
Fu Xuefa, Vice President of Renrui Talent Technology: Digital transformation, system development is just the beginning

author:Chopping wood nets

A system that is "viable and able to create business value" is where the sense of achievement lies.

Fu Xuefa, Vice President of Renrui Talent Technology: Digital transformation, system development is just the beginning

Back a few years ago, almost all enterprises in China were facing a cruel must-answer question: digital transformation. If the transformation is successful, it will be able to transform smoothly in the context of a new round of large-scale market demand changes, and build a core competitiveness in line with the times; Otherwise, enterprises will face a more difficult survival environment.

As a representative of a comprehensive human resource service provider in China, Renrui Talent decisively made the decision of "second entrepreneurship", which brought a strong stroke to the digital transformation of the entire industry at that time.

As the technical helmsman who has personally experienced the change, Fu Xuefa, vice president of Renrui Talent Technology, describes his role in it like this-

"Digital transformation depends on development and operations. I think I'm glad to give three points to the development side. ”

This is not just due to the self-humility characteristic of technical people. Under questioning, Fu Xuefa explained very firmly: "In digital transformation, just one system is far from enough. The development of the system is just the beginning. ”

From technical "clutter" to an all-in-one platform

Eight years ago, Fu Xuefa came to Renrui, at that time it was the golden age of the rapid expansion of the mobile Internet, and many technical leaders chose to retreat in the face of the necessary technical restructuring for the consideration of "priority business development", and continued the existing selection inertia.

Fu Xuefa was very decisive and decided to completely overturn the system and start over. Because in Fu Xuefa's view, that moment was the only time to transform the Renrui system, Fu Xuefa recalled: "In 2016, the company was at the point of rapid development before listing. While the existing system is fragmented, the data is not yet large enough to be reinvented. ”

In terms of the system, it was difficult to avoid the technological "chaos" that belonged to that era. "The first is the chaos of the system. Due to the lack of unified planning and development platform for each system, the technical system is very messy. NET, PHP and other technology stacks are fighting their own battles; Second, the data is messy. The data between each system is all siloed, such as the user system, account system, organizational structure and other systems. What's more, the same central system is deployed in each district, and the decision-makers in the region have their own ideas and different thinking structures. ”

Of course, this was not a unique feature of Renrui at that time, but a common phenomenon in China, "Even now, there are many companies that have these phenomena." ”

Under the trade-offs, Renrui's technical route was finally unified, and a unified development tool and platform were deployed later.

The developer's key work is also freed from the previous manual work, and he is truly responsible for "the development of core business logic and the integration of functions".

Fu Xuefa gave an example of "table structure", and the manual work of adding, deleting, modifying, and checking must not be done manually.

"Once we have designed the database, we can generate all the runnable front-end and back-end code based on the table structure. The table structure itself is a logic of adding, deleting, modifying, and querying, and all query conditions, lists, and detailed input forms can all be generated into independent forms at once using the development tool. ”

Business systems, however, are much more than stand-alone forms. It is possible that a complex workbench is composed of dozens of forms or countless complex businesses, including charts, lists, and queries.

"Programmers are more about understanding the unified framework and platform, how to fill in the blanks in our framework platform, and how to implement the core business logic."

It is also thanks to such a unified platform that Fu Xuefa has won another fruit in the follow-up research and development process: the integrated business management platform of Renrui.

The vitality of a system

It's not hard to develop a system, but the real value of the system is in its use. A system that is "viable and able to create business value" is where the sense of achievement lies.

"There is such a phenomenon in the industry, once the project is developed, as soon as Party B receives the money, it means that its life cycle is over. Such a project is a heart-wrenching and life-wasting project. Fu Xuefa deeply regretted this phenomenon: "Don't do a system of pure decoration. ”

Therefore, whenever a friend communicates with a system, Fu Xuefa will first ask rhetorically, how many people use this system? How much turnover do you want to generate in a year? How much data is generated? In Fu Xuefa's view, the business flow runs in it, and the core data runs in it, and such a system is a viable system.

Fu Xuefa, Vice President of Renrui Talent Technology: Digital transformation, system development is just the beginning

In the process of introducing us to the integrated digital platform of Renrui, it is surprising that Fu Xuefa did not only explain the technology selection behind it, but also gave a very deep business understanding and insight. From the initial technical architecture, to the construction background of major business sectors such as ITO, DTO, BPO, etc., to the polishing and optimization in the follow-up business, and even a button and a chart in the system, behind it reflects the concept and logic of the company's top-to-bottom management and execution in the transformation.

"The management of an enterprise must start from customer activities, customers are the source, your business opportunity management, your customer management, with business opportunities, with customer management, there is contract management." Fu Xuefa concluded.

So for the technicians who developed this system, how did Fu Xuefa manage it? "It's easy to assign tasks to them, but it's important to be value-driven to drive our development."

Three points rely on development, and seven points rely on operation

As mentioned at the beginning, Fu Xuefa did not take the credit of the development side in the transformation very seriously, "The credit of development is not very large. On the contrary, the smaller the credit for the development of the technology, the better. ”

In Fu Xuefa's view, if you want to reshape the digital lifeline that will support enterprises in the next decade, "digital" dragon slaying means is necessary, but the implementation of "transformation" awareness is more important.

"Digital transformation and digital construction must be one aspect, there must be investment in technology, research and development capabilities, and cost investment, but the real success depends on whether the 'transformation' consciousness within the enterprise can be actually established."

Broadly speaking, are business leaders conscious? Are middle managers conscious? Do grassroots employees have a sense of digitalization? Is he data-sensitive?

It is these digital awareness, up and down, at all levels, that determines whether a system can be truly used and the success or failure of a company's digital transformation.

Core: Transformation of concepts

The core of the digital transformation of traditional enterprises lies in the transformation of concepts. Transformation means that business and technology must be deeply integrated. "You can't say that business is about business, technology is about technology, 'chicken and duck talk', the final result is either the business is very bad, the business department is gone, or the technology is very bad, the technical department is gone."

"Only with the top-down perception of the business side, our so-called basic data collection can be collected from the bottom up, and managers can analyze and manage based on these data. That's where the real value comes in. ”

Similarly, Fu Xuefa believes that technicians should not be immersed in the world of technology, "What new technology is studied today, and what new framework is applied tomorrow to work on the project." I am firmly against it. ”

The path of digital transformation must be "top-down, bottom-up". From top to bottom, it refers to management, how to sort out the management flow, and how to streamline the business flow. The management gripper, the issuance of instructions, the assignment of goals, and the distribution of tasks must be from top to bottom; Bottom-up refers to the participation of grassroots employees, and the accuracy and timeliness of basic data collection must be bottom-up.

"Only the smoothness of the two aspects can truly form an interaction, otherwise, unilateral wishful thinking is a dead end!"

To do digital transformation, what we really need to do is to transform the real concept. "Is there this kind of concept, is there this kind of determination, if not, you just moved the offline stuff into the system." However, this kind of "copying as is", without optimizing the process according to the scenario, without data structuring, and without the control of key links, will only make the business department more complex and chaotic.

Fu Xuefa gave an example of the online digitization of offline documents, "The people below fill it in, and the people above don't look at it or care about it, and they die over time." ”

The original intention of software people

Not long ago, the remarks that China's software industry was in decline once again ignited public opinion. Compared with foreign countries, the development of China's software industry in the direction of toB is long and difficult.

However, the software industry is like that, and the charm goes far beyond the money. "The B-side may not see the hope of making a lot of money, but in different industries and different enterprises, there are enough places to play their own value. If you choose the wrong direction, you may not even have a chance to make a difference. ”

Fu Xuefa believes that there is no need to deny his love for the software industry because of temporary money. "The important thing is that where your original intention is, the direction you determine can always generate a certain value, and it may be that you can't measure it with money."

He recalled his years of development in the software field, and compared with money, his original intention and sense of value are more worthy of being guarded as a technician.

"I have adhered to this original intention, and I can put forward some suggestions for the company in terms of improving human efficiency, management norms, and process combing. This is also a kind of life value or meaning of life. ”

【Guest Introduction】

Fu Xuefa, Vice President of Renrui Talent Technology: Digital transformation, system development is just the beginning

Fu Xuefa, Vice President of Renrui Talent Technology. 8 years of technical management experience in Renrui R&D center, unified planning and participation in the implementation of Renrui's five major technology platforms, nearly 20 years of experience in software development and project management, familiar with the overall process of software project development and JAVA/. .NET platform framework structure, with large-scale project team management experience, several years of overseas work experience. Article source: 51CTO

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