
He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

author:DJ Yaqing

Married for 50 years is called a golden wedding.

Married for 60 years is called a diamond wedding.

So after 70 years of marriage, what is it called marriage?

It's called Platinum Wedding.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

Just from the literal view, I feel that it is extremely cherished and precious.

Because white gold is a very precious and rare metal in this world, it has a hard and eternal quality, and it is really suitable to express the stability and longevity of marriage.

This year marks the 70th wedding anniversary of Mr. Yu Yang and Ms. Yang Jing, famous performing artists in mainland China. That said, this year is the anniversary of their platinum wedding.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

Nowadays, on the Internet, there is a new saying: what is really "rich", not how much money you have? It's about how long you live.

In this way, Mr. Yu Yang and Ms. Yang Jing can be regarded as really rich people.

Both of them, this year, one will turn 94 years old, and the other will turn 95.

But it seems that he is still in good spirits, old and strong.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

No wonder their daughter Yu Jingjiang said excitedly that my parents are my biggest "reliance" and my biggest "showing off my wealth".

With parents by their side, children will always be children. Therefore, although Yu Jingjiang is 70 years old this year, because of her parents, she can still be like a little girl, spoiling at will, and "cheating". How blessed she was.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

Yu Yang and Yang Jing can be called the oldest celebrity couple in the mainland film industry. Their artistic achievements are obvious to all.

Yu Yang is the most influential older generation of film actors in the mainland, one of the "22 movie stars", the number one "screen student" of Beijing Film Studio in the past, and has played roles in many movies such as "Heroes and Tiger Courage", "Song of Youth", "Spring and Autumn on the Water", "Storm", "Big Waves and Sand", "The Red Age", "The Second Spring", "Handcuffed Travelers" and many other movies, and his superb acting skills are impressive.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

He became a director in his later years, and also directed many excellent works, such as "Handcuffed Passengers", "The Sea is Calling", "Knight's Honor" and so on.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

And Yang Jing, as an actor of Beijing Film Studio, also left countless unforgettable screen images in light and shadow, such as Chen Guiying in "Defending the Country and Protecting the Family", Liu Wenhui in "Always Harming Humanity", Yang Xiaoqing in "Marriage", Ye Suping in "The Waves of Life", Hong Xiuhai in "Hero Island", etc.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

But careful friends have discovered that several representative works created by Yang Jing are basically related to Yu Yang. For example, the first movie she starred in "Defending the Country and Protecting the Family" was with Yu Yang as the male and female leads. And "The Waves of Life" is a collaborative work after they got married, and "The Sea is Calling" is the result of the old couple co-directing.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

From this, we can see from the side that these old couples have been inseparable for most of their lives. If it weren't for deep feelings, who could have been so intimate for 70 years?

Yu Yang and Yang Jing can be regarded as representatives of "love at first sight", right?

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

I remember reading an article by Yang Jing that recorded her heart-pounding scene after meeting Yu Yang for the first time. She depicts the girl's restraint and shyness in the face of her crush, both realistically and vividly. Later, Yu Yang went to the Northeast to film, and Yang Jing missed him very much, but she didn't know if he had the same idea in his heart, so she wanted to take the opportunity of a business trip to Changchun to "test" Yu Yang's mind.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

As a result, he didn't expect that Yu Yang didn't have to test at all, as soon as he saw Yang Jing, he "didn't admit himself". Because the joy and excitement he showed were completely uncontrollable, and the "hehehe" smile on his face burst out from the inside out. At that time, the salaries of actors were very limited, but Yu Yang became a "big money" and bought a lot of things for Yang Jing.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

In fact, there are many words, which do not need to be explained, just look at the action.

Through Yu Yang's various performances, Yang Jing of course fully understood his intentions, and was secretly happy in her heart.

When they parted that day, they really experienced the feeling of reluctance.

In 1952, Yang Jing received an acting assignment and played Yang Xiaoqing in the movie "Marriage". However, when she walked into the studio, she was pleasantly surprised to find where Yu Yang was waiting. Although Yu Yang was not the leading actor in this play, he heard that Yang Jing was coming, so he came to the filming site early. Everyone coaxed and said, "Yu Yang, are you a drunkard and don't mean to be in the bar?" Hahaha! Yu Yang lowered his head, blushed, and smiled without saying a word.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

And it was during the filming of the movie "Marriage" that Yu Yang and Yang Jing, the "lovers", also determined their marriage date. At that time, Ge You's father Ge Cunzhuang was the chairman of the trade union, so he organized the whole wedding, and the famous director Yan Gong served as the host and witness for the wedding.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

After getting married, their first child came to this world, a girl, the crystallization of their love, so they named the child Yu Jingjiang (Yu Yang's original name was Yu Yanjiang). A few years later, their second child was born, a boy named Yu Xiaoyang. Yu Yang and Yang Jingyi were so happy. Their two children just made up the word "good".

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

In 1955, Yu Yang and Yang Jing entered the acting cadre class held by the Beijing Film Academy together. The people who entered this class to study are all young actors who are already well-known in various film studios, such as Hu Peng, Chen Qiang, Zhang Ying, En Hesen and others.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

Among them, in addition to Yu Yang and Yang Jing, there is also a celebrity couple, that is, Ling Zhihao and Sha Li from Shanghai Film Studio.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

Later, these two couples in the film industry became a model couple in the entertainment industry. Ling Zhihao and Sally have also spent 60 years together. also left a good story in the film industry.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

After graduating from Beijing Film Academy, Yu Yang and Yang Jing returned to Beijing Film Studio and starred together in the movie "The Waves of Life", playing a pair of lovers. In addition, in the movie "Miner's Lamp" directed by Li Enjie, Yu Yang, Yang Jing and their daughter Yu Jingjiang appeared together, Yu Yang played the male protagonist Fu Dongshan, and Yang Jing and Yu Jingjiang played a pair of sisters. A family of three appeared at the same time, which was rare at the time.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

In the following days, Yu Yang, as the top student of Beijing Film Studio, the shooting task became extremely heavy, he continued to make film appointments, and starred in many movies such as "Heroes and Tiger Courage", "Flying Over the Sky", "Song of Youth", "Spring and Autumn on the Water", "Grain", "Colorful Road", "Revolutionary Family", "Little Bell", "Storm", "Big Waves and Sands" and many other movies.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

Under such circumstances, Yang Jing took the initiative to reduce the frequency of her filming, and only played roles in a few movies such as "Hero Island" and "Little Erhei Marriage", so she put her main energy into family construction, and was willing to be a "little woman" behind Yu Yang.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

In their marriage, the biggest test should be the special years.

One day in 1970, Yang Jing suddenly and solemnly filed for divorce from Yu Yang. What's going on?

It all started in 1966. This year, a movement came unexpectedly. Beijing Film Studio has become the "hardest hit area" of this movement. Many old artists were defeated, including Yu Yang and Yang Jing. At that time, all the employees of Beijing Film Studio were involuntarily coerced into different factions. Each of these factions has its own goals and objects that need to be protected. Among them, "Red North Film" wants to protect the famous director Cui Wei, and Yang Jing is a member of "Red North Film". But soon Cui Wei was "knocked down", and Yang Jing was naturally implicated and imprisoned in a "black room".

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

Faced with this situation, Yang Jing wanted to protect Yu Yang and the children, so she came up with the method of "divorce".

Of course, Yu Yang would not agree. Not only did he not agree, but he also took all the "crimes" that were deducted from his wife on himself. He said to Yang Jing, "You will always be my dear wife!" Then I went to find the "bosses".

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

Later, Yu Yang was identified as a "black backstage" and was treated inhumanely. He was paraded through the streets and called "the most insidious enemy". When Yang Jing saw this scene, her heart ached like a knife. She decided to "rescue" her husband. But she can't protect herself, how can she have a way to "rescue" Yu Yang? So she wanted to "fight to the death". She felt that as long as she died, she could prove her innocence and clear her husband's grievances. So one night, she really came to the lake, and was about to jump, but was pulled back by a big hand. Yang Jing looked back and saw that it was Yu Yang, who was crying into tears.

In those difficult days, this husband and wife were willing to sacrifice themselves to fulfill each other.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

During that difficult time, Yu Yang was arranged to dig out dung, and he had no complaints, and he worked extremely hard. Because he knew that his wife and children had pinned their hopes on him. If he wants to "make a comeback", only by performing well can he have a "bright day".

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Shanghai Film Studio to send an invitation to Yu Yang, hoping that he could play the role of the actor Zhao Sihai in the movie "The Red Age". Yu Yang and Yang Jing were both very excited. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Yang Jing packed up for Yu Yang that day and let him rush to Shanghai overnight.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

After the release of the movie "The Red Age", it was an unprecedented success. Yu Yang also won the second spring of his acting career again. He starred in movies such as "The Second Spring" one after another, and even got the opportunity to direct the movie "Ten Thousand Miles Journey", realizing a leap in identity.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

At this time, Yu Yang did not forget his wife, who had always silently guarded behind him. He knows that as an artist, he attaches great importance to the embodiment of self-worth, so after directing "Passengers in Handcuffs", he and his wife Yang Jing were "bound" together, and the two flew together, co-directing many works such as "The Sea is Calling" and "The Honor of Knights".

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

I think that the understanding of couples who are truly in love must not only be reflected in the mutual consideration and care in life, but also in the support and assistance for each other's careers. In this regard, Yu Yang and Yang Jing have undoubtedly set an excellent example.

However, I don't know if even God is jealous of their happiness, so that when they enter their old age, they experience another heart-wrenching pain.

Their son Yu Xiaoyang, under their careful cultivation, also became a filmmaker, and participated in directing film and television works such as "Jade Mahjong", "Female Thief", "Sea Breeze", "Driving the Train to Beijing" and so on.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

However, who would have thought that just when Yu Xiaoyang was about to shine in the film industry, he suddenly died of a sudden illness on January 7, 2005, on the way back to Beijing from Enshi, Hubei Province, at the age of 44.

lost a son in his later years, and the white-haired man sent the black-haired man, what kind of fatal blow should this be for the old couple of Yang and Yang Jing? So Yu Yang cried bitterly when he heard the news, but Yang Jing almost fainted.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

After that, for a long time, it was the old man, who comforted each other, that finally brought them through that gray time.

Yu Yang and Yang Jing have been living in Beijing since they retired from Beijing Film Studio. Their daughter, Yu Jingjiang, is far away in North America. But in order to make her parents' later life more worry-free, she hired the best nurse for her parents.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

Now Yu Yang and Yang Jing, the combined ages of the two old people are almost 190 years old. But the two of them still look so healthy, elegant, and kind.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

I think it must be the power of love that makes them create one miracle after another.

And now, love stories like theirs are really rare.

Here, I wish the two old artists: good health! There is no cap on longevity! May the light of love always shine beside them.

He Yuyang and Yang Jing spent a platinum wedding together China's oldest celebrity couple Such a strong marriage is rare

Platinum wedding, what an enviable word. I think it is not only a symbol of love, but also its preciousness and scarcity, which has become synonymous with "eternity". Therefore, at this moment, Yaqing's greatest wish is to wish all lovers in the world can spend the "platinum wedding" together. #长文创作激励计划#

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