
Those who want to go, don't have to stay; The broken fate does not have to be forced

author:Quiet Summer 001
Those who want to go, don't have to stay; The broken fate does not have to be forced

Some people, some love, the more you keep it, the easier it is to lose.

It's yours and will never leave you, it's not yours, it's destined to be lost, therefore, in the world of love, we have to learn to look down, not to be too demanding, not to be entangled.

There are gains and losses in life, those who should go, do not have to be kept, and the fate that should be broken does not have to be forced.

The feelings that are forced will only make the other party miserable; Humble love will only hurt you.

Hongchen love, all have the destination of reincarnation, everything has its own fixed number, divided and combined, gathered and scattered, but it is just a love catastrophe in life, those former vows and alliances, often become the rest of the life of broken love.

Those who want to leave never lack excuses, and those who are willing to stay do not need to work hard to stay.

Those who want to go, don't have to stay; The broken fate does not have to be forced


In our lives, there are too many people passing by us, the difference is that some people stay with us for a longer time, and some people just rush and go their own way.

Therefore, on the train of life, there are always people who keep going up and down, it is a coincidence, but also fate, but in this world, warm love at first sight is easy, gentle for a long time is rare, we always look forward to such a person, come will not leave, but contrary to wishes, we still miss each other after all.

We believe in love, as if every time we meet, we feel like we are the last person, but some people only accompany you for a ride, and then they get out of the car in a hurry, and they are drowned by the sea of people, and they can no longer be seen.

Because, everyone's end point is different, and they are destined to only be able to walk together, and the rest of the road and the rest of the scenery are walked separately and enjoyed separately.

A person's passing and stopping are all arranged by fate, and what we have to do is to get used to and accept. Feelings are like this, the people who are coming will not go, the people who are going to leave you can't stay, there is no sign, there is no language, but it is always arranged, those who are going to leave, like sand that cannot be held in the hand, when the wind comes, they will also leave.

In the relationship, maybe we have all experienced gains and losses, hot and cold, the person you miss in your heart, but you don't really take you to heart, you will be sad, you will be sad, but there is no way to take someone who does not love you.

The so-called growth is to gain and lose, even if we have all kinds of helplessness, we can't resist the fate of fate, everything can't go back, even if we are sorry, but we can only accept the loss calmly, we can only come here, and then move forward alone, you know, what can be easily lost, maybe it is never yours, and there is a deprivation and a gift of feelings.

Those who want to go, don't have to stay; The broken fate does not have to be forced


The person who wants to leave can't be kept, no matter how much you stay, you will only strip yourself of the last dignity, and the loneliness of one person is definitely better than the will of two people.

After all, life can't stand torture, life can't stand waiting, don't wait to wait, stay and stay, in the end what is left is regret, and what is missed is true love. The person who is leaving, it is very likely that he has found the other half who is more suitable for him, and wants to get rid of you as soon as possible, it is very likely that he has found a broader world and wants to soar, anyway, no matter what the reason, there must be no shadow of you in these reasons, and there is no love for you.

If you want to get rid of your people, you have no way to keep them, just like the wind takes away the leaves, even if the trunk tries its best, there is still no way to keep them, last year's leaves are finally lost to the next year's new green, just like people are scattered, they are really scattered, and those who want to leave, they don't have to stay, and they can't stay.

Some people, when they love, will give their hearts, they don't think about leaving a way back for themselves, and when they disperse, they have no way to get out because of nostalgia for the good things they once had.

No matter how ruthless the other party is when they break up, they can always find a reason to persevere, so they do everything possible to keep them, always feel that as long as they work hard again, there is still hope, and they always feel that he will not be so ruthless, with a trace of hope, he is reluctant to let go.

In the red dust, it is not easy to meet a person you really like, and you are not willing to give up easily, this mood is understandable, but most of the retention will not be successful, and in the end it is your last trace of dignity that you will lose, or leave a person to grieve.

Believe that in this world, although the mountains and rivers are far away, there will always be someone who will come for you.

Those who want to go, don't have to stay; The broken fate does not have to be forced


True love is attraction, not begging.

Don't continue when the tea is cold, don't stay when the person leaves, and the feelings of compromising and seeking perfection can't be exchanged for true love.

The relationship between two people can't last long by relying on one person, the heart will be cold, love will be tired, but the hard work of love is forced, but the humility of love is begging.

A cup of tea, drunk for too long, will definitely be cold; A love, wait too long, you will definitely be tired, those who don't come, don't have to wait too long, those who insist on leaving, don't have to stay, you know, the people who really care about you won't let you wait for a long time; How can someone who truly loves you be willing to leave you?

When people leave, don't work hard to stay, even if they stay, they won't have the original feeling anymore; If the love is gone, don't be obsessed with aftertaste, and if you revisit it, it won't have the sweetness of the original.

In the face of a love affair without love, without love, and without fate, it's time to let go! Don't dwell on it anymore, it's not your don't force it, anyway, it's the scenery that is leaving, take advantage of the limited time, love yourself well, and cherish the people around you.

Don't expect to reunite after breaking the mirror, and then continue the front edge, for what has been lost, we don't have to be too humble to care, love barely comes, the person who can't live in your heart will let him go, you can't walk into the world on your own self-aware U-turn, the end of the song will be scattered, no need to sigh, no need to regret, together will slowly become shallow, all will gradually fade.

In the end, we will all hold someone's hand and forget who we once were. The wrong person will break up, and we will all meet the right person and come together sweetly from then on, never to be separated again.

The picture comes from the Internet