
Fighting day and night without stopping, the cadres of Guichi work together to build a line of defense!

author:Treasure land and precious pool

In the past few days, under the influence of heavy precipitation, the flood control situation in our region has shown a situation of large water coming from the upper reaches, strong rainfall in the intervals, and the water level of the Yangtze River is constantly rising. As of 8 o'clock on June 30, the water level of Chikou Station on the Yangtze River rose to 15.28 meters, up 0.5 meters from 8 o'clock the previous day, and the water level exceeded the alert level by 0.28 meters. On the Yangtze River embankment, the temporary party branch was established, the party member commando team was on standby at all times, the "key minority" stepped forward, the "vast majority" closely followed, and the cadres and masses worked together to fight day and night on the front line of flood control, vowing to defend the river and the river.

Fighting day and night without stopping, the cadres of Guichi work together to build a line of defense!

Ensuring the stability of river embankments is a race against time. On the afternoon of June 29, when the water level of the Chikou Station of the Yangtze River was about to exceed the warning level, the flood control and drought relief headquarters of our region quickly issued Order No. 4 and the "Emergency Notice on Earnestly Doing a Good Job in the Current Flood Prevention Work on the Yangtze River". This morning, the author went to the Yangtze River embankment in Wusha Town and Qiujiang Street, and after a night, the persons in charge of flood control at all levels were still in place, paying close attention to the changes in the rain and water conditions, and being ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

Fighting day and night without stopping, the cadres of Guichi work together to build a line of defense!

"There are a total of 14.285 kilometers of Yangtze River embankment in Wusha Town, and up to now, a total of 150 cadres in the town have made every effort to investigate and eliminate dangers to deal with various emergencies at any time." According to Ye Wenxiang, head of the water conservancy station in Wusha Town, at present, the flood control responsibilities at all levels in Wusha Town are in place, on duty 24 hours a day, and the town has also raised more than 20 yuan of funds for the purchase of water pumps, yellow sand and other equipment, materials, and the town's flood control materials are fully stocked.

Fighting day and night without stopping, the cadres of Guichi work together to build a line of defense!
Fighting day and night without stopping, the cadres of Guichi work together to build a line of defense!

The more turbulent the storm, the more the mission is responsible. "Now we are at the most difficult juncture of flood control work, and the most important thing is to stick to our posts, people are on the embankment, and we will never retreat." Since yesterday afternoon, Cao Lei, a party member volunteer in Puqing Village, Qiujiang Street, has been on the embankment with other villagers to pay close attention to the changes in the water situation. At present, along the embankment of the Yangtze River, there are duty points every 1 km or so, and the lighting facilities on the embankment are also quickly laid in place, and the towns and streets along the line are set up with a patrol line of 10-20 people per kilometer, and the embankment is checked and removed at a frequency of 1 to 2 hours, and whether there are large trees lodging, pipe surges and other phenomena to ensure that the danger can be quickly responded to and dealt with quickly at the first time.

Fighting day and night without stopping, the cadres of Guichi work together to build a line of defense!

While waiting to strengthen the embankments along the Yangtze River, our region has also continued to build a strong defense line for inland rivers without slackening. In the past few days, affected by the water level of the Yangtze River and the heavy rainfall in the upper reaches, the water level of the Qiupu River has continued to rise, and at 5 o'clock this afternoon, the water level of the Yinhui Station of the Qiupu River has reached 16.2 meters, and the ultra-alert water level is 0.7 meters. In order to prevent the continuous rise of the water level from threatening the safety of people's lives and property, Yinhui Town has organized cadres and groups from all villages along the line to go up the embankment to carry out 24-hour uninterrupted inspections, closely monitor changes in water conditions, and ensure that dangerous situations can be quickly reported and dealt with quickly as soon as possible. "According to the current water level of the Qiupu River, we organized the transfer of 43 households in the Song Village Group of Lianfeng Village in advance today, and will continue to do a good job in the transfer of disaster-prone people along the line according to the situation to ensure that no one is missed." Zuo Xinghan, deputy mayor of Yinhui Town, said.

As of today, more than 1,400 cadres in the whole region have gone to the embankment to inspect and eliminate dangers, and all kinds of flood control materials are fully stocked. Next, our district will pay close attention to the changes in water conditions and rain conditions, continue to focus on the general polders around the Yangtze River Xinzhou, the Bund polder and along the river and lake, especially the overflow (collapse) polder in recent years, and focus on the historical dangerous section, bank collapse area, new project, and the section of the pond embankment behind the embankment, etc., to increase inspection and guarding, and ensure the stability of more than 83,000 meters of river embankments along the four major polders of Wanxing, Qiujiang, Tongyi, and Datong, and go all out to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people in the whole region and ensure the safety of the flood.