
With "Xun" to respond to "flood", they are the "retrogrades" in the wind and rain in Guichi!

author:Treasure land and precious pool

In the past few days, heavy rainfall has fallen in our region, causing flooding, road collapses, and flooding of crops in many areas. The majority of party members and cadres in our district moved when they heard the "flood" and went against the "water", charging ahead and going all out, so that the party flag fluttered high on the front line of flood control.

"It's better to take precautions than to lose precautions"

With "Xun" to respond to "flood", they are the "retrogrades" in the wind and rain in Guichi!

Zhang Yanxia immediately organized party members and cadres to clean up obstacles in the road section of the village and restore the smooth road

As the secretary of the general party branch of Guankou Village, Yinhui Town, Zhang Yanxia has always been concerned about the masses, in her words, "The safety of the masses is no trivial matter, and it is better to take ten precautions than to lose precautions." In the past few days, she insisted on going out at 5 o'clock every morning, repeatedly checking various flood control risk points in the village, timely arranging for the removal of road obstacles, pulling safety cordons, and patrolling and persuasion to ensure the personal and property safety of the masses.

On the morning of June 29, Secretary Zhang, who had just come out of the centralized resettlement site in Guankou Village, did not bother to eat a hot meal, so he drove there non-stop because he was concerned about the transfer of low-lying people. Unexpectedly, a phone call received on the road made her frown suddenly, and her heart sank, it turned out that some people reported that in the section of the eighth floor group of Guankou Village, because the strong wind swept last night, causing trees to fall on the road, seriously hindering the normal operation of traffic. Zhang Zhishu immediately called on party members and cadres to go to the road section to carry out clean-up work, with the help of cutting machines, the fallen trees were sawed in sections and dragged away from the road site, the gravel and soil were cleaned up, the cordon was pulled, and warning signs were placed, and the order of passing traffic was restored in the shortest possible time.

"The emergency response will not be lifted, and we will never leave the front line"

With "Xun" to respond to "flood", they are the "retrogrades" in the wind and rain in Guichi!

Zou Shiguo led the rescue vehicles and team members to clean up the landslide

Tangxi Town immediately launched the flood control emergency response, and Zou Shiguo, deputy secretary of the town Party Committee, went to the contact village to command in accordance with the unified deployment.

Since he was stationed in the village, Zou Shiguo has always regarded the prevention of mountain floods and geological disasters and the transfer and avoidance of houses on the slope as the top priority of flood prevention work, went deep into the front line, and led the village cadres to strengthen the inspection of hidden danger points and dangerous points such as mountain ponds and reservoirs, rivers, ditches, road traffic, and dilapidated houses”。

When it was found that there were landslides in the S225 low ridge section and the rescue road of the small second-type reservoir in the jurisdiction, Zou Shiguo immediately led the rescue vehicles and emergency team members to the scene, set up safety warning signs, and commanded the emergency team members to clean up debris and landslides in the rain, carry out rescue work, and rush through the blocked road before returning to the village for a short rest.

"Raincoats get in the way, it's more convenient that way"

With "Xun" to respond to "flood", they are the "retrogrades" in the wind and rain in Guichi!

Du Huajie rushed to repair the flood control road

Du Huajie, a 27-year-old veteran of the Zha Village Community Flood Control Commando in Jiangkou Street, is also a five-year Communist Party member. When he received the task of flood control, he took the initiative to ask for help and resolutely devoted himself to the front line of flood control. On the morning of June 30, in order to ensure the normal passage of flood control roads, flood control materials were delivered to the site in a timely manner. In the process, some team members reminded him to put on a raincoat to avoid getting sick, but he wiped the rain and sweat on his face, and said with a smile: "Don't wear it, it's easier to work like this, and go to the next point quickly when you're done." ”

"I'm a member of the Communist Party, I'll go first!"

With "Xun" to respond to "flood", they are the "retrogrades" in the wind and rain in Guichi!

Wu Guiyou led the migrant workers to carry out flood control patrols and risk inspection work on the Qiupu River embankment

Wu Guiyou is 63 years old this year, as a party member for 37 years, serving in the village for 20 years, every time he carries out flood control work, he has a busy figure, he has been using practical actions to demonstrate the responsibility and responsibility of old party members and cadres.

At 16 o'clock in the afternoon of June 29, the Ruanqiao community of Qiujiang Street received an order from the higher authorities to immediately arrange 22 migrant workers to go to the Qiupu River embankment for flood control. At that time, Wu Guiyou was handling affairs in the community, and after hearing this, he ran out of the door and said, "I'll go back and change my boots immediately, I'll go up first, I'll go to the group to call people, and your 'two committees' will prepare other things to go up the embankment first." In less than an hour, the cadres of the "two committees" of the community prepared the flood control shed and other work in Dageng, and Wu Guiyou rode a tricycle and arrived at the flood control site on time with 21 other migrant workers. Subsequently, Wu Guiyou immediately led the migrant workers to carry out flood control patrols and embankment inspections. "Flood control and homeland protection is a major matter, I have rich experience in flood control, as a member of the Communist Party, I should rush to the front at this time." Wu Guiyou said honestly.

"For emergency rescue and disaster relief, party members should be on the front line!"

With "Xun" to respond to "flood", they are the "retrogrades" in the wind and rain in Guichi!

Lu Zilin inspected the situation of cleaning up the landslide

Lu Zilin of Meicun Township is 60 years old this year, the leader of the stone group in Yangpeng Village, and a veteran party member with 26 years of party experience. After the flood season came, he took the initiative to play the leading role of party members, did not retreat because of his advanced age, and insisted on devoting himself to the front line of flood control. During the inspection of the flood season on June 27, Lu Zilin found a small landslide behind a villager's house, he immediately checked the safety situation and reported to the village committee, and together with the village cadres, patiently explained the situation to the villagers, and did a good job in the transfer and resettlement of the affected people in a timely manner. Over the years, Lu Zilin can be seen at critical moments such as preventing forest fires and fighting floods and rescues, and he has always adhered to the vanguard attitude of timely investment, continuous combat, and all-out efforts, so that the party flag flutters on the front line of the grassroots.

"Don't be afraid when the rainstorm comes, we've been there"

With "Xun" to respond to "flood", they are the "retrogrades" in the wind and rain in Guichi!

Wu Qiyang is cleaning the ditch

Wu Qiyang, a 34-year-old village cadre from Hekou Village, Dunshang Street, is a young party member with 10 years of party experience. On the morning of June 30, I came to the field early in the morning to inspect and found that tree branches, sediment and other piles were piled up on the road surface and drainage outlets, resulting in the blocking of ditches around the paddy field. Without hesitation, he immediately jumped into the ditch and began dredging. Use a shovel to clean up the sand and mud and debris on the road surface in the rain, and clean up the remaining branches and weeds by hand to ensure the smooth flow of the canal. He said: "The drainage system is the lifeline when the rainstorm comes, and it must be dredged in time, so that the safety of our people can be guaranteed!" Facing the worried faces of the surrounding people, he calmly comforted: "Don't be afraid when the rainstorm comes, we have been there!" As a young party member, at the critical moment of flood control and drainage, he stepped forward and showed his "hard core" responsibility!