
Good news! The high-grade highway in Lari is open to traffic! The journey time has been shortened to about 3 hours!

author:Shigatse Tourism
Good news! The high-grade highway in Lari is open to traffic! The journey time has been shortened to about 3 hours!
Good news! The high-grade highway in Lari is open to traffic! The journey time has been shortened to about 3 hours!

June 30th

G4218 Ya'an to Yecheng National Highway

The Lhasa-Shigatse Airport section project was completed and opened to traffic

The total length is 167 km

This marks the city of Lhasa to the city of Shigatse

The high-grade highway is open to traffic

Travel to and from the two cities

Take the national highway G318 line compared to before

Shortened to about 3 hours

So far

The total length of high-grade highways in Tibet is 1,196 kilometers

Good news! The high-grade highway in Lari is open to traffic! The journey time has been shortened to about 3 hours!

According to reports, the total length of the high-grade highway from Lhasa City to Shigatse City is 245 kilometers, which is composed of a special highway from Lhasa to Gonggar Airport and a first-class highway from Shigatse Airport to Shigatse City. The section from Lhasa to Shigatse Airport opened to traffic this time is a highway, which is one of the key construction projects of Tibet's highway transportation during the 13th Five-Year Plan, with four lanes in both directions.

Good news! The high-grade highway in Lari is open to traffic! The journey time has been shortened to about 3 hours!

The project started in March 2019, and the line crosses the Brahmaputra River and runs parallel to the La-Ri Railway and National Highway 318. In the construction process, the construction unit vigorously promotes scientific, standardized and information-based management, vigorously applies advanced technology, equipment and technology, and carries out scientific research topics such as "Research on Key Technologies for the Construction of Weathering I-beam Composite Beam Deck Composite Beam Bridges in Tibet", and timely transforms and applies the research results, which effectively guarantees the progress and quality requirements of the project.

Good news! The high-grade highway in Lari is open to traffic! The journey time has been shortened to about 3 hours!

It is reported that the full connection of high-grade highways from Lhasa to Shigatse has effectively improved the level of high-grade highway infrastructure construction in high-altitude and alpine areas of the mainland, optimized and improved the highway network between Tibet and the country, and promoted the further formation of a comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network of "five-city three-hour economic circle" centered on Lhasa, making important contributions to regional economic development.

Source: Tibet Daily

Editor: Shigatse Tourism

[Editor-in-Chief: Tan Qilu丨Editor: Lv Yong]

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