
Insulting China? Or an insult to Italy? This film is interesting

author:Yiren Cinema

Watched an Italian film, "The Last Night of Amore". It's not pretty, and I watched it several times before I finally finished it.

Insulting China? Or an insult to Italy? This film is interesting

The film is not very good, but one thing that is very interesting is the issue of China's control over the Italian city of Milan.

The film is about a police officer named Amorey, who finally retires after 35 years of service in the police force. It was his last day of service with the Force and he was due to retire after dawn. He received an invitation to attend a banquet for a Chinese boss.

The Chinese boss gave him a task to help transport a bag of diamonds to another place. One transportation can cover his income for several years. To do it or not to do it?

If you do it, you are breaking the law, you are smuggling, and you are knowingly committing it. If you don't do it, it's equivalent to watching this money in front of you, do you want it or not?

From A to B, it's a simple drive of the vehicle, and the money can be easily obtained.

So, this live Amorey took it.

Insulting China? Or an insult to Italy? This film is interesting

Seemingly a simple task. If there is no accident, the accident will come.

On the way, Amorey was stopped by the patrol to inspect his vehicle and its cargo.

Amorey showed his police badge, but it didn't work, the other party just wanted to check.

Can you check on him?

Of course not.

As a result, there was an exchange of fire between the two sides. A shot, a dead death, a dead death.

Fortunately, Amorey did not die.

Insulting China? Or an insult to Italy? This film is interesting

After a large number of police officers arrived, he was also involved in the investigation as a police officer.

What is the problem?

It turned out that Amorey was transporting diamonds for the gangsters and became a black policeman. The police who want to check on them are also black policemen, or people sent by the son-in-law of the big guy.

So, it's a story of black eating black.

The Chinese boss is old, and his son-in-law wants to take over, so he sends someone to rob the old man's money, and then hits the old man and completes the succession as soon as possible.

The story is simple, but the film is very inked. The story, which could have been told in about 80 minutes, ended up dragging on for more than two hours.

Insulting China? Or an insult to Italy? This film is interesting

The most interesting point in the film is that the biggest gang boss in Milan is the Chinese Zhang Bao, who controls the entire underground economy of Milan and can easily command the Italian police. His son-in-law can too.

Is portraying Chinese people as gangsters insulting China?

It's a lot like.

This is a stereotypical understanding of the image of the Chinese, it seems that the Chinese can only be linked to gangsters, can only engage in illegal business, can only do low-end industries, and can only be said to be villains.

Insulting China? Or an insult to Italy? This film is interesting


As the largest city in Italy, Milan is the spiritual symbol of Italy, why is it that all the public security teams serve the Chinese gangsters? Most of the cities have to bow down to serve the Chinese, and the economic lifeline is controlled by the Chinese? Isn't this an insult to the incompetence of the Italians?

So this question is interesting.

Like the most popular IP of Korean movies "Crime City", in the first part, it is about Ma Dongxi facing three bandits from Harbin, China, who are the ones who have done Seoul, the capital of South Korea, and the chickens and dogs are restless. It's also very funny, you say it's insulting to China, he is, but the three of them can only be ordinary gangs in Harbin, and when they arrived in Seoul, they actually killed several major local gangs in Seoul one after another. What do you Koreans eat?

Insulting China? Or an insult to Italy? This film is interesting

However, in the final analysis, the Koreans in "Crime City" are in control of everything, and Ma Dong-seok is the biggest talker. The Chinese are only a faint threat, not a fundamental conflict.

But "The Last Night of Amore" is different, in this film, the Chinese have already taken root in Milan and deeply influenced Milan. Even in the end, Amorey meant that I was finished, but I had to leave something for my wife and children, and I would leave them diamonds.

"Amorey's Last Night" is a pun on both his last night as a police officer and the last night of his life. The implication of Amore's words is not the kind of justice that will prevail and the gangsters will be destroyed as in conventional movies, and he has no intention of exterminating the Chinese gangsters and giving Milan a blue sky. He just wants to compromise and leave a way back for his wife and children. As for Milan, it was left to the control of the Chinese.

Insulting China? Or an insult to Italy? This film is interesting

The topic is interesting. I thought of Zhang Kangyang's struggle for control of Inter Milan a while ago.

Inter Milan, as the most successful football club in Serie A in recent years, is controlled by Zhang Kangyang, the son of Zhang Jindong, the head of China's Suning Group.

In the Chinese football bubble a few years ago, Suning controlled the Nanjing football team in China and Inter Milan in Italy with a huge size. However, with the bursting of the bubble, Suning collapsed in China, and the Nanjing team also withdrew from the Chinese Super League when it won the championship and became a laughing stock. But the relatively independent Inter Milan, under the control of Zhang Kangyang, continued its success.

In the end, because Suning could not continue to transfuse blood for Zhang Gongzi, he relied on himself alone, and all kinds of mortgages could not be recovered, so he could only watch Inter change its new owner.

Insulting China? Or an insult to Italy? This film is interesting

In the process of Inter changing owners, there are not many people who speak for Zhang Kangyang, although he has done a pretty good job at Inter in recent years. What does this mean? It's not that the whiteskins don't trust the Chinese from the root, and they are optimistic, probably they are happier when they change their owners.

This is still Zhang Kangyang only controls the Inter Milan club, and does not control Milan's underground economy.

The ruthlessness and fear of the Chinese shown in "The Last Night of Amorey" is actually very interesting. This kind of ruthlessness and fear reflects the Italians' own powerlessness and helplessness, and a deep sense of loss.

Once upon a time, Italy was the pinnacle of European culture, and all European cultures aspired to Italy. But now they have doubts about who they are, and their fear of the threat from China is a naked insult to Italy. Extinguish your own prestige and grow the morale of others.

Insulting China? Or an insult to Italy? This film is interesting

The interesting thing about "The Last Night of Amorey" is this. The whole film is full of Chinese elements, and Chinese audiences will also find it fun after watching it, and they do not have the shame of being humiliated. On the contrary, it is full of absurdity, and I am full of pride after reading it.


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