
In 2024, the "plum time" is coming, and it is not unusual to meet in three days, what is the saying? Don't forget the old traditions

author:Lazy Meow loves to cook

As we enter July, the weather is getting hotter and hotter day by day, and when the dog days get closer and closer, it also means that the rainy season will soon come to an end.

This year's plum is not ordinary, it happens to be a "three-day meeting", which day is the plum? What are the three days? Let's take a look, what are the sayings in the old tradition?

In 2024, the "plum time" is coming, and it is not unusual to meet in three days, what is the saying? Don't forget the old traditions

What day is "out of the plum" this year?

In June and July every year, there is often a long-term non-stop rainy weather in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the mainland, because this time just coincides with the season when the plums are yellow and ripe, and the ancients named this special climatic phenomenon "plum rain".

In ancient times, there was not a perfect weather forecasting system as it is now, and the ancients estimated that the time of the rainy season was more based on the 24 solar terms of the miscanthus and the summer heat. Regarding which day is "out of the plum", there is a mention in the ancient calendar that "the plum is not out after the small summer", which means that the first day from the day of the small summer festival is the date of the plum blossom.

The date of this year's small summer festival is July 6, which happens to be the "Xinwei day" in the ancient Ganzhi discipline, and it is also the first "Wei day" after the beginning of the small summer, so according to the method of the ancients to calculate the time of the plum rain, this year July 6 "out of the plum".

In 2024, the "plum time" is coming, and it is not unusual to meet in three days, what is the saying? Don't forget the old traditions

This year's plum is not ordinary, it happens to be a "three-day meeting"

Compared with previous years, this year's plum time is relatively early, because the day of the small summer festival is just "not the day", and the folk have this year's plum is not ordinary, it happens to be "three days to meet", do you know which three days you refer to?

1- The first day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar

The ancients formulated the lunar calendar according to the change cycle of the moon phases, and set the day when the moon runs to the middle of the sun and the earth and cannot see the moonlight as the first day of each month, and the moon phase on this day is called "New Moon", so the first day of the lunar calendar is also called "New Year".

This year's plum blossom season falls on the first day of the sixth lunar month, which is the beginning of a new month, which in old traditions means new good luck and hope.

In ancient times, the New Day was the day when the emperor had to go to court, and the ministers would also celebrate the arrival of the New Day with each other, as mentioned in the novel "Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty" in the late Ming Dynasty, "Tomorrow is the New Day, and the father must look at the court." For modern people, it is advisable to make a wish and make a plan on this day to make a good start to the sixth month of the lunar calendar.

In 2024, the "plum time" is coming, and it is not unusual to meet in three days, what is the saying? Don't forget the old traditions

2- Small summer solar term

In the folk proverb, it is said that "after the small summer, the plum blossom does not come out", which shows that the ancients used the small summer solar term as the standard when calculating the plum date.

Weiri is the day of the "Wei" of the earthly branch in the Ganzhi Discipline Law, which is Xinwei Day, Guiwei Day, Yiwei Day, Ding Wei Day, and Ji Wei Day, a total of 5, which will appear once every 12 days.

This year's day after the summer heat is just the same day as the summer heat, which is the "Xinwei day" in the Ganzhi discipline law, so this year's plum date is earlier than in previous years, and it just coincides with the summer solar term.

"Small summer heat, steaming and cooking", the small summer is the beginning of entering the hot and bitter summer, and it also indicates that the ambush has entered the countdown stage, the weather is relatively hot, and it is just into the small summer to catch up with the plum, reminding everyone to take heatstroke prevention and cooling measures in advance, and not to be careless.

In 2024, the "plum time" is coming, and it is not unusual to meet in three days, what is the saying? Don't forget the old traditions

3- "Jianri"

The ancient book "The Book of Coordination and Defense" records that "the calendar family cooperates with the twelve gods on duty, and the twelve days are a cycle, and the cycle repeats, looking at its value, in order to determine the good fortune", which means that the ancients relied on the old tradition of "building and eliminating the twelve gods" when choosing auspiciousness.

Legend has it that there are 12 immortals who take turns on duty every day, every 12 days for a cycle, the names are built, divided, full, leveled, fixed, persistent, broken, dangerous, completed, harvested, opened, closed, the corresponding days are called "building day", "except day,......,", and so on.

The date of this year's plum blossom is the first day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, which is the Xinwei day in the Ganzhi discipline. "June Jianwei", the day of June of the lunar calendar is the day of construction, so this year's plum date is the "construction day" of the ancient auspicious time, and it is also the day when the ancients thought that everything was difficult at the beginning and needed to be cautious, so you might as well make an understanding.

In 2024, the "plum time" is coming, and it is not unusual to meet in three days, what is the saying? Don't forget the old traditions

"The long lunar calendar in June, closed doors to hide the summer heat", this year's plum time happens to be the first day of the sixth lunar month, is the lunar calendar June New Day, the small summer solar term, the ancient cadres and branches of the discipline of the "day", it can be said that "three days meet", very unusual. Do you agree with these old traditions?

I wish you all a good start in the sixth month of the lunar calendar, everything you want, and everything you hope for!