
I can't laugh anymore, the horse in "Du Hua Nian" was jealous and kissed the princess, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

author:Lazy insects talk about entertainment

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In the TV series "Spending the Year of China", Li Rong asked her son to get close to her son in order to humiliate Pei Wenxuan.

When Pei Wenxuan saw it, he was very possessive, pulled the princess to the boat and took it to no one's place, warning her that it only belonged to her.

I can't laugh anymore, the horse in "Du Hua Nian" was jealous and kissed the princess, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Li Rong retorted, and the concubine was provoked to kiss the princess.

There are various hot comments from netizens, such as "he kissed as soon as he mooed" and so on.

In today's film and television industry, there is no shortage of works that attract the audience with unique plots and profound character portrayals, and the recent hit TV series "Du Hua Nian" has become the focus of public opinion with its ups and downs of the plot and complex and multi-dimensional character relationships.

I can't laugh anymore, the horse in "Du Hua Nian" was jealous and kissed the princess, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

The play not only challenged the narrative mode of traditional emotional dramas, but also set off heated discussions on the Internet, especially one of the scenes full of dramatic tension, which moved countless audiences and also triggered a wide range of social repercussions.

The story takes place in ancient times, the heroine Li Rong, a woman with a strong personality and excellent wit, in order to take revenge on the misunderstanding of her beloved, carefully planned a plan - to charter a flower boat and invite many sons and brothers to accompany her, in order to publicly humiliate the male protagonist Pei Wenxuan.

This scene is not only an extreme expression of personal feelings, but also a subtle discussion of social ethics and the status of women at that time.

I can't laugh anymore, the horse in "Du Hua Nian" was jealous and kissed the princess, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Li Rong's move seems frivolous, but in fact it contains deep emotional entanglements and the defense of self-worth, which makes people feel heartache.

In the face of Li Rong's provocation, Pei Wenxuan, a man with a cold appearance and a fiery heart, his inner possessiveness was instantly ignited.

He desperately pulled Li Rong to the side of the boat, rowed to the middle of the lake where no one was, and an emotional storm quietly brewed.

I can't laugh anymore, the horse in "Du Hua Nian" was jealous and kissed the princess, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Pei Wenxuan's eyes revealed unquestionable resoluteness, and he warned Li Rong in an almost threatening tone that her identity and everything about her could only belong to him alone, and asked Li Rong to recognize her role and prepare to become Mrs. Pei.

These words are not only a declaration of power, but also an expression of affection, showing the complex inner world of the characters.

Li Rong did not give in, she confessed the truth of the flower boat incident in an almost decisive attitude, and bluntly said that all this was just a game carefully arranged by herself.

I can't laugh anymore, the horse in "Du Hua Nian" was jealous and kissed the princess, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Her response, like a sharp sword, hit Pei Wenxuan's heart directly, and also completely ignited the fire of this emotional duel.

Pei Wenxuan made an impulsive move under the emotions of anger and despair - forcibly kissed Li Rong, this act is not only a release of his own emotions, but also an extreme confirmation of the relationship between the two, which instantly pushed the plot to a climax.

This plot quickly fermented on the Internet, and the comments of netizens were varied and wonderful.

I can't laugh anymore, the horse in "Du Hua Nian" was jealous and kissed the princess, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Some people exclaimed that Pei Wenxuan's forcible kiss "came too suddenly", reminiscent of the image of him being ridiculed as "Niu Niu" in the play in the past, with a hint of warm memories in the ridicule; Some netizens also left a message in a philosopher-like tone: "Kiss her forcibly and tell him that bitter fruit is also fruit."

This sentence is not only a profound reflection on the situation in the play, but also a subtle revelation of the complexity of real emotions.

From the perspective of performance, some viewers questioned whether the actress's expression really conveyed reluctant emotions, and this discussion is not only about acting, but also touches on the real presentation of the psychology of the characters in film and television works.

I can't laugh anymore, the horse in "Du Hua Nian" was jealous and kissed the princess, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

At the same time, there are also netizens who spoke highly of the director's creativity and Zhang Linghe's (hypothetical actor's name) performance, thinking that the design of this bridge is bold and impactful, and Zhang Linghe's interpretation of Pei Wenxuan's role, especially the emotional outburst at the moment of the forced kiss, shows the depth of his acting skills, which is impressive.

These comments are not only a recognition of the actors and crew, but also an encouragement for modern film and television works to dare to break through the routine and explore the depth of human nature.

Through this gripping plot, "The Year of China" not only succeeds in creating two main characters with distinct personalities and complex emotions, but also stimulates the public's deep thinking about emotional expression, gender power, and personal choice.

I can't laugh anymore, the horse in "Du Hua Nian" was jealous and kissed the princess, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

While entertaining, it provides a window to observe society and understand human nature, so that people can enjoy the visual feast while also feeling the touch of the heart.

With its unique charm, "Spending the Year of China" proves the power of excellent film and television works, not only to tell a story, but also to resonate with the audience and promote social thinking and progress.

With the deepening of the plot, this scene in the TV series "Spending the Year of China" not only stays at the surface of the conflict and emotional outburst, but also touches the inner growth and change of the characters.

I can't laugh anymore, the horse in "Du Hua Nian" was jealous and kissed the princess, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

The contest between Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong has become a key node in the turning point of their respective fates, and it also reflects the collision and reconciliation between individual choices and social rules in the context of the times.

After a fierce confrontation, the relationship between Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong seems to have reached an unprecedented impasse.

It is such an extreme situation that forces the two to re-examine each other, as well as their true emotions and desires in their hearts.

I can't laugh anymore, the horse in "Du Hua Nian" was jealous and kissed the princess, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Behind Pei Wenxuan's toughness is a deep and complex love for Li Rong, although this love is expressed roughly and directly, it is difficult to hide the fragility and uneasiness behind it.

And Li Rong, her resistance and design, isn't it a rebellion against Pei Wenxuan's emotional possessiveness, as well as her insistence on her own freedom and independence?

The plot sparked a heated discussion on the Internet, not only as a discussion of the emotional conflict in the play, but also as a broad conversation about love, power and self.

I can't laugh anymore, the horse in "Du Hua Nian" was jealous and kissed the princess, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Some viewers pointed out that although the story of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong is interpreted in an ancient context, it unexpectedly resonates with the struggle and search of contemporary people in love relationships.

The exchange of views among netizens includes both criticism of the situation of women under feudal etiquette and an appeal for mutual respect and understanding in modern emotional relationships, showing the cultural and social influence of this drama across time and space.

In addition, the way this plot is handled has also sparked a discussion on the artistic expression of film and television.

I can't laugh anymore, the horse in "Du Hua Nian" was jealous and kissed the princess, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Some critics praised the director's clever use of visual language, such as the switching of lenses and the use of light and shadow, which delicately captured the subtle psychological changes of the characters, making the emotional outburst both shocking and realistic.

Zhang Linghe, as the actor of Pei Wenxuan, conveyed the complex emotions in the character's heart through the nuances of his eyes and body language, allowing the audience to see a three-dimensional and multi-level character image, rather than a one-dimensional stereotype of "domineering president".

More importantly, this series of events has prompted "Du Hua Nian" not only to stay in the category of "costume idol drama", but to become a thought-provoking social and cultural phenomenon.

I can't laugh anymore, the horse in "Du Hua Nian" was jealous and kissed the princess, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

It allows the audience to entertain and entertain while also deeply reflecting on issues such as tradition and modernity, the individual and society, love and freedom.

This way of entertaining and educating undoubtedly provides new ideas for the creation of domestic TV dramas, and also broadens the boundaries of their cultural value and social significance.

All in all, through the portrayal of the emotional conflict between Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong, "Du Hua Nian" not only constructs a touching love story, but also sows the seeds of thinking in the hearts of the audience, about the true meaning of love, the autonomy of the individual, and how to seek balance and harmony in complex social relationships.

I can't laugh anymore, the horse in "Du Hua Nian" was jealous and kissed the princess, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

The success of this drama lies not only in its excellent production and superb acting skills of the actors, but also in the fact that it can arouse wide resonance in society and become a bridge connecting the past and the present, art and life.

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