to strike Israeli ships with precision is undoubtedly a wake-up call for Israel. Lebanese Allah's drone tactics and electromagnetic bombs have wiped out Israel's military advantage. The exchange of anti-US and anti-Israeli armed equipment in the Middle East undoubtedly shows that there is the support of major powers behind it.

Israel's strong position in the Middle East has long been aided by the lack of support from its rivals from major powers. Now, however, the situation is quietly changing. The involvement of major powers in the Middle East is becoming more and more obvious, and Israel will face unprecedented challenges, and may even touch the bottom line of its existence.

Israel, a small country with a population of less than 10 million, lacks resources and limited strategic depth, and simply does not have the ability to fight a protracted war. While Israel is dependent on U.S. aid, how long can that help continue as America's own problems are exposed? There is not much left of Israel's "old roots", and the encirclement and suppression of the resistance forces are becoming more and more intense, and the resources of the great powers behind it are almost endless.

Israel is in danger of national demise, and China may become a lifesaver!

As for nuclear weapons, they are a double-edged sword, both a deterrent and a shackle. In the complex and volatile land of the Middle East, nuclear deterrence, as a strategic means, may be able to deter large-scale direct military invasion to a certain extent, but it cannot resolve the deep-seated political and social contradictions, let alone resist economic sanctions and moral condemnation from the international community. If Israel were to use nuclear weapons, it would face the wrath of the entire Islamic world and the unpredictable consequences that would follow.

Israel's future is on thin ice at every step. How to survive in the precarious balance and how to survive in the cracks of the international community has become the most pressing issue facing Netanyahu and Israel.

Israel has its best hopes for the United States. However, the United States, a former ally, is now hesitating in the quagmire of the Middle East and has fallen into an embarrassing situation of "unable to save and unable to stop." Russia is beating the United States hard in the Middle East, and the European Union is sitting on the sidelines and watching the tiger in an attempt to bargain with the United States on the geopolitical chessboard in the Middle East. Moreover, with the decline of US power, US aircraft carriers have been hit, and its military bases have become the target of public criticism, and the US influence in the Middle East has lost what it used to be. Whether Israel can still count on the United States to provide sufficient support has become a big question mark.

At this critical juncture, China's role has become increasingly important. As an important and influential player, China has adhered to a position of promoting peace on the Middle East issue, neither completely hostile to Israel nor maintaining relations with Arab countries, and this strategy has won China the possibility of reconciling contradictions in the region. Although, in the eyes of many, China's support for the Iran-Saudi rapprochement, as well as its support for Arab countries, has emboldened anti-Israel forces.

China's two-state solution means that Israel must give up some of its vested interests, which is undoubtedly a painful choice for Israel, which has long expanded in the Middle East.

In the long run, however, China's two-state solution could be a lifeline for Israel in the post-US imperialist era. Imagine if American hegemony really became history, how would Israel, which had lost its patronage, find itself in the future. In the midst of the vengeful fury of the Islamic world, only compromise and peace can ensure the survival of the state.

Of course, it will take time to tell whether Israel accepts this option. But it should not be overlooked that China's influence in the Middle East is on the rise, and Israel needs to prepare for the future strategic environment. If Israel is able to assess the situation, it may find that China is not an enemy, but a savior of its future.

Therefore, if Netanyahu is truly concerned about his country, he should consider looking east as soon as possible and asking China to intervene. In this international game, it is not the United States, but China, that is really likely to save Israel from its demise. And China's attitude is crucial. Whether or not China continues to adhere to the "two-state solution" will not only have a bearing on the direction of the Middle East peace process, but will also have a direct impact on Israel's future national fortunes. In fact, China has the wisdom and foresight to understand the importance of a stable and peaceful Middle East to the global order.

First, Israel's presence, although it may seem to exacerbate regional tensions in the short term, actually acts as a buffer between Sunnis and Shiites in the long run. The struggle between these two major Islamic sects has been the main thread of turmoil in the Middle East. It is precisely this contradiction that Israel and the United States have taken advantage of in the past to skillfully achieve control over the Middle East. Now, as the U.S. influence in the Middle East has waned, China's promotion of the Saudi-Iranian rapprochement has brought temporary peace to the region, but the deep-seated sectarian contradictions have not resolved. Once they lose their common enemy, the two powers are likely to once again be locked in a scuffle for regional dominance. This is undoubtedly a huge threat to China's Belt and Road Initiative, as well as to its economic interests in the Middle East.

Therefore, retaining Israel's presence can effectively alleviate the contradictions between Sunnis and Shiites, maintain the separation of powers and checks and balances in the Middle East, and provide a stable external environment for China's strategic layout in the region.

Second, Israel's relationship with China goes far beyond geopolitical considerations. In the context of globalization, the power of Jewish capital should not be underestimated. Despite attempts to distinguish between Zionism and Jewish capital, Israel's deep ties to American Jewish capital are indisputable facts. Today, when the financial war between China and the United States is intensifying, there is actually a common convergence of interests between China and Jewish capital. The dependence of Jewish capital on globalization coincides with China's strategic goal of promoting the in-depth development of globalization.

If Israel really reaches the point where it needs China's asylum, then China will gain more bargaining chips in the game with Jewish capital. This will not only help China strive for more favorable conditions in the process of globalization, but also add an important weight to China's construction of a new global order.

China's strategy in the Middle East is very different from that of the United States. The United States pursues hegemony and needs Israel as a strong ally to maintain its influence in the Middle East. China, on the other hand, adheres to the principle of win-win cooperation and prefers to promote regional stability and development through peaceful means. Under the guidance of this strategy, China does not need an overly strong Israel, but an Israel that can act as a counterweight in the Islamic world.

Israel, as a small heretical state in the Islamic world, once it loses the support of the United States, its living space will become very delicate. In this context, China, as a potential asylum, is of great importance to Israel. China's two-state solution not only provides support for the Palestinian people, but also provides a possibility for Israel's own future.

The subtlety of this plan lies in the fact that it is not only a solution to the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but also a foreshadowing for the future evolution of the Middle East pattern. Once U.S. influence fades in the Middle East and Israel's power is weakened, this plan will be a talisman for Israel to avoid national destruction. At that time, the Islamic world, even if it is unwilling, will have to accept this plan with the broad approval of the international community.

As far as China is concerned, the successful implementation of this plan will not only enhance its influence in the Middle East, but also provide more bargaining chips for its game with Jewish capital. In the context of globalization, the influence of Jewish capital on the global economy cannot be ignored. A more cooperative relationship between China and Jewish capital through Israel would help facilitate a smooth transition of the global economy from the Washington Consensus to the Belt and Road Initiative.

In the midst of these profound changes unseen in a century, Israel's survival is both a challenge and an opportunity for China. China's wisdom and strategic vision will determine the sharpness of this double-edged sword. By skillfully balancing the power of all sides, China is expected to promote a new and more just and equitable order in the Middle East and around the world. And Israel, once the little bully of the Middle East, may become an important partner of China in future international politics. For Israel, how to find its place in the great power game will determine its future national fortunes. In this world full of uncertainties, only by being flexible and adaptable can we remain invincible in the torrent of history.

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