
The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains

author:Bijia Minami

In the chaotic city, the soul is often trapped by the hustle and bustle.

We long to escape, to find a quiet place where our tired hearts can find a moment of peace. The ancients said: "There is a garden in the house, there is a house in the garden, there is a courtyard in the house, there is a tree in the yard, the sky is seen on the tree, and the moon is in the sky, and it is not too fast!" ”

The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains
The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains

This may be the ideal life that our hearts yearn for.

If you can have a small courtyard in the mountains, accompanied by plants and trees, and taste the quiet years, it will be so comfortable and poetic.

The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains

A paradise, a place to behold

"The knot is in the human realm, and there is no noise of cars and horses." In this small courtyard in the mountains, we seem to be able to travel through time and space and feel the feelings of independence of the ancients.

The design of the small courtyard is a fusion of the Song style and the Qing Dynasty, with bamboo-woven mud walls and medieval heritage design, making people feel like they are in a paradise thousands of years ago.

The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains
The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains

A thick mud wall isolates the distractions of the outside world, leaving only a quiet place in the courtyard. The stone path in the courtyard is winding, and each stone seems to have been polished by the years to be round and full of stories.

We can imagine that the ancients also burned incense and arranged flowers, stroked the piano and tasted tea in such a courtyard, enjoying the elegance of the world.

The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains
The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains

Green wood springs, enjoy the natural elegance

In the small courtyard of the mountain dwelling, all kinds of plants compete to grow, pine, cypress, plum, orchid, etc., they decorate this small courtyard with their own wind bones.

The ancients said: "It is better to eat without meat than to live without bamboo." "These plants not only add life to the small yard, but also serve as companions to our hearts.

The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains
The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains

Sunlight shines through the treetops and sprinkles on the white courtyard walls, creating dappled light and shadow. The dry landscape and stone lanterns in the courtyard are contrasted with each other, creating a tranquil atmosphere.

In such an environment, we can take a leisurely stroll in it, sit or lie down, and enjoy the gifts of nature. Insert a few flowers, taste a cup of tea, and talk with the plants and trees, how elegant.

The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains
The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains

Take a leisurely stroll and enjoy the years

In this small courtyard of the mountain residence, we can stay away from the hustle and bustle of the red dust and feel the tranquility of the years. The white clouds are long, and the autumn leaves are fluttering, as if the whole world has become peaceful and peaceful.

The ancients said: "If you are not indifferent, you will not have a clear ambition, and if you are not quiet, you will not be far-reaching." "In such an environment, our minds can calm down and savor the beauty of life.

The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains
The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains

Caressing those pillars over the years, we seem to feel the flow and precipitation of the years. Those delicate pulps tell endless stories and lingering thoughts.

Here, we can find that abundant and quiet heart, and feel the sweetness and mellowness of the years.

The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains
The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains

Poetic dwelling, dreaming back to the paradise

"I can laugh a few times in my life, and I must get drunk when I meet in a wine fight." The mountain courtyard is not only a choice of life, but also a poetic habitat.

It allows us to find a harbor where we can anchor in our busy lives, allowing our minds to be truly relaxed and nourished.

The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains
The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains

Here, time seems to become slow and quiet, without the hustle and bustle of the city. We can enjoy the beauty and comfort of life to the fullest, and find our own elegance and happiness in the sprinkling.

This small courtyard has become our spiritual home, allowing us to find our true self and belonging.

The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains
The most ideal life: have a small yard and live in seclusion in the mountains

The small courtyard of the mountain residence is the pure land of our soul and the habitat of our poetry.

Here, we can enjoy the beauty and tranquility of life without disputing the world; Here, we can find the poetic lifestyle that suits us best; Here, we fill the rest of our lives with beauty and anticipation.

May everyone find such a pure land in their hearts, so that the tired mind can be truly relaxed and purified.

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