
Rongdian Group: The leader of the new era of Royalstar brand!

author:Home Grid

Foreword: Today, with the wave of digitalization and intelligence sweeping the world, the home appliance industry is undergoing unprecedented changes. Looking back on the glorious history of the Royalstar brand, as the pride of the national brand, it carries the good memories of countless families. Nowadays, under the leadership of Rongdian Group, the Royalstar brand is actively embracing the challenges and opportunities of the new era with an unprecedented attitude, and radiating a new brand vitality.

The birth of a legendary national brand

In 1954, more than a dozen skilled coppersmiths joined hands to establish the Hardware Sand Production Cooperative, and it was this starting point that gave birth to the Royalstar brand, which would later be famous everywhere.

In 1993, with the first Royalstar product off the production line, the Royalstar brand was officially born.

In the hot land of Hefei, once the Royalstar brand was launched, it was like a soaring eagle, quickly emerged, and the national sales volume ranked first for 4 consecutive years, writing a brilliant performance. Royalstar has won the favor of users with its high-quality products and services, and has won "China Famous Brand" and "China Famous Trademark" for many times, and has become the mark of a generation of Chinese people's better life.

The road to diversified development of Royalstar brand

With the passage of time, by 2004, Hefei Royalstar Group started to diversify its operation and established seven companies, including Hefei Royalstar Small Household Appliances Co., Ltd. and Hefei Royalstar Air Conditioning Co., Ltd.

Rongdian Group: The leader of the new era of Royalstar brand!

In 2009, according to the restructuring requirements of the Hefei Municipal Government, Hefei Royalstar Group and its subsidiaries were merged into Hefei Industrial Investment Group, a subsidiary of Hefei State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

In 2011, the firm name of Hefei Royalstar Group was cancelled. At the same time, Rongdian Group was established, and Royalstar Small Household Appliances Company and Royalstar Air Conditioning Company became subsidiaries of Rongdian Group. Moreover, Rongdian Group also has a high-end brand - Amos and an artificial intelligence brand - Haoshuai.

Under the careful care and continuous investment of Rongdian Group, the Royalstar brand is like a bright star, always standing in the turbulent business competition, and continues to bring new quality life experience to Chinese families!

The flag bearer of the Royalstar brand

Rongdian Group: The leader of the new era of Royalstar brand!

Hou Wenming, chairman of Rongdian Group

As the leader of the new era of the Royalstar brand, Rongdian Group is the main enterprise and supporting enterprise of the Royalstar brand, and is also one of the enterprises with the largest scale, the largest product categories and the highest market sales in the domestic home appliance industry. The sales volume of the Royalstar brand under Rongdian Group accounts for about 80% of the overall share of the Royalstar brand.

Rongdian Group: The leader of the new era of Royalstar brand!

Under the leadership of Mr. Hou Wenming, the founder of Rongdian Group, starting from Hefei Royalstar Small Household Appliances Co., Ltd. and Hefei Royalstar Air Conditioning Co., Ltd., Rongdian Group has been deeply engaged in the home appliance industry, and after 20 years of rapid development, it has not only stabilized the basic plate in the field of household appliances, but also achieved a comprehensive upgrade and renewal in multiple dimensions such as technology, products, brands, markets and services.

Rongdian Group: The leader of the new era of Royalstar brand!

Today, Rongdian Group has grown into an ecological enterprise with the largest number of home appliance categories, the strongest supply chain capabilities and the strongest customization capabilities in China. In the process of development, Rongdian Group takes the Royalstar brand as the core, takes the lead in putting forward the slogan of "Royalstar, New Domestic Products", cross-border cooperation with Beijing Gongmei Group, Baiyaxuan Art Museum, Disney, Teddy Bear, Guangcai and other well-known brands and cultural IPs, and develops a series of trendy products such as new national tide and artist appliances, covering more than 70 categories and more than 3,000 products, injecting a steady stream of innovative vitality into the Royalstar brand.

Rongdian Group: The leader of the new era of Royalstar brand!

Nowadays, Rongdian Group takes electrical appliances as the core, and has developed a global layout of six major industries, including smart home, health care industry, titanium metal civilization, high-tech incubator (3U ecology), and foreign trade exports, with 30 million products entering global families every year, and is committed to providing systematic solutions for household consumer goods and enterprise consumer goods. Under the leadership of Rongdian Group, the Royalstar brand in the new era is full of vitality, moving towards a broader market with an unprecedented attitude, and bringing a more diversified and personalized consumption experience to global consumers.