
No matter who you are, you can't look at your phone at these 4 points in time, it's not superstition, you know?

author:Yishui release

Friends who often play with mobile phones, you should pay attention! I don't recommend everyone to play with their phones during the following time periods. This is not superstition, but has a scientific basis. So what are the time periods? Let's find out.

No matter who you are, you can't look at your phone at these 4 points in time, it's not superstition, you know?

The first time period is before going to bed. Many people lie in bed and play with their phones after dinner, whether it's watching videos or playing games, it will make us addicted and it will make us excited. In this way, when we play with our mobile phones, we will play late and affect our rest. The next day I go to work, I feel low on my energy. At night, after the lights in the bedroom are turned off, playing with mobile phones is very harmful to eyesight.

If you wear a little beauty, a handsome guy or glasses, isn't it particularly ugly. At the same time, when you sleep at night, don't put your phone next to your pillow. Because the mobile phone is connected to the Internet, the sudden ringing at night will scare us and affect sleep.

No matter who you are, you can't look at your phone at these 4 points in time, it's not superstition, you know?

The second time period is at mealtime. Especially in the cold winter, the food on the dinner table cools relatively quickly. Eating while playing with our phones, when we see wonderful content, it will be distracted and affect our eating. Eating cold meals often is also not good for our spleen and stomach. While eating, we also use our hands to reach for some food. There are a lot of bacteria on mobile phones, which can spread these bacteria to food. Eating like this for a long time is also not good for your health.

No matter who you are, you can't look at your phone at these 4 points in time, it's not superstition, you know?

The third time period is when you go to the toilet. Whether it's a large or small one, something that could have been solved in 5 minutes. I went to the toilet while playing with my mobile phone, but it took 20 minutes or half an hour to come out. By the time you stand up, your legs are numb. It is also possible that the mobile phone accidentally fell into the toilet during the toilet process, and the bathroom is relatively humid and smelly, and it is often not good for our body to be in this environment.

No matter who you are, you can't look at your phone at these 4 points in time, it's not superstition, you know?

The fourth time period is when walking. Don't play with your phone while walking, riding an electric car, or driving. Are there fewer traffic accidents due to playing with mobile phones? There are too many situations in the pit while playing with mobile phones, walking, walking, hitting telephone poles, or stepping on empty pits, if you accidentally fall or something happens, not only the mobile phone is broken, but also easy to bruise, it is very unsafe, and it is harmful to health and property, in order to avoid this kind of thing, try not to play with your mobile phone when walking.

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