
The grid staff gave an early warning in time, and 18 people were successfully evacuated

author:Yunyang micro release

Affected by recent heavy rainfall

On the morning of June 27

Yunyang County Ping'an Town, Liangao Village, 12 groups of old forest slope geological landslide points

Slope landslides occur

Due to the timely detection of the gridders

And quickly organize the evacuation of the masses

There were no casualties

The grid staff gave an early warning in time, and 18 people were successfully evacuated
The grid staff gave an early warning in time, and 18 people were successfully evacuated
The grid staff gave an early warning in time, and 18 people were successfully evacuated

Around 6 a.m. on June 27

The grid members of the 12 groups of old forest slope geological landslide points in Liangao Village, Ping'an Town, Yunyang County, heard it during the inspection

There is an abnormal sound on the slope of the geological landslide point of the old forest slope

Immediately afterwards, he reported to the party committee and government by telephone

After receiving the report, the relevant departments of Yunyang County immediately rushed to the scene to deal with it

The grid staff quickly organized the safe transfer of 18 people from 9 nearby households

The grid staff gave an early warning in time, and 18 people were successfully evacuated

"I inspected here and saw that the cracks on the highway were gradually increasing and deforming, and I immediately reported the danger to the Ping An Party Committee and Government." Li Xuyin, a grid member of Liangao Village, Ping'an Town, told reporters that at about half past 10 o'clock, there was a "boom" and the highway collapsed.

The grid staff gave an early warning in time, and 18 people were successfully evacuated

June 28th

The reporter saw it at the landslide site

Landslides cause trees to fall down

Cracks and collapses appeared in many places on the road below

Disruption of construction traffic

The grid staff gave an early warning in time, and 18 people were successfully evacuated

"We used drones to carry out surveys and delineate dangerous areas, and arranged special personnel to be on duty at both ends of the dangerous road section." Li Bo, senior engineer of Chongqing 208 Institute of Geological Environment, introduced that the entire range of the Laolinpo landslide is more than 900 meters long, about 600 meters wide, and the volume of the entire landslide is about 1.2 million cubic meters, which belongs to a large landslide.

The grid staff gave an early warning in time, and 18 people were successfully evacuated

Li Bo said that they will take a detailed survey of the landslide site in the future, and after the survey, they will make a detailed design plan and carry out engineering management according to the priority of the area. At present, there is a risk of continued collapse of the dangerous rocks at the landslide site of Laolinpo. The relevant departments of Yunyang County have closed the road and prohibited personnel and vehicles from passing until the danger is lifted.

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