
In the years when I was the secretary of the leadership (172), spring came, and the season came

author:Mortal Whispers
In the years when I was the secretary of the leadership (172), spring came, and the season came

Review of the previous situation: After dealing with the punishment of Yang Mushan, Dong Yiyang took Wang Yaxin and Xiaotian to the ancient city of Suzhou and Hangzhou, and after a day of playing, the two met for a supper together. What kind of story will there be on this night?

The night is deep, and the people are not quiet.

Dong Yiyang knocked on Wang Yaxin's door gently, and the woman opened it and shushed for a moment, and then let the man in.

After entering the door, Dong Yiyang saw that Tian Tian had fallen asleep on the white bed, breathing evenly, breathing for a long time, and with a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Wang Yaxin whispered: "Just coaxed Xiaotian to sleep." ”

Dong Yiyang smiled and said softly, "Then let's go have some supper, how about a drink by the way?" ”

"But", Wang Yaxin hesitated, she said slowly: "I'm afraid that if I go out for too long, Xiaotian will wake up suddenly." ”

Dong Yiyang suggested: "Why don't we go out and buy some and eat in my room?" ”

The woman nodded: "That's all it can be." ”

Dong Yiyang stood up, pulled Wang Yaxin and wanted to go out, but the woman blushed and said, "Why don't you go out first and wait, I'll go first for convenience." ”

The man smiled dumbly, and then walked out the door.

Although Dong Yiyang understood Wang Yaxin's actions very well, he still had some feelings in his heart.

For two people, there is more than affection and not enough intimacy, I don't know for what reason, Wang Yaxin has always been very resistant to her intimate actions.

In fact, Dong Yiyang is not so lustful, even if he is a strong man, he is not a male animal with sperm on his brain all the time.

But Dong Yiyang has never been able to face up to Wang Yaxin's looming attitude, and can feel the woman's clear love, but he has always been unwilling to open his heart.

The man feels that if he can break through that step, it may be the beginning of two people who are really willing to face each other and integrate into each other.

After a while, Wang Yaxin finished handling the internal affairs, and when she went out, Dong Yiyang found that the woman was wearing a little light makeup.

The two of them came to the small night market not far away and bought snacks such as crayfish that Wang Yaxin likes, fried white tofu that Dong Yiyang likes, as well as kebabs and fried pork skin.

When leaving, Wang Yaxin said with some emotion: "It's a pity that there are no hot and sour noodles, and I miss the taste of the university very much." ”

Dong Yiyang vaguely remembers Wang Yaxin in college, who loves spicy food, and a bowl of hot and sour noodles from "Delicious Street" can be enjoyed for half a day.

It's a pity that for Dong Yiyang, those so-called slightly spicy hot and sour noodles are also extremely spicy, and it is difficult to accept them directly, so the two of them often fall into the mode of "ice and fire" when they go out to eat.

One person's bowl is "red", and the other person's "clear soup and little water" can be regarded as a "love legend" that people talked about at Yueyang Normal University back then.

After returning to the hotel, Wang Yaxin first quietly went back to the house to take a look at the child, and then quickly came to Dong Yiyang's room next door.

At this time, in Dong Yiyang's room, the air conditioner was on, the temperature was just right, the man was sitting at the table in white pajamas, and there were seven or eight snacks on the table, as well as rice wine, beer and other drinks.

The two of them gathered around the table, and Wang Yaxin said: "Rice wine still needs to be warmed to taste!" ”

Dong Yiyang was a little embarrassed at this moment, he looked left and right and didn't find a container suitable for warm wine, and the man smiled awkwardly: "Warm wine? ”

Wang Yaxin is Bingxue smart, she stood up and poured the rice wine into the electric kettle, heated it slightly, and the sour aroma of wine filled the whole room.

The woman clapped her hands happily and smiled: "That's it, it's good!" ”

Dong Yiyang rarely drinks rice wine, today is because Wang Yaxin feels a little cold, and rice wine is also an authentic local specialty, so he has the idea of trying it.

The last time he drank rice wine was with Li Jing, chairman of Taizhou New Media Company, and when he thought of Li Jing, somehow, the man's heart had a little strange emotion.

"Thank you Yiyang, you are willing to accompany me here," Wang Yaxin said solemnly as she picked up the paper cup that poured half a glass of rice wine.

Dong Yiyang smiled: "Thank you for giving me such a good opportunity to accompany you to such a good place." ”

Hearing the words in Dong Yiyang's words, Wang Yaxin's heart fluttered, and a touch of red glow appeared on her face, and under the soft lighting, it looked even more moving......

In the years when I was the secretary of the leadership (172), spring came, and the season came

Since returning to Kyoto, Xu Xiaodong has been promoting investment projects in the medicinal and liquor industry, and after placing Meng Tiantian in an apartment, he took measures to ignore it.

Meng Tiantian is also happy to be idle, although she has a skin-to-skin relationship with Xu Xiaodong, but I am afraid that ten hands of Meng Tiantian who have a skin-to-skin relationship can't be counted, and women don't care so much.

However, as soon as Meng Tiantian logged in today, he found that the popularity of the live broadcast room skyrocketed, and the highest number of online users reached a record-breaking 200,000.

After reading the comments of netizens, Meng Tiantian knew that she had been officially announced as her new girlfriend by Xu Xiaodong.

Although it seems to women that it is just an agreement, there is still a little expectation in their hearts, after all, what woman doesn't want to have her own Prince Charming?

After getting off the air, Meng Tiantian stared at the live broadcast equipment in a daze: "Meng Tiantian, Meng Tiantian, you are just a dusty woman, don't do any spring and autumn dreams!" ”

At this time, Meng Tiantian's mobile phone rang, she has a lot of calls these days, some teachers from Taizhou College, asking why she didn't come to class, more classmates, especially those little sisters.

In Taizhou College, there are several little sisters who are engaged in the same livelihood as Meng Tiantian, in this era of laughing at poverty and not prostitution, they not only do not shy away from it, but sometimes introduce the generous financiers to each other.

Of course, this kind of information is spread among their little sisters, and it is still very confidential to the outside world, after all, the impact on themselves is too bad, and even a few sisters have boyfriends.

Meng Tiantian is different from them, she doesn't believe in love, she only believes in money, she lost her father since she was a child, and her mother basically doesn't care much about her after she remarries.

Fortunately, her stepfather treated her well, and the family was relatively peaceful, until she had a boyfriend in high school and secretly tasted the forbidden fruit, and her stepfather found out about it, and was furious and scolded her several times.

At first, Meng Tiantian was still a little grateful, feeling that her stepfather was really good to her, so she finally broke off contact with her boyfriend, studied hard for a while, and was finally admitted to Taizhou College in Erben.

But the truth is very cruel, so cruel that when she woke up the day after receiving the college entrance examination notice, Meng Tiantian found her stepfather sleeping in her bed.

That day, because of happiness, Meng Tiantian was allowed to drink a few more glasses of wine, and woke up groggily, only to find that his stepfather, who thought he was good, was a well-dressed beast in his bones.

The reason why he was so angry was because he had a boyfriend and moved his stepfather's "cheese"?

Meng Tiantian almost collapsed, but what made her even more devastated was that her mother actually asked the reason, directly believed the reason why her stepfather was seduced, and scolded her.

Mother scolded: "You little prodigal hoof, like your own father and a bear, even your stepfather seduces, are you still not human?" ”

Originally, Meng Tiantian was still full of tears, but she was scolded and scolded by her mother, but she laughed instead, she didn't say a word, but she was thinking in her heart: "Seduce him?" What am I trying to figure out how old he is? ”

In the end, in the midst of her mother's reproach and her stepfather's unfinished eyes, Meng Tiantian packed her clothes, turned around and left the house.

In that summer, Meng Tiantian was a college student who was envied in the eyes of social people, and the society really taught her a lesson: "Family affection is unpredictable, and people's hearts are sinister."

Fortunately, her mother had already given her the first year's tuition before, and in the face of unsettled living expenses, Meng Tiantian did not choose to bow to her mother and the beast, but chose to bow to life and became a side-rubbing anchor, and also began to take over some "lists" of the eldest brother.

This kind of life is very despicable, but it does give her the capital to "take off her clothes to make money, put on clothes and be a man", until she met Xu Xiaodong this time.

Originally, two people who fell in love and never saw each other again were forced to become boyfriend and girlfriend because of a sudden catch incident.

As long as the two people are boyfriend and girlfriend, even if the previous thing is exposed, it will only be regarded as an oolong, and no one can continue to dig into the hidden secrets.

And now it is her "oolong boyfriend" Xu Xiaodong who is calling Meng Tiantian.

Xu Xiaodong said coldly on the phone: "The contract said that you are not allowed to broadcast for a month, don't step on my bottom line!" A month later, I will send you back to Taizhou, and by the way, the official announcement of the breakup! ”

Meng Tiantian also said indifferently: "I didn't plan to broadcast live today, I just went on the number and replied to the fans' concerns!" ”

"Fan concerns?" Xu Xiaodong said jokingly: "I'm afraid fans want to pass your level more, right?" ”

The woman was a little angry, but at this time she heard Xu Xiaodong say faintly: "After returning to Taizhou, don't do this anymore, don't even be an anchor, my father has agreed to invest in the project of Taizhou medicine and wine, and when the time comes, I will give you an agency, and you can open a store and live a good life!" ”

Hearing this, Meng Tiantian was stunned, and thought to herself: "This Lord Xu, in addition to Huaxin, seems to be good......

In the years when I was the secretary of the leadership (172), spring came, and the season came

The new mayor Xu Danmao has been proud recently, and several major projects led by him have been implemented successively, and the development of the entire city of Taizhou is thriving.

Although in the project, the Western New Town, medicine and liquor investment and other projects are the credit of Chen Zhengde, but it is he who is the mayor who is really in charge, and it is also the mayor who makes the big guy earn real money.

For example, Liu Xihu in front of him is one of the bosses who has made real money.

Xu Danmao saw the interior of the brilliant "Red Roof" in front of him, frowned and said: "Xihu, I won't come to this kind of place in the future, the location in the city center is too conspicuous!" ”

Feeling Xu Danmao's displeasure, Liu Xihu smiled and said: "Remember the leader's words, the Longfeng Villa in the west is being renovated recently, and we can go there to discuss things in the future!" ”

Xu Danmao's brows stretched slightly, and asked, "Is it reliable?" ”

Liu Xihu stood behind Xu Danmao and said softly: "The actual boss is Fu Yuan, and I still have a little stake in it!" ”

Xu Danmao nodded, and under the guidance of Liu Xihu, he went up to the second floor of the red roof, Liu Xihu said as he walked: "Leader, this time I found three beautiful girls, see if they fit the leader's taste!" ”

Xu Danmao's eyes lit up, and then he said, "No need, let's eat first."

"Otherwise, when you eat, call the two of you to come over and have a look," Liu Xihu said tentatively.

This time, Xu Danmao didn't speak, just nodded......

Recently, some fans dislike the update is too slow, and now it's no problem to write a chapter, but it's a bit difficult to send it out. Forget it, don't complain, if you like it, support it a lot!

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