
Excessive waist circumference = excessive visceral fat! 5 actions to reduce visceral fat and create a firm lower abdomen

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

The so-called bigger the waist circumference, the shorter the lifespan, is your waist circumference exceeded? Do you realize that behind the small number of waist size, there may be a huge health risk?

An excess waist circumference not only affects your appearance, but it can also be a warning sign of excess visceral fat. Visceral fat, unlike what we often call subcutaneous fat, envelops our internal organs and poses a serious threat to our health.

Excessive waist circumference = excessive visceral fat! 5 actions to reduce visceral fat and create a firm lower abdomen

Imagine if our internal organs are surrounded by a thick layer of fat for a long time, the operation efficiency will be low, and it is easy to clog at any time, which may lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases, it is like an invisible killer, quietly eroding our health.

The study found that if the waist circumference of girls is more than 85cm and that of boys is more than 90cm, it is likely that the visceral fat is exceeded. So, what's your waist size?

Excessive waist circumference = excessive visceral fat! 5 actions to reduce visceral fat and create a firm lower abdomen

5 behaviors to reduce visceral fat, make your waist and abdomen flat, reshape and firm your waist and abdomen, and say goodbye to "swimming rings"!

1. Increase dietary fiber intake

"Dietary fiber" is a powerful assistant on the road to weight loss, which can not only help you remove waste from the intestines, but also promote intestinal peristalsis and help you easily eliminate toxins.

We need to increase the intake of dietary fiber, such as a variety of different vegetables (cabbage, water spinach, winter melon, celery, kale, choy sum, tomato, broccoli, etc.), cereals and whole grains (whole wheat bread, sweet potatoes, potatoes, Huaishan, legumes, etc.), fruits (grapefruit, kiwifruit, strawberries, cherry tomatoes, etc.), these foods can supplement the body with dietary fiber, so that your waist and abdomen will be flat unconsciously.

Excessive waist circumference = excessive visceral fat! 5 actions to reduce visceral fat and create a firm lower abdomen

2. Stay away from visible sugar

Many people's favorite cakes, doughnuts, egg tarts, chocolates, and cookies are high-sugar processed foods, which will promote insulin secretion, thereby accelerating fat synthesis, making you gain weight unconsciously, and visceral fat is also easy to exceed the standard.

For those who are losing weight, to stay away from these visible sweets, you can use sweet potatoes and pumpkin instead of processed sweets, so that you can effectively suppress the accumulation of fat and control your waistline.

Excessive waist circumference = excessive visceral fat! 5 actions to reduce visceral fat and create a firm lower abdomen

3. Quit all kinds of fried foods

Potato chips, popcorn, fried chicken, fries, pizza, and taro are all sugar-oil mixtures that taste delicious but are not good for health, which is also the culprit of visceral fat accumulation.

If you want to reduce visceral fat, you must learn to eat a healthy diet, stay away from high-oil and salt foods, and eat more natural, lightly processed, and low-fat foods to control calorie intake, reduce the burden on the body, and help lose waist and abdominal fat.

Excessive waist circumference = excessive visceral fat! 5 actions to reduce visceral fat and create a firm lower abdomen

4. Strengthen aerobic exercise and avoid sedentary lifestyle

Nowadays, many people are used to being sedentary, which can lead to the further accumulation of fat in the waist and abdomen, forming a bothersome "swimming ring".

For people with excessive waist circumference, you must participate in more fitness exercises, and take half an hour a day to run, swim, or jump aerobics, and do brisk walking, which can make your fat quietly melt in sweat.

Excessive waist circumference = excessive visceral fat! 5 actions to reduce visceral fat and create a firm lower abdomen

5. A group of strength training on alternate days

Strength training not only strengthens muscles and increases basal metabolic rate, but also builds a firm and structured body. We can start with compound movements such as lunges, goat push-ups, pull-ups, supine bicycles, push-ups, planks and other movements to strengthen the body muscles, which can effectively suppress fat accumulation while shaping a firm abdominal line.