
Men are tired of you and no longer love your behavior: "do not respond"

author:Smell the sound of autumn
Men are tired of you and no longer love your behavior: "do not respond"

Author: Wen Qiusheng

Original article, plagiarism must be investigated

01. Introduction

Love, like the clouds in the sky, is unpredictable. I don't know when it was blown away by the wind and disappeared without a trace.

Men, if they don't love you anymore, will gradually disappear into your world.

The most direct and obvious point is that he doesn't want to talk to you, doesn't want to accompany you anymore, and gradually separates from you.

Men are tired of you and no longer love your behavior: "do not respond".

Men are tired of you and no longer love your behavior: "do not respond"

02. You cry hysterically, and he doesn't respond

Once, when I got off work at night, I met a couple arguing on the road:

The reason for their quarrel is that the husband betrayed the family and was caught by his wife. Wife, there was a stir in public.

She was pushed by the man, cried, and sat on the spot. Clapping his hands on the floor, he cried in despair regardless of his image.

Seeing this, the man was not comforted, and instead of pulling her up, he said: Get in the car.

The woman ignored him, he turned and got into the car, pulled the door hard, and walked away.

When a man is tired of you and no longer loves you, he will no longer be affected by your emotions.

If you cry and make trouble, he won't pity you, he will only think that you are unreasonable.

When you have a conflict, he will not coax you, let alone sincerely apologize. I just think you're too embarrassed to make a fuss and don't want to be with you.

No matter how emotional you are, he faces it with a posture that has become numb.

No matter how sad you are, how hysterical you cry, he will not be touched, there will be no response. Turn around, leave you in indifference, and be alone to digest emotions silently and face all the problems.

Men are tired of you and no longer love your behavior: "do not respond"

03, you ask for help, I hope he will help you, but he will no longer hear back

Zhang Chengcheng in "An Family" betrayed her husband Xu Wenchang, and her actions angered him.

Xu Wenchang was very resolute and had no intention of forgiving her, so he quickly moved out of the house and drew a line with her.

Zhang Chengcheng inquired about Xu Wenchang's new residence and went over to look for him.

She used the excuse that she was afraid of being alone at home, hoping that he could accompany her, and in this way to ease the relationship between them.

Xu Wenchang didn't agree, just drove her home, watched her go upstairs, and returned to the rental house.

In his eyes, she was no longer the woman he wanted to protect, and he didn't want to care about her anymore and didn't want to help her anymore. He doesn't want to have anything to do with her anymore.

Zhang Xiaoxian said: "No matter what a woman seems to want, there are only two things she wants, a lot of love and a lot of security. ”

If a man loves you, he will give you all his preferences and make you feel safe enough.

On the contrary, he doesn't love you anymore, doesn't pay attention to your requests for help, doesn't care what problems you have, doesn't care about your situation.

He doesn't want to know how you're doing, and even if you ask for his help, he'll turn a blind eye.

He will become very cold, no longer care about you, no longer worry about you, and the relationship between the two will become more and more distant.

Men are tired of you and no longer love your behavior: "do not respond"

04. There is no longer any response to your love, it is rejection

When you are in love, when a man looks at you, there is light in his eyes.

As soon as he sees you, the corners of his mouth will go up, and he will have a happy, happy expression on his face.

Men don't love anymore, and with you, no matter what they do, they are cold and indifferent. He will find life boring and want to try new possibilities.

You ask him out to play, eat, or visit friends together, and he only has one answer, which is "not available".

You take him to a very romantic place, create more rituals and surprises, and his heart seems to be like a pool of stagnant water, and there are no more waves.

A man doesn't love anymore and changes his mind, and he will no longer respond to your love.

Doesn't give you hope and expectation, uses a negative way, disappoints you, and eventually has to choose to take the initiative to leave.

Moloya said: "There is nothing in the world that lasts long in oblivion, and when a house is abandoned, it decays, when it is discarded, when friendship is abandoned, and when love is discarded, it dissolves." ”

If a man no longer responds to your love, he is rejecting you. Let you, gradually die, choose to stay away from him.

Men are tired of you and no longer love your behavior: "do not respond"

05, Wen Qiusheng's message

If a man doesn't love you anymore, he won't respond to you. Because, he doesn't want to have more ties with you, and he is no longer responsible for you.

No matter what suggestion you make, he doesn't take it. Even if he knows that you are desperately trying to make up for the relationship between two people, he still won't cooperate with you.

For your love, do not respond. What is given to you is disappointment, sadness, and helplessness.

If you meet someone who doesn't love you and can't warm his heart, then let it go. Let him go, and let himself go.


About the author: Wen Qiusheng, make a living from words. Autumn wind and rain, a glass of sake, three or two stories, on the lonely road with you as a companion.