
If you don't love, let go, don't hurt, don't entangle, every time you leave, it's a new life

author:Quiet Summer 001
If you don't love, let go, don't hurt, don't entangle, every time you leave, it's a new life

People don't hurt, they don't grow; The heart is not broken, not strong.

People always have to be hurt once to understand the weakness of human feelings, and not everyone can dig out their hearts and lungs; Love always has to be hurt once to understand the impermanence of love, not every love can last forever.

Those who are strong have experienced hardships and tribulations; Those who don't force it have experienced bitter attachment.

It's just that the years are like water, the past can't be chased, time is like an arrow, things are people, what can be done is not to disturb the past, just want to laugh for the rest of your life.

Meeting, it is a great fate, love is lucky, love is wrong, it is not an arrangement.

There is no banquet in the world that will not be dispersed, after the fate is dispersed, the relationship between people is like quicksand, the tighter you grasp, the more painful your heart will be.

If you don't love, let go, don't hurt, don't entangle, every time you leave, it's a new life

I don't love it, I don't hate it, I let it go.

Just like the song in "Comprehension", I thought I would retaliate, but I didn't, I just stared at your footsteps in a daze, and gave you my last blessing, which is not a kind of realization, so that you can see yourself clearly, being loved is a luxury of happiness, but unfortunately you never cared.

I used to humble myself because I cared too much.

In the past, I regarded someone too important, so that I lost myself, ignored myself, and wasted my own value, but in the end, I didn't cherish it. The former lover has become the last stranger, and there is no longer anything to do with it, as if they have never met, and everything is calm again.

In love, only after experiencing disappointment, can you fully understand that loving yourself is the beginning of lifelong romance. cares too much about one person, and wrongs himself; Love someone too much and humble yourself, the result is often, the more you love and lose yourself, the more the loved person will ignore it unscrupulously, and even turn around to love others to respond to your stupid love.

So, when we meet someone who doesn't love us, we really have to learn to leave some warmth for ourselves.

Some people say that how love began, maybe everyone remembers it vividly, but how love ended, Many people can't find a specific node, but there is no doubt that love is not gone for a day, but gradually dissipated.

When one day, you no longer love, no longer hate, and no longer set off any waves in your heart, you really let go, even if that person turns around and begs you, you will not be soft-hearted anymore.

How affectionate you used to be, how ruthless you will be when you let go!

If you don't love, let go, don't hurt, don't entangle, every time you leave, it's a new life

Look down on love, don't care about past love and sorrow, love and hate.

In the red dust, people who can be poisonous have been scarred, people who can smile and see the wind and clouds have been riddled with holes, and everyone who is constantly striving for self-improvement has nowhere to rely on; Everyone who looks down on love has never been unswerving to death.

No one but yourself will understand how much joy or sorrow there has been in your story, because after all, it is just your feelings, the story is not moving enough, and the storyteller can always shed tears.

However, time changes everything, everything will change us, what we once wanted, now we don't need it, it was very persistent, and then it is very free.

Once people look down on love, they will face all the gains and losses very calmly, because they understand that life is not complete, everything is fate, never entangled, since the loss has become a fact, efforts will be useless, maybe you have worked hard, and you have taken care of it seriously, and even paid everything for it, but the fact that you can't have it can't be changed.

In life, there is no one horse and no flat river; Love, not all smooth sailing.

In fact, every state of life is just to meet a better self, for the past, not to forget, but to let go, because there is tomorrow.

The sun is new every day; People, as long as they do not dwell on the past, as long as they do not indulge in the pain of the past, life will be like the sun rising every day, warm their body and mind, full of vitality.

Life is simple and charming, people's hearts are simple and happy, and when the tears are exhausted, you will eventually understand that everyone's life will have a lot of joys and sorrows.

On the Qianmo of Hongchen, we are all ordinary and ordinary people, not special or special, it is enough to gather and disperse.

If you don't love, let go, don't hurt, don't entangle, every time you leave, it's a new life

I don't love anymore, I don't hate anymore, let love a way to live, and give myself a piece of freedom.

There is a reason to get together, and there is an excuse to leave.

If there is fate, if you miss it, you will come back, and if you don't, you will leave when you meet.

When you decide not to love, stop holding on to each other stupidly, even if you still give your all, even if your heart is broken for him.

There is never a right or wrong in love, only suitable and unsuitable, in the final analysis, it depends on whether the person you love really loves you.

The regret of feelings, it is better to let go of him, the difficulties of life, it is better to look down and relax, don't let the troubles entangle the tip of the heart, don't let the pain linger in the ears, see through, it is over the smoke; Figured it out, but the fireworks were short-lived.

Instead of letting the heart be hard and persistent, it is better to drift away with the wind, not to think of the past, not afraid of the future, and to look at it calmly while walking, which is a kind of elegance, calmly forgetting while walking, and it is an open-mindedness.

Love is really fascinating, and it also makes people speechless, but you must believe that in this life, no matter how much emotional pain you have suffered, you must be obsessed with beauty, because there is always someone who will come for you and love you as life.

Therefore, learning to let go of the person who doesn't love you is never too late to start, and only when you empty all the past can you travel lightly and meet the most beautiful encounter.

One night you burn all your memories, and your dreams are transparent; One morning you threw away all your yesterday, and your steps were light.

If you don't love, let go, don't hurt, don't entangle, every time you leave, it's a new life.

The picture comes from the Internet