
Why did the asphalt road stick to the feet in the summer before? And now the asphalt road is basically gone

author:Yishui release

Why did asphalt roads that used to feel sticky when they weren't like that anymore? At that time, asphalt roads were the main road for people to travel, but at that time, there was a common problem that walking on them would feel very sticky and sound like prickly and prickly. With the development of society, we are now almost no longer facing this problem.

So, why is that? Today, we will analyze in detail the historical development of asphalt roads, why asphalt roads used to feel sticky, but now they are no longer so.

Why did the asphalt road stick to the feet in the summer before? And now the asphalt road is basically gone

First, let's learn a little about the history of asphalt roads. Asphalt roads, also known as asphalt roads, are said to have originated in ancient Roman times. At that time, it was characterized by its durability and low cost, and became the main road for urban construction.

However, people at the time were not aware of the problem of sticky feet. Until the eighties and nineties of the last century, asphalt roads were fully popularized in various regions, providing convenience for people's travel, but also making everyone begin to pay attention to the problem of sticky feet. Although it has caused some troubles, these problems are not worth mentioning compared to the convenience of transportation.

Why did the asphalt road stick to the feet in the summer before? And now the asphalt road is basically gone

So, why do asphalt roads feel sticky to your feet? This is mainly because the raw materials and construction techniques at that time were significantly different from today. In the eighties and nineties, the main raw material of asphalt roads was the residue of petroleum refining, which contained a large amount of asphalt. Bitumen is a substance with strong viscosity. When people walk on asphalt roads, asphalt adheres to the soles of their shoes, creating sticky feet.

In addition, the asphalt road at that time was laid with thick asphalt in order to increase the solidity of the road during the construction process. When people walk on it, the contact area between the sole of the shoe and the asphalt increases, which also exacerbates the phenomenon of sticky feet.

Why did the asphalt road stick to the feet in the summer before? And now the asphalt road is basically gone

And what is the reason why asphalt roads no longer feel sticky? This is because after years of technological innovation, this problem has been effectively solved. First of all, the current asphalt road mainly uses polymer as raw material, which not only has the advantages of high strength, heat resistance and wear resistance.

Why did the asphalt road stick to the feet in the summer before? And now the asphalt road is basically gone

What's more, the polymer does not adhere easily to the sole of the shoe, so it does not stick to the foot. At the same time, now the asphalt road adopts a more refined technological process in the construction process, which greatly improves the flatness and wear resistance of the asphalt road, reduces the friction between the road surface and the sole, and reduces the possibility of sticking feet.

Why did the asphalt road stick to the feet in the summer before? And now the asphalt road is basically gone

To sum up, from the problem of sticky feet in the eighties and nineties to the current phenomenon of non-sticky feet, asphalt roads have undergone great changes. Not only the raw materials have been upgraded and improved, but the construction technology has also been greatly improved. These measures not only solve the problem of sticky feet, but also improve the aesthetics and performance of the road, fully reflecting the convenience and comfort brought by technology.

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