
A woman "using" you like this is not a calculation, but a sign of loving you very much

author:Smell the sound of autumn
A woman "using" you like this is not a calculation, but a sign of loving you very much

Author: Wen Qiusheng

Original article, plagiarism must be investigated

01. Introduction

The manifestations of love are as innumerable as the stars in the sky.

Sometimes, you think you have the greatest joy in the world, you have obtained true love, but in the end it is an empty joy.

Sometimes, you think that the dull love has long been lifeless, but you never thought that it has already penetrated into the depths of your heart.

A woman loves you and doesn't say "love" to you directly, but her affection can't be hidden.

When a woman "uses" you like this, it is not a calculation, it is a sign of loving you very much.

A woman "using" you like this is not a calculation, but a sign of loving you very much

02. Big and small things in life, ask you for help

I have a buddy who is very honest and wooden.

Not long ago, their company always worked overtime, and a female colleague said that she was too late to go back, and she was afraid that it would be unsafe to walk at night, and hoped that he could send her home.

The buddy agreed, and during the overtime period, he would send her home every day. And the female colleague will definitely bring him lunch the next day to show his return.

After that, female colleagues would often trouble him over some trivial things.

If the plan is stuck, she will consult with him and listen to his opinions; When the water pipe in the house is broken, she will ask him for help; I quarreled with my parents and begged him to comfort me......

When I heard my buddy talk about these things, I told him: she should be in love with you and have a crush on you. He suddenly realized.

Women start to ask you for help in big and small things, which seems to always trouble you, but in fact, they create opportunities and enter your heart.

Su Qin said: "True love is to give each other something special. Not everyone has the ability to give you the best of everything, but at least you can prove your worth in each other's hearts with something different. ”

Women frequently ask you for help, not by calculation, but to owe you favors, and then to thank you.

The more frequent the interaction between each other, the deeper the affection.

A woman "using" you like this is not a calculation, but a sign of loving you very much

03. Get used to praising you and guiding you to pay for her

Xue Fangfei in "Ink Rain and Clouds" incarnates as Jiang Li, going in and out of various dangerous places, just to seize the evidence of the enemy's mistakes and avenge herself.

She has been framed many times and almost died, but Xiao Heng will come to rescue her in time.

Xiao Heng was dissatisfied with her putting herself in danger every time, and complained that she was not responsible for doing things.

She said, you are my retreat, and he made his anger disappear.

Xiao Heng asked her to do whatever she wanted, and he would always support her and let her get what she wanted.

Women are accustomed to praising you and guiding you to pay for her because she regards you as a backer, representing her trust and recognition of you.

A woman praises you and guides you to give, not by calculation, but by hoping that you can care more about her, walk into her world more, and have more connections with her.

She always compliments you on being good, like a hero, and also to show you that she admires you.

In her heart, you shine incomparably.

Women long for you to protect her, protect her thoroughly, and long for more interaction with each other and more love.

A woman "using" you like this is not a calculation, but a sign of loving you very much

04. Borrow your ability and take money to fight with you

Women, borrowing your ability to take out money to fight for your career with you are in order to have a "tied" relationship with you.

She trusts you, appreciates you, and sees your talents. I believe you, as long as you fight hard, you will have a good future.

When a woman borrows your ability to do projects and start a business with you, she actually wants to work hard to improve herself and help you when she becomes better.

Between you, you can be partners and friends.

If she likes you, a woman will get close to you, ask for it, and repay you.

She hopes to interact with you more frequently in the future, so that you can accept her and get used to her in your world.

A woman asks you for resources, and she will take the initiative to ask you for help in many things, she is not taking advantage of you, but wants to owe you favors and wants to be entangled with you for the rest of your life.

She hopes that you can be mutually beneficial, win-win cooperation, and cooperate more and more tacitly.

She likes you, so she is bound to your future.

If you like her too, don't let her down and be together.

A woman "using" you like this is not a calculation, but a sign of loving you very much

05, Wen Qiusheng's message

A woman will not say her love directly, but she can do a lot of things to get closer to you and bring each other closer.

It seems that she is constantly bothering you and asking for resources, and perhaps, she wants to establish a deeper connection between you.

When a woman runs towards you, you must also know how to hug her with open arms, and don't let her sing a one-man show in this relationship.


About the author: Wen Qiusheng, make a living from words. Autumn wind and rain, a glass of sake, three or two stories, on the lonely road with you as a companion.