
Weicheng Federation of Trade Unions: "Three Focuses" fully release the potential of employees to innovate and create efficiency

author:Tancheng Condenser

Weicheng District Federation of Trade Unions

"Solution thinking" with good innovation, daring to break through and seeking practical results

Actively promote employee innovation and efficiency

The construction covers targeted cultivation, enriching carriers, and transforming achievements

Three modules of employee innovation and efficiency service system

Use the "trade union chain" to connect the "innovation chain"

Serve the "industrial chain" with the "innovation chain"

Maximize the potential of employees to innovate and create efficiency

Weicheng Federation of Trade Unions: "Three Focuses" fully release the potential of employees to innovate and create efficiency
Weicheng Federation of Trade Unions: "Three Focuses" fully release the potential of employees to innovate and create efficiency

Focus on targeted cultivation and open up the "fast lane" for growth and success

Weicheng Federation of Trade Unions: "Three Focuses" fully release the potential of employees to innovate and create efficiency

Innovate the multi-party linkage mechanism of vocational colleges, model workers and craftsmen, and industry enterprises, gather the resources of trade unions, colleges, enterprises, and model workers, and establish Weicheng District Model Worker Craftsman College in Weifang Technician College, build an integrated platform for production, education and research, and cultivate professional and skilled talents according to the needs of enterprises and the urgency of the industry, and create a training model of school-enterprise joint training and integration of engineering and learning. Improve and improve the cultivation system of "craftsmen and apprentices", and include more than 200 model workers and craftsmen in the region into the mentor pool, and the apprentices will implement "two-way selection" with the mentor according to the professional expertise of the model worker craftsman, their own position, and enhance the superposition effect of talent cultivation "with ten belts and ten with hundreds".

Focus on rich carriers and activate the "strong engine" of skilled talents

Weicheng Federation of Trade Unions: "Three Focuses" fully release the potential of employees to innovate and create efficiency

Since last year, more than 90 skill competitions have been organized and carried out in various industries, driving all kinds of craftsmen to learn and practice in competitions, and amplifying the labor value of craftsmen. Focusing on enhancing the supply capacity of skills training, relying on platforms such as model workers (craftsmen) innovation studios and workers' pioneer parks, offline to carry out service activities of model workers and craftsmen "sending technology into enterprises" and "sending skills into villages", model workers and craftsmen at all levels led front-line workers to complete more than 600 technological innovations, promoted the application of more than 80 new technologies, and drove more than 20,000 people to learn skills and improve skills.

Focus on the transformation of achievements and cultivate "new kinetic energy" for innovation and development

Weicheng Federation of Trade Unions: "Three Focuses" fully release the potential of employees to innovate and create efficiency

Implement the "improvement is innovation" employee innovation and efficiency project, relying on Weifang Handmade Museum, Weifang Technician College and other employee innovation and efficiency practice bases, and launch services such as technical guidance, achievement display and promotion, and application transformation, so as to promote the docking of supply and demand of innovation achievements. Organize enterprises to participate in the exhibition and promotion of employees' innovation and efficiency achievements, and make full use of achievement sharing platforms such as the "Front-line Workers' Innovation Achievement Incubation and Transformation Project Library" to break the barriers of industry and enterprise boundaries and open up the "last mile" of achievement transformation and application. For example, with the support of the District Federation of Trade Unions, Dayang Parking Co., Ltd. has built an innovation ecological chain of "achievement-transformation-benefit-achievement", providing services such as docking of innovation achievements, contract and transformation, and effectively improving the service ability of the whole chain of technological innovation achievements.