
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce

author:One Night Book


Liu Yifei, Tong Dawei, Lin Gengxin, Huo Jianhua, Peng Guanying, etc. starred in the finale of the TV series "The Story of Rose" for a while, and after watching the TV series, I read the novel again and found that the finale of the drama version is really not as good as the finale in the original book, from the perspective of the original work, in fact, Huang Yimei's story in the later period is more exciting, and the whole work almost runs through Huang Yimei's life, especially the story of Huang Yimei's daughter Fang Taichu when she grows up, but the drama version only Huang Yimei's daughter graduated from junior high school, And then it came to an abrupt end.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce

In the finale of the drama version, Huang Yimei met He Xi, the pilot, after Fu Jiaming's death, He Xi is a boy who is more than ten years younger than Huang Yimei, handsome and talented, but the two are about to separate after falling in love for a short time, because He Xi is going to go to the examination, but only a year later, can He Xi and Huang Yimei still be together? Will these two meet other loved ones and end up together? The possibility is still very large, after all, Huang Yimei has always been the kind of bohemian and freedom-loving character.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce

In fact, the "home" that Huang Yimei finally found in the original book is actually much stronger than He Xi, and what she finally found was Sir Luo Qing, who was about 20 years older than herself, this is a billionaire, like Huang Yimei, is not the first marriage, and Huang Yimei loves each other, it can be said that it is very compatible, and in the end, although because of Zhuang Guodong's pursuit, Huang Yimei still loves Zhuang Guodong, but she still chose Luo Qing, and came together with him, because Huang Yimei also loves Luo Qing, and more importantly, Zhuang Guodong and her are in the past, She never looked back.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce

In fact, Huang Yimei's life in the original book is very exciting, she has experienced a lot of feelings and met many men, but there is no doubt that three of them are very special, because Huang Yimei has experienced three widows, and the final outcome is even more worrying to many people, let's talk about Huang Yimei's three widows and see how Huang Yimei ended up in the end.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce

The first time was naturally her fiancé Fu Jiaming, she and Fu Jiaming fell in love, and the soul of the two was extremely compatible, but these two had to experience life and death because of terminal illness, Huang Yimei was ready to marry Fu Jiaming, but Fu Jiaming refused, even so, Huang Yimei still wanted to marry him, in the original book, the two of them almost got the certificate, and the wedding was done, and finally she helped Fu Jiaming fulfill all her wishes, Fu Jiaming finally died, Huang Yimei also struggled in pain for a long time, and finally walked out of sadness.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce

The second time is the tragic death of her ex-husband Fang Xiewen, in the original book, Fang Xiewen did not succeed in entrepreneurship, let alone become a leader in the software development industry, let alone become a nouveau riche, the most important thing is that Fang Xiewen is really scum in the original book, deceived his daughter, and made her hate Huang Yimei, but this old age was very miserable, and he died of a heart attack at the age of 49, and his violent death also made his daughter Fang Taichu return to Huang Yimei's side, and the misunderstanding between mother and daughter was solved.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce

The third time is naturally because of Luo Qing, Luo Qing is Huang Yimei's last husband, this is twenty years older than Huang Yimei, naturally died faster than Huang Yimei, and in fact, this body was not very good, Huang Yimei was violently pursued by Zhuang Guodong, he took the initiative to quit, and soon after this one pretended to be dead, and everyone believed it, fortunately, in the end Huang Yimei returned to his side. Although Huang Yimei was forty years old when she married Luo Qing, she still looked like a young woman in her twenties, and Luo Qing would definitely die of old age before Huang Yimei was old, and the final outcome can be imagined, Huang Yimei lost her husband for the third time.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce

For Huang Yimei's three "widows", there is actually no special mention in the original book, but Huang Yimei and Luo Qing must have to experience life and death in the end, and many people must be puzzled, will Huang Yimei be miserable in the end? After all, Luo Qing had a lot of children before, don't worry about this, first of all, no one will fight for Luo Qing's hundreds of millions of family properties, especially when Luo Qing faked his death before, his children did not compete for family property, and even if Huang Yimei didn't ask for these family properties, it doesn't matter, she also has her own career, which is enough for her to live the rest of her life richly, she just needs to pursue love.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce

Huang Yimei's life has been full of ups and downs, she has loved freedom and uninhibited all her life, of course, she is very attentive to every love, but her pursuit of love, every time she is a moth to a fire, has affected many people around her, such as her sister-in-law and friend Su Su. Su Su married Huang Zhenhua, and even gave birth to a daughter with Huang Zhenhua in the drama version, but whether it is the original book or the drama version, the marriage between the two has a big problem, and it can even be said to be a fatal hidden danger.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce

The hidden danger of the drama version is obvious, that is, there is obviously a child between Huang Zhenhua and Bai Xiaohe, although Bai Xiaohe said that the child was adopted by himself, but it is obviously not, first, this child looks too much like Huang Zhenhua, second, why did she seduce Huang Zhenhua before, and why did Bai Erru give Huang Zhenhua a big project, and third, why did she give up her job at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and then return to Beijing? Fourth, why did she get drunk with Huang Zhenhua in the first place? These all prove that Bai Xiaohe's child has a problem, and it is most likely Huang Zhenhua's, once this truth is revealed, Su Su and Huang Zhenhua will inevitably end in divorce.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce

In fact, in the original book, Su Su and Huang Zhenhua got married for more than ten years, and it did end in divorce, because Huang Zhenhua is a vulgar businessman, only thinking about interests, but there is no spiritual communication between Su Su and Huang Yimei, Su Su and Huang Yimei have been staying for a long time, she is also infected by Huang Yimei's spirit of pursuing love, likes freedom, bravely pursues love, and after Huang Yimei met Luo Qing in her forties, she was even more encouraged, and finally chose to divorce Huang Zhenhua.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce

It can only be said that Huang Yimei's life in the original book is really wonderful, with ups and downs, experienced many men, and finally gained happiness, and finally although Luo Qingqing died, she also had her own career, and the ending may pursue other loves, and Su Su chose to divorce because of Huang Yimei, Su Su made this decision, largely because of the influence of Huang Yimei, after all, if it weren't for Huang Yimei, she might not have the courage to divorce in middle age.

The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce
The finale of "The Story of Rose": Huang Yimei lost her husband three times? Her freedom caused Huang Zhenhua to divorce

Su Su is not as brave as Huang Yimei, but in the end she made her own choice, maybe Su Su will not be happy in the future, but her choice is to follow her heart, no matter what, these two are brave to take that step, and naturally have the ability and courage to enter the next stage of life. Of course, the drama version of Huang Yimei is not as brave as it seems, perhaps because her parents are still alive in the drama version, taking into account their feelings, or her life has not yet reached that stage. As for Su Su, it is because he has not yet discovered the truth about Huang Zhenhua's other child.