
Can you still eat watermelon overnight?

author:Karakawa Fusions

Saying goes

"Eat flowers in spring, melons in summer"

It's summer

Watermelon is a favorite fruit to quench your thirst

Can you still eat watermelon overnight?

Source: soogif

Someone will buy a small cut of watermelon

There are also some people who put the watermelon they can't eat enough in the refrigerator for preservation

Eat the next meal or the next day


"A piece of overnight watermelon causes intestinal necrosis"

"Eating watermelon overnight and getting gastroenteritis"

"Hundreds of millions of bacteria in overnight watermelons"

and other news are not uncommon


Is an overnight watermelon a watermelon that has been left out overnight?

Can you eat watermelon overnight?

Can you still eat watermelon overnight?

Source: Internet

Can you still eat watermelon overnight?

How to understand overnight food

Overnight food isn't just leftovers from the day and left over for the next day. Foods that have been left out for more than 8~10 hours are classified as overnight foods.

If you cut the watermelon at 10 a.m. and eat it again at 8 p.m., although it has not been overnight, but it has been left for more than 10 hours, it is also considered an "overnight" watermelon.

Whether the watermelon can be eaten overnight or not depends mainly on whether the knife and the membrane covering the watermelon are clean, whether it is refrigerated in time after cutting, whether there is cross-contamination in the refrigerator, and how long it is stored.

Can you still eat watermelon overnight?

Here are a few things to keep in mind when enjoying watermelon

Everyone who enjoys watermelon in summer should pay attention to reasonable and scientific handling and storage.

If you want to balance health and deliciousness when eating melons, you should pay attention to the following points:

Can you still eat watermelon overnight?

Source: Henan CDC

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