
On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

author:Lazy Meow loves to cook

Entering July, the dog days are in the countdown phase. This year's dog days will officially kick off on July 15th, are you ready for the "steaming and cooking" weather? As soon as the weather is hot, people especially rely on blowing air conditioners, drinking cold drinks, and eating ice products to relieve the heat and cool down. In this special period, you must keep your mouth shut and eat less cold food to avoid discomfort caused by excessive coldness.

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

The dog days of 2024 will last for a full 40 days, so it is recommended that you prepare 3 things in advance and eat a little every day to easily overheat the day.

First: ginger slices

Ingredients: Ginger, sugar (2:1 ratio)

1. Scrub the tender ginger with salt water, then remove the ginger skin and cut it into thin slices with a thickness of about 1 mm;

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

2. After the water in the pot boils, pour in the ginger slices, boil for about 5 minutes, turn off the heat, remove and drain the water;

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

3. Mix the white sugar and ginger slices together, put them in the refrigerator and marinate for 2 hours until the sugar is completely dissolved;

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

4. Pour the ginger and sugar water into the pot together, stir-fry over low heat until dense small bubbles appear, and then turn off the heat;

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

5. Continue to stir-fry with the help of the residual temperature of the pot until you see the white frosting come out, and you can evenly wrap the ginger slices.

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

The prepared ginger slices are cooled and then packed into bottles and sealed for preservation, it is recommended to refrigerate them and take 3 tablets every morning to eat.

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

The second type: red dates, walnuts and black sesame cakes

Ingredients: cooked black sesame seeds, red dates, walnuts, eggs, honey

(Reference ratio: 80 grams of black sesame seeds, 3 red dates, 3 walnuts, 1 egg, 30 grams of honey)

1. Chop the red dates and walnuts after washing, and you don't need to chop them too much if you like to eat them with a little graininess;

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

2. Mix black sesame seeds, red dates and walnuts together, knock in eggs, add an appropriate amount of honey and mix evenly;

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

3. After mixing, spread out into a cake shape with a mold, remember to compact some;

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

4. Put the black sesame cake in the oven or air fryer and bake at 120 degrees for 30 minutes.

Freshly baked black sesame cakes are soft and crispy when left to cool, making them especially delicious.

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

The third sample: vinegar soaked black beans

Ingredients: black beans, aged vinegar

1. Select some fresh and plump black beans, wash them and drain them;

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

2. Pour the black beans into the pot, stir-fry over low heat, and turn off the heat after the beans burst;

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

3. After cooling, pour the black beans into a dry and clean bottle, and then pour in the aged vinegar;

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

4. The amount of vinegar can not exceed the black beans, and then seal the bottle mouth;

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

5. Put the bottle in the refrigerator and refrigerate for about 7 days, and wait for the beans to soak until they are soft before eating.

After soaking black beans, take 5-10 pieces a day to eat, not on an empty stomach, do not eat too much at one time.

On July 15th, you should keep your mouth shut, prepare 3 things in advance, eat a little every day, and easily overheat the day

The above recommends 3 recipes suitable for eating before and after the ambush, in which the ginger, black sesame seeds, black beans and other ingredients are very nutritious, it is recommended that you blow less air conditioning, drink less ice drinks, learn to regulate the physical and mental state through a reasonable diet, and spend the hot day with full energy.