
Why does muscle loss occur faster with age? Do more strength training to retain your muscles

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

Many people find that after the age of 30 or 40, the body is easy to gain weight, and the strength will begin to lose, and the energy level is not as good as before, which is also one of the obvious symptoms of the body entering aging.

Why does muscle loss occur faster with age? Do more strength training to retain your muscles

The older you get, the more obvious the muscle loss will be, and all aspects of the body's functions will also go downhill, and the body's metabolic level will not be as good as before, and fat will easily accumulate.

And muscle is the precious tissue of the body, which is one of the key factors that determine the level of metabolism in the body. Muscle loss means that the body is out of shape, the body is lost, and the physical condition is not as good as before, which will affect the quality of life.

Why does muscle loss occur faster with age? Do more strength training to retain your muscles

So why is muscle loss faster with age?

First of all, from a biological point of view, as we age, the body's metabolism gradually slows down, and the ability of cells to regenerate also decreases. In muscle tissue, this manifests itself as a decrease in muscle fibers and a decrease in muscle mass.

Second, the body's hormones have changed, and testosterone levels and growth hormone levels have decreased, which also leads to a decrease in the efficiency of muscle synthesis and a slowdown in muscle growth and repair.

Third, the amount of exercise is not as good as before. Many people are in middle age, busy with work and life, the amount of exercise has dropped greatly, in the past, when they were students, they would go to the playground to exercise, and after graduation, they would ask friends to climb mountains and play ball, but now they have less free time and just want to stay at home. The lack of stimulation of external force in the muscles will accelerate the deterioration and the speed of aging.

Why does muscle loss occur faster with age? Do more strength training to retain your muscles

However, we are not helpless in the face of this natural law. One of the most effective ways to retain muscle is to do more strength training.

Strength training stimulates muscle growth and repair, improves muscle mass and strength, improves coordination and balance, and improves quality of life.

Not only that, but doing more strength training can also improve the body's basal metabolism level, accelerate fat burning and consumption, thereby helping us improve obesity, maintain a tight body line, and enhance the charm of curves.

Therefore, people in their 30s and 40s who want to maintain a youthful state and a tight body line can retain their muscles by doing more strength training.

Why does muscle loss occur faster with age? Do more strength training to retain your muscles

How to carry out strength training scientifically? It is recommended that people who have no fitness foundation and experience can start from bodyweight training push-ups, squats, lunge squats, goat push-ups, burpees and other actions to learn the correct force of the movements, and each exercise for about 30 minutes can effectively activate the body muscles and improve muscle mass.

When you have a certain fitness foundation and strength level, try weight-bearing training such as dumbbells and elastic bands, arrange 3-5 exercises a week, and reasonably distribute muscle training, so that the combination of work and rest can make the muscles grow more efficiently.

Why does muscle loss occur faster with age? Do more strength training to retain your muscles

In terms of work and rest, we should avoid staying up late, lack of sleep will disrupt hormone secretion, which is not conducive to the recovery of the body. Getting enough sleep helps muscles to recover, which in turn improves fitness efficiency.

In terms of diet, eat more low-fat and high-protein foods, such as chicken breast, fish, shrimp, eggs, milk, etc., which can supplement amino acids to muscles and promote muscle synthesis.