
Adhere to the four "processes" and make every effort to paint the charm of Ningbu Gongbi paintings


The Ningjiabu Party Building Work Area of Ningjiabu Sub-district has jurisdiction over 6 administrative villages, 3,241 households, a population of 11,500, and 367 party members. Since the establishment of the work area, we have always adhered to the leadership of party building as the "first move", continued to polish the brand of "Branches and Leaves, Happiness and Ningbu", constantly improved the working mechanism, strengthened team building, expanded service carriers, and strived to smooth the "nerve endings" of grassroots governance, effectively transformed the party's organizational advantages into the kinetic energy of grassroots governance, and continuously improved the happiness, sense of gain and satisfaction of the residents.

Adhere to the four "processes" and make every effort to paint the charm of Ningbu Gongbi paintings

Hold on to the pen of "Red Ningbu".

Firm belief draws "Party Building Strokes"

Build a foundation through team building. Continue to strengthen the construction of the "leading geese" project, grasp the "key minority" of the village branch secretary, continuously strengthen the strength of the two village committees, take multiple measures to forge a reliable, trustworthy, and top-notch team of party members and cadres, and each village has studied and judged the preliminary candidates for the reserve force of 3-4 village cadres, at least one preliminary candidate for the reserve force of village cadres under the age of 32, and at least 1-2 reserve forces for the secretary of the village party organization. Comprehensively implement the system of village cadres on duty and asking for leave, and ensure that the doors of village-level party and mass service centers are always open, people are always there, and things are always done.

Adhere to the four "processes" and make every effort to paint the charm of Ningbu Gongbi paintings

Lay the foundation through team building. Establish a "1+1" package mechanism, that is, at least one party member and cadre in each administrative village will be determined to serve as a "village" party building instructor, working in the village for no less than 3 days a week, regularly attending the theme party day activities of the village party organization, and carrying out the "inspection day for the implementation of the basic system of grassroots party building" every month, so as to promote the "theme party day +" activities to truly become an important platform for learning and education, ideological exchange and promoting the development of various undertakings, and effectively enhance the cohesion of grassroots party organizations. Up to now, the staff of the work area have participated in more than 130 theme party days in various villages. We have always adhered to the work goal of cultivating "head geese" to building strong "geese" and then forming a "wild goose array", and focused on cultivating four teams of "village cadres, party members, villager representatives, and grid members" to ensure that "there are people to do key positions, key tasks are pushed, and emergencies and dangers can be rushed".

Strengthen the fortress through education and training. Strengthen the education and training of party members, rely on the branch of the party school work area, continue to carry out the "meet at night school" activity, invite street leaders, outstanding talents, enterprise and department heads, etc., to give lectures and training around grassroots party affairs, e-commerce, agricultural technology, key projects, etc., and charge and store energy for party members and cadres in each village and personnel in the work area. Up to now, three learning activities have been carried out around the themes of work style, party discipline learning, and official document writing. Continue to carry out the action of "sending schools to the door" and "preaching to households", preach theories and policies face-to-face, and innovate and establish a learning position for mobile party members in the "Red Goose School", so that every party member will not be left behind, and the masses will learn "not miss classes".

Grinding "precise and fine" ink

Improving efficiency to draw a "governance stroke"

"Fusion" of forces to strengthen risk mitigation. Give full play to the leading role of the work area, integrate the resources of all parties, actively coordinate the forces of comprehensive management, justice, letters and visits, police stations and other departments, build a three-level contradiction and dispute investigation system of "work area-village-grid", focus on key tasks such as village situation research and judgment, contradiction mediation, and emergency response, build a platform, form a joint force, and integrate to solve the problem of "Kowloon water control" water incurability, and strive to achieve joint linkage and resonance at the same frequency among all departments.

Emotional "integration", solve and resolve problems. Relying on the "Handheld Exchange Group" and "Everything in Charge" hotline mass appeal platform, listen to the demands of the masses, and earnestly achieve "urgent matters are handled immediately, and difficult matters are helped". In the work, we adopt the "family-oriented" interview mode, that is, the family-based title, family-based reception, and family-oriented answers, listen carefully to the demands of the masses, and strive to achieve "the masses have a call, the platform has a response, everything has a fall, and everything has an echo". Up to now, 40 problems have been reported from the public, and the satisfaction rate of the completion of the handling has reached 100%.

Adhere to the four "processes" and make every effort to paint the charm of Ningbu Gongbi paintings

The mechanism is "integrated" to improve the efficiency of resolution. Establish a working mechanism of "one-stop reception, one-stop handling, and package solution" for the masses, solve problems at the grassroots level, eliminate hidden dangers at the grassroots level, and ensure that "small things do not go out of the village, and big things do not go out of the work area". According to the feedback from the 12345 hotline and the Letters and Visits Office, we will take the initiative to make appointments and promote the transformation of grassroots governance from passive stability maintenance to active stability creation. Participate in the whole process of deliberation and decision-making on major matters at the village level, and supervise the strict implementation of the system of "four deliberations and two openness (five-step deliberations)".

Lay out the paper of "people first".

Closely follow the hearts of the people to draw "service strokes"

Enhanced round-the-clock service. Establish a "Mass Talk Room", establish a working mechanism of "quick handling of small matters, urgent matters to be handled, and difficult matters to be handled together", and promote the transformation of grassroots governance from passive stability maintenance to active stability creation by inviting stakeholders to the "Mass Talk Room" for consultation. Launched the two-dimensional code of public sentiment, and continuously optimized the service process through the "six orders" management method of patrolling, ordering, receiving, dispatching, sending and evaluating orders, so as to realize the extension of high-frequency matters such as party and mass services, rural revitalization, social governance, and environmental remediation to villages, households, and people, so as to realize one-code governance, one-code co-ordination, and one-code people's livelihood, and open up the "last meter" of grassroots governance. Up to now, through regular visits and active visits, we have helped solve more than 120 urgent and difficult problems of the masses, and the satisfaction rate of handling incidents has reached 100%.

Enhance your full range of services. Implement the system of contacting and serving the masses, continue to insist on visiting no less than four households per person per week, visit the widows and widows in the villages every quarter, and record the work in the village in detail in the work manual, so as to deeply grasp the village conditions and public opinion. Through the normalization of the "party building instructors" stationed in the villages, they participate in and guide key tasks such as village-level party building, "three capitals" management, project construction, and human settlements improvement, and promote various tasks to be meticulous and effective. Set up a doorstep service station, fully integrate the service matters of human resources and social security, medical insurance, civil affairs and other departments, pull out the service list, concentrate on packaging and sinking, and strive to open up the "last meter" of serving the masses.

Adhere to the four "processes" and make every effort to paint the charm of Ningbu Gongbi paintings

Strengthen all types of services. Extend the service tentacles, timely deliver the policy of benefiting farmers to the masses, and serve the masses at zero distance. Deepen the practice of civilization, carry out the activity of "theoretical policy propaganda into villages", and use a more down-to-earth way to publicize various policies such as gas safety, drowning prevention, and telecommunication fraud prevention more than 50 times. Strengthen the improvement of the living environment, focusing on five aspects, such as rural toilet reform, domestic waste treatment, domestic sewage treatment, village appearance improvement, and long-term management and protection mechanism, and widely mobilize party members, volunteers, and the masses to participate in the environmental sanitation rectification action.

Correct the inkstone of "hard work and hard work".

Really work hard to draw "development strokes"

Shaping the advantages of agricultural characteristic industries. Relying on strontium-rich and selenium-rich resources, we insist on making a fuss on the land, actively promote the large-scale planting and deep processing of selenium-rich agricultural products such as selenium-rich wheat and selenium-rich green onions, and promote the concentrated planting of green onions along Ningxiu Road. Actively do a good job in the service coordination of the green onion market in Dasang Village, and build an "e-commerce +" platform to make Zhangqiu green onions go to local markets faster. At the same time, we will continue to promote the development of soybean and corn strip compound planting in Ningyi Village and Wangtui Village, promote the transformation of the rural economy to an intensive development mode, and drive the masses to increase employment and increase income. Since 2023, a new 7,500-square-meter green onion trading market and 4 low-temperature fresh-keeping warehouses have been built, driving the large-scale continuous planting of more than 4,000 acres of green onions, radiating the development of the green onion industry in the surrounding villages, and promoting the collective income of the village by 390,000 yuan during the year, providing more than 1,000 gig jobs for the surrounding people, and holding up the people's "dream of getting rich".

Adhere to the four "processes" and make every effort to paint the charm of Ningbu Gongbi paintings

Stimulate the vitality of traditional advantageous industries. Each village sets up a waiter stationed in the village to communicate with the enterprises in the village, understand the needs and difficulties of the enterprises, and coordinate with the Economic and Trade Commission, the Environmental Protection Institute, the Safety Supervision Institute and other departments to escort the development of the enterprise. Tighten and consolidate the responsibility for safe production, regularly investigate the waste operations, second-hand markets, and idle courtyards in each village, and regularly conduct inspections of restaurants, shops and other business places and household liquefied gas and gas, so as to effectively maintain the safety and stability of the jurisdiction. Inspect 20 pollution sources in the grid supervision app, and report and deal with problems in a timely manner. Completed the audit-type supervision and inspection of more than 200 nine small places on time, effectively improved the safety prevention and control capabilities, and eliminated potential safety hazards in a timely manner. More than 30 non-cultivated land problems of permanent basic farmland have been handled, totaling more than 30 mu, to ensure the red line of land. Completed the renovation of 31 C- and D-level self-built houses to ensure the safety of people's housing. Count the idle and idle land in each village, clarify the nature of the land type, connect with the street policy, and revitalize the asset resources.

Adhere to the four "processes" and make every effort to paint the charm of Ningbu Gongbi paintings

"There is a long way to go, we must ride a horse, and the wind and tide are calm and sail." The Ningjiabu Party Building Work Area will continue to explore new paths and methods for grassroots governance, and promote the leadership of party building, the improvement of fine governance, the close relationship between the party and the masses, and the upgrading of industrial development, so that the people's sense of gain will be more fulfilling and their sense of happiness will be more secure.