
Fill in the key points of the volunteer | Let's take a look at the colorful life of Xidian students!

author:Xidian Admissions Office
Fill in the key points of the volunteer | Let's take a look at the colorful life of Xidian students!

Colorful Western Electric

Dear candidates,

You can't miss out on volunteering

This is the school life of Xidian students

Today, let's take a look

Xidian's colorful campus life

Study at Xidian


With the first rays of morning light sprinkled on Zhongnan Mountain, the day of Xidian students also kicked off. The sound of Lang Lang's morning reading has slowly infiltrated the entire Xidian campus, and under the corridor, next to the flower beds, and on the slope, there are Xidian students reading in the morning.

The right temperature of the library is the best choice for the study place; The high-value giant teaching building gives you the most superior class experience; Conscientious and responsible professors and teachers to help you solve doubts and difficulties in the learning process; The state-of-the-art multimedia classroom takes you to the forefront of smart education. Students who are keen on learning, advanced learning environment, and strong learning atmosphere are waiting for you to experience!

Fill in the key points of the volunteer | Let's take a look at the colorful life of Xidian students!

The study and life of Xidian students

Life in Xidian


At the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, green trees and red walls. Gentle begonias, fragrant cloves, "talk and laugh with Confucianism, and there is no white ding". Live in Xidian and look for a different flavor of living in Chang'an.

The accommodation of undergraduates is mainly concentrated in the three student apartment areas of Zhuyuan, Begonia and Lilac, and when you walk into the Xidian dormitory building, you will feel bright and comfortable, with a room for four people, a bed and a table, air conditioning, independent bathroom + balcony. Self-service vending machines, self-service laundry rooms, hot water rooms and other facilities are complete, fast and convenient. There are also student activity rooms, student activity centers, third-level maker spaces, self-study rooms, screening rooms, and sand table rooms, where you can develop your interests and relax in your spare time.

Fill in the key points of the volunteer | Let's take a look at the colorful life of Xidian students!
Fill in the key points of the volunteer | Let's take a look at the colorful life of Xidian students!

The life of the Xidian "er".

Diet in Xidian


The school has a corresponding student restaurant near each dormitory area of Lilac, Begonia and Zhuyuan, plus a comprehensive building containing food from all over the world, to satisfy your discerning taste buds anytime and anywhere.

Don't let down the food, and don't let yourself down. The cafeteria is an integral part of everyone's college memory. After a few years, eating all the delicacies of the mountains and seas may not be as simple as the most rustic taste of Xidian Canteen and the TA that accompanies you.

Fill in the key points of the volunteer | Let's take a look at the colorful life of Xidian students!
Fill in the key points of the volunteer | Let's take a look at the colorful life of Xidian students!
Fill in the key points of the volunteer | Let's take a look at the colorful life of Xidian students!

Xidian food collection

Grew up in Xidian


How can a rich and colorful university life be without a variety of clubs and activities?

Different from traditional science and engineering schools, Xidian also performs well in the cultivation of students' humanistic qualities. The school has built a comprehensive and three-dimensional campus cultural activity system, providing students with a variety of scientific research, cultural and sports activities, and empowering students' personality growth with quality and ability development plans.

For 35 consecutive years, the school has held the "Spark Cup" college students' extracurricular science and technology work competition, encouraging and supporting students to participate in the China International "Internet +" College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the National College Student Electronic Design Competition, the "Challenge Cup" College Student Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition, the RoboMaster College Master College Series, the Mathematical Modeling Competition, the ACM Programming Competition, and the Entrepreneurship Plan Competition, and invited famous teachers to be guests of the "Dialogue with Faith", "Youth Pioneer Forum", and "The Most Beautiful Youth of Struggle" The high-quality report group has been on the CCTV stage for many years, and the "Singing Xidian" campus singer contest has danced, hosted, debated, spoken, Hanfu, calligraphy and painting...... On the broad stage of the Youth Art Festival and the Community Culture Bazaar, interests and talents can be displayed to the fullest. In addition, the International Rowing Challenge and the China University Rowing Championship have built a bridge for Xidian students to communicate with students from world-renowned universities.

Fill in the key points of the volunteer | Let's take a look at the colorful life of Xidian students!
Fill in the key points of the volunteer | Let's take a look at the colorful life of Xidian students!
Fill in the key points of the volunteer | Let's take a look at the colorful life of Xidian students!

Colorful Xidian life

Fill in the key points of the volunteer | Let's take a look at the colorful life of Xidian students!

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