
Party building leads the soul of loyalty Xiuhui Street held a theatrical performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Party building leads the soul of loyalty Xiuhui Street held a theatrical performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party
Party building leads the soul of loyalty Xiuhui Street held a theatrical performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party
Party building leads the soul of loyalty Xiuhui Street held a theatrical performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and carry forward the great spirit of the founding of the party, on the afternoon of June 30, the cultural performance of Xiuhui Street to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party was held in the lecture hall of Jinan New Century Boya Experimental School. The event invited Xiuhui Street Party Building and Co-construction "Partner" Jinan Yellow River Road and Bridge Construction Group, as well as teachers and students of Jinan New Century Boya Experimental School to participate, Xiuhui Street all leading cadres, government cadres, village (community), double-management unit heads and performers, a total of more than 400 party members and cadres gathered together to celebrate the party's birthday and offer the most sincere blessings to the great party.

Party building leads the soul of loyalty Xiuhui Street held a theatrical performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party
Party building leads the soul of loyalty Xiuhui Street held a theatrical performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

At the beginning of the event, Yu Xiyang, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the street, and Liu Dahai, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the office, presented commemorative medals to the representatives of the old party members of "50 years of glory in the party". Subsequently, all party members and comrades at the scene raised their right fists to review the oath of joining the party, vowing not to forget their original intentions, keep their missions in mind, and fight for the cause of communism for life.

Party building leads the soul of loyalty Xiuhui Street held a theatrical performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

The theatrical performance kicked off with the sonorous and powerful chorus of "Defending the Yellow River" and "Love My China" by the cadres of the organs, expressing their infinite love for the motherland and their high respect for the revolutionary martyrs. Then, the stage opera "Awakening" brought by the Jinchuan Party Building Work Area vividly reproduced the heroic deeds of the meeting between Nan Chen and North Li to build the party, which aroused strong resonance from the audience. The song "Dedicate Everything to the Party", the folk music ensemble "Party, Dear Mother", and the male and female duet "Don't Forget the Original Heart" and other programs affectionately express their loyalty and love for the party, as well as the original intention and mission that the Communists have always adhered to.

Party building leads the soul of loyalty Xiuhui Street held a theatrical performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Dance, drumming, fan dance, waist drumming show the unique charm of Chinese culture with elegant dancing, songs, Peking opera, Lu opera, and musical instrument solos with melodious voices. The poetry recitation "The Party Flag Flutters, My Heart is to the Party", the dance "Beautiful China" and other programs are affectionate and infectious, allowing the audience to deeply feel the glorious history and great achievements of the party. The song "Green Flowers in the Army" sings about the nostalgia for the life in the military camp, and it is also a deep attachment to distant relatives and comrades-in-arms. Aerobics "Baduanjin" is smooth and natural, with profound cultural heritage. The two programs of Boya Experimental School's "Boya Wuyun" and Road and Bridge Group's "Wuyun Huazhang" not only show the profundity and unique charm of Chinese martial arts, but also show the high-spirited spirit of Boya Experimental School and Road and Bridge Construction Group. The song "Counter War" shows the demeanor and vitality of young people in the new era with its passionate melody. The "Battle Song of the Strong Army" sung in unison filled the whole scene with passion and strength, and the majestic melody and heroic lyrics showed the heroic image and firm belief of contemporary soldiers. The event culminated in the song "My Motherland and Me", with sincere emotions and passionate melodies, expressing love and blessings for the motherland.

Party building leads the soul of loyalty Xiuhui Street held a theatrical performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

There is love, perseverance, strength, and hope. This theatrical performance has further enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of the majority of party members, cadres and the masses. Xiuhui Street will take this theatrical performance as an opportunity to continue to deepen the party building work, transform the sincere feelings of feeling the party's kindness into practical actions to promote the high-quality development of the street, and strive for the comprehensive construction of "Wufu people, political communication and harmony, Guyi New Town, and beautiful embroidery"!

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